
  • 网络Financial logistics;Finance Logistics;Financing Logistics;Logistics Finance
  1. 金融物流作为一种新兴的金融创新产品,正在形成巨大的市场需求。

    Logistics finance is now being required by market as a emerging financial product .

  2. 我国金融物流模式探析

    The Analysis of China Finance Logistics Model

  3. 保税货物开展金融物流业务模式研究

    Research on Financial Logistics Business Mode of Bonded Goods

  4. 如何对物流融资担保进行法律规制,并在法律上对金融物流服务提供有益支撑,是目前亟待研究的课题。

    But the research of the legal regulation on logistics financing security is little now in China .

  5. 运用经济学的基本理论对金融物流进行初步研究探讨。指出信用是物流金融业务运作的基础,并就物流金融服务的整合提出了建议。

    The paper tries to use the economics principle to make a primary study and discussion on logistics finance .

  6. 最后,本文总结了中国金融物流服务开展的现状以及今后发展的瓶颈所在,希望对国内第三方物流企业有所启示。

    At last , this article concluded the actuality of financial logistics services in China and the bottlenecks of next steps .

  7. 本文提出的金融物流信息化平台对我国现代物流业的发展有较强的示范意义。

    In this paper , the financial logistics information platform on the development of modern logistics industry has a strong demonstration of significance .

  8. 提出了金融物流概念和发展背景,探讨了金融物流多种运作模式和方案,并分析了实现金融物流服务应考虑的风险问题。

    The paper puts forward the concept and background of finance logistics , discusses some kinds of operational modes and analyzes the risk of finance logistics .

  9. 本文从金融物流的概念出发,分析了第三方物流企业提供金融物流服务的重要性,提出开展金融物流是现代物流发展的迫切要求;

    This article emphasized on analyzing the concept of " Financial Logistics " and the importance of providing this kind of service for those national 3PL companies .

  10. 金融物流,即包括金融服务功能的物流服务,主要指在供应链中,第三方物流企业提供的一种金融与物流集成式的创新服务。

    Financial logistics is the logistics services include the function of financial , which mainly referring to a third party logistics enterprises with innovative financial services and logistics in the supply chain .

  11. CEPA条件下香港金融和物流业发展新趋势&兼论加快中国现代服务业全面发展的对策

    The New Development Trend of Hongkong 's Financial and Logistic Industry Under CEPA

  12. 金融票据物流网络配送站选址方法研究

    Study on how to Locate Financial Bill Logistics Network Distribution Station

  13. 现代金融与物流业的协同发展

    Study on the Coordinated Development of Modern Finance and Logistics

  14. 旅游、金融、物流等现代服务业蓬勃发展。

    Development of modern service industries such as tourism , banking and distribution was accelerated .

  15. 传统有线网络中的发布/订阅系统的研究相对比较成熟,在金融、物流等领域广泛应用。

    The static network P / S system has been well-studied and widely applied in finance , logistics , and so on .

  16. 确定以房地产业、服务产业、商贸业、旅游、教育、金融、物流为产业发展方向和重点。

    4 , To emphases developing estate , service , trade , tourism , education , finance , goods transport as the key industry .

  17. 逆向供应链金融处于物流、逆向供应链管理、协作和金融的交叉,是一种兼顾金融和运营的协调模式。

    Reverse supply chain finance , is located in the cross of logistics , reverse supply chain management , collaboration and finance , and which is both a financial and operational coordination mode .

  18. 大量的企业纷纷上马信息化项目,所涉及的行业从大型装备制造业、化工、冶金、纺织等制造业,再到金融、物流等服务业。

    A large number of enterprises has working in the information projects , including the large equipment manufacturing industry , chemical industry , metallurgy , textile and other manufacturing industries , even to financial , logistics and other services industries .

  19. 大力发展金融、物流、信息、研发、工业设计、商务、节能环保服务等面向生产的服务业,促进服务业与现代制造业有机融合。

    We will vigorously develop production-oriented service industries , including finance , logistics , information , R & D , industrial design , commerce , energy conservation , and environmental protection services , and promote the intimate integration of service industries with modern manufacturing industries .

  20. 在本港多个领域中,金融、物流、旅游和工商业支援服务尤为重要,因为这些行业可以带动其他行业的发展,为经济增长提供动力,以及创造就业机会。

    Of the many sectors in Hong kong , four are of particular importance , namely , financial services , logistics , tourism , and producer and professional services , as they can foster the development of other sectors , give impetus to economic growth , and create employment .

  21. 物流金融是物流与金融相结合的产品,其不仅能提高第三方物流企业的服务能力、经营利润,而且可以协助融资企业拓展融资渠道,降低融资成本,提高资本的使用效率。

    Logistics finance is the combination of logistics and financial products , it can not only improve the third party logistics service capabilities , operating profit , but also can help enterprises to expand the financing channels , reduce financing cost , improve efficiency in the use of capital .

  22. OscarChappel在设计和开发各行各业中基于规则的解决方案方面拥有超过25年的经验,这些行业包括医疗、国防、运输、酒店、保险、金融服务和物流。

    Oscar Chappel has more than 25 years of experience designing and developing rule-based solutions in a variety of industries , including healthcare , defense , transportation , hospitality , insurance , financial services , and logistics .

  23. 基于物流信息平台的金融创新-物流银行

    Logistics Bank & a Financial Innovation Based on Logistics Information Platform

  24. 从产业分布来说,上海业已形成的现代服务集群主要集中在金融业、物流业、商贸业和信息产业;

    Its cluster industries are finance industry , information industry , etc .

  25. 金融危机下物流企业的经营现状与对策

    Management Status and Countermeasures of Logistics Enterprises under Financial Crisis

  26. 试论金融对现代物流业的作用

    Talking on the Function of Finance to the Modern Exchange of Goods

  27. 第三方物流的金融服务创新物流服务在上海融通仓与物流金融服务创新

    Finance , Transportation and Warehouse : Innovative Service Integrating Logistics and Finance

  28. 金融危机下物流企业成本控制问题及对策

    The cost of doing business under the control of the logistics problem and countermeasures Financial crisis

  29. 医疗、教育、金融服务、物流、公用事业和电讯等行业都应该进一步改善。

    Think healthcare , education , financial services , logistics , utilities , and telecom to name a handful .

  30. 当金融机构对物流企业采取爪回条款时,物流企业在一项存货质押业务中获得的收益与金融机构收回贷款的速度同向变动。

    Revenue of logistics enterprise changes in the same direction of the recovering speed of loans when financial institution takes a " Claw-Back " clause .