- 网络golden card project

The Golden Card Project and Standardization
With the gradual development of national golden card project , major domestic banks begin to bring out large amount of financial IC cards .
DES , as the normally used password algorithm , is widely used in electronic engineering .
Combining logic encryption card for children immunity and inoculability with COS for social security is meaningful to improve the using rate of smart card and Information resource .
IPSec was implemented on a Sports IC system in VPN environment for the first time , and it 's of great benefit to 2008 digital Olympiad and the other IC projects .
In accordance with the reliability issues of the EEPROM cells that are used in the IC Card , this paper describes the hardware and software of the test system , which is developed to test and analyze the programming windows of the cells .
With the continuous and increasing development of the construction of the " gold-card project ", various c ard-base application system projects grow vigorously .
IC card is the dominant technology in " Project of Financial Card " . Its security is better than other cards such as magnetic card .
With rapid progress of the national series gold card project , computerize financial series and traffic smart card . the demand of charge regime without cash ( Electronic Payments ) was on the schedule .
With the development of our country 's ' Gold Card ' project , Smart IC card must become a central carrier and tool of electronic information in place of magcard which used widely at present .
Among those internal factors are the low customer satisfaction , the out-of-date management system of banking cards division , the underdeveloped markets of cards users and business partners engaged , and problems in " golden Cards Project " .
In 1993 , the nation started with " gold " word engineering for representative of important engineering item that a series of information turn , particularly is " gold card engineering ", promoted our country whole a developments for social information turning progress greatly .
Recently , with the rapid growth of international card operations and emergency of new financial services , especially the execution of the National Golden Card Engineering , banks ' retail network based on traditional service conceptions becomes more and more difficult to meet the new requirements .