
  • 网络Crossover Marketing
  1. 第四部分是X石油公司加油站营销模式设计,对基于跨界营销的加油站营销模式设计的依据、要达成的目标、思路和框架进行了介绍。

    The fourth part is the X oil company gas station marketing mode design , based on the crossover marketing of gas station . marketing mode design basis , to reach the goal , framework is introduced .

  2. 第一部分是导论,介绍研究的背景和意义,界定了跨界营销的概念。

    The first part is the introduction , introducing the research background and significance , define the crossover marketing conception .

  3. 第五部分是跨界营销模式的实施,对实施的保证条件进行了初步探讨。

    The fifth part is the crossover marketing pattern implementation , on the implementation of the guarantee condition undertook preliminary discuss .

  4. 第三部分对快乐购的营销战略进行了分析,从规模效应、虚实结合、跨界经营以及感情营销等四个方面进行详细阐释。

    The third part analyzes marketing strategy of the Happy Go , from the four aspects , the scale , combination of virtual and physical , cross-border management , and emotional marketing .