
  1. 据瑞银(UBS)统计,如果算入日本游客的海外购物,爱马仕和宝格丽等一些品牌的收入中,日本所占比重几乎提高了一倍。

    Include Japanese tourists shopping overseas and the figure almost doubles for some brands like Hermes and Bulgari , according to UBS .

  2. 路易威登下滑的人气也反映在到海外购物的中国游客身上。

    The dwindling popularity of LV also shows up among Chinese travellers making purchases overseas .

  3. 为了对抗海外购物热,许多国内公司努力提高它们的制造标准。

    To combat the trend of buying abroad , many local companies strive to improve their manufacturing standards .

  4. 富人们也不反对便宜货,尽管他们更有可能前往海外购物。

    Nor are the rich averse to a bargain , though their shopping is more likely to be done overseas .

  5. 监管障碍以及很多出手阔绰的印度富豪可以在海外购物,这些都常常使得奢侈品牌为在印度赚钱而叫苦不迭。

    These regulatory hurdles â 'and the option many jet-setting wealthy Indians have of shopping abroad means luxury brands often struggle to make a profit in India .

  6. 曾几何时,路易威登销售额的很大一部分来自日本,如今,该集团将目光瞄准了中国人。与当初的日本人一样,这不仅包括在国内市场购物的中国人,还包括在海外购物的中国人。

    Louis Vuitton , which once had a significant proportion of its sales in Japan , now has its sights trained on the Chinese , both in the domestic market and , as with the Japanese before them , when shopping abroad .

  7. 许多中国人赴海外旅游就是为了购物,因为加上税后奢侈品在中国的售价会比海外高出30%到50%。

    Many Chinese tourists plan their travel specifically with shopping in mind , as taxes on luxury goods boost price tags by 30 % to 50 % in China .