
  • 网络Formula Method
  1. 本文在完善气举公式法设计的基础上,提出了用PC-1500计算机编制的气举排水采气工艺的设计程序。

    On the basis of perfecting gas-lift formula method design , this paper presents the design program worked out with PC-1500 computer for gas-lift water withdrawal technology in gas production .

  2. 单桩承载力荷载度公式法

    Load Ratio Formula Method of the Bearing Capacity of Single Pile

  3. 导线测量中角度粗差点的两种定位方法&公式法及CAD法

    Two Positioning Method for Gross Error Point in Traverse Survey

  4. 确定CO2最小混相压力的经验公式法

    Experience formula of determining minimum miscible pressure in CO_2 flooding

  5. 对于地下电站高大厂房气流组织的研究目前有三种方法:射流公式法、CFD方法、模型实验法。

    Currently , there are three methods for predicting air distribution in underground hydropower station .

  6. 介绍用公式法,实现国家标准中V带传动额定功率、额定功率增量的推荐数表数据自动检索程序化处理方法。

    Introduces the program processing method for V belt driving rated power and its incremental data as listed in the national standard table .

  7. 管线锚固墩推力计算方法有估算法、公式法和计算机辅助程序计算法三种。苏丹Bamboo输油管线锚固墩的选择证明了这三种计算方法的正确性。

    For anchor block force calculation , there are three methods , i.e. primary estimation , empirical formula equation and computer assistant software .

  8. 在计算雨滴终速时,比较好的计算方法为Beard经验公式法,沙玉清公式(及修正的牛顿公式)法。

    Better formulas calculating raindrop terminal velocity were Beard experience formula , Sha Yuqing formula ( and revised Newton formula ) .

  9. 然后利用实际测量法和理论公式法计算出深圳特区各时间单元的平均时间距离,并用Arcview中的3D分析模块自动生成等时线图。

    Secondly , combining practical survey method and time-resistance mathematic model , the author obtained average time distance from every time-cell to fictitious time center , isotime curve figure ( by Arc view 3D analyze ) and temporal shape .

  10. 在第三章中,为了验证采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA方法和模型的准确性,首先利用工程中的经验公式法与数值分析法进行了对比分析,证明了论文采用数值方法的准确性;

    In order to verify the validity of ANSYS / LS-DYNA , different methods are used to validate the accuracy of the method in the third paragraph ;

  11. 简单介绍一种常规PID控制器的结构、控制规律及设计步骤,并用工程上常用的经验公式法对PID控制器参数进行整定做以说明。

    This article simply introduces the structure , controlling discipline and designing process of the PID controller , and explains the compute of the PID controller 's parameter by experimental formular which is used frequently on engineering .

  12. 提出了一种计算无界声媒质空间中任意形状辐射体辐射声场的新方法&综合Helmholtz积分公式法(SyntheticHelmholtzIntegralEquationFormulation,SHIEF)。

    In this paper , a new method which is SHIEF ( Synthetic Helmholtz Integral Equation Formulation ) for calculating acoustic field radiated by an arbitrary radiator in the unbounded space is presented .

  13. 提出了2种方便实用的概率分析方法,即基于定值安全系数程序的组合参数搜索法和在Excel中运用的矩阵公式法。

    Two approaches were proposed to apply probabilistic analyses in practical soil slope stability . One is parameter combination searching method based on deterministic factor of safety and the other is matrix formulation method used in Excel .

  14. 结果:4例AC和PC处于同一层面的MRI横断面图像上,划线法和公式法标定的靶点坐标值相同;

    Results : When the AC and PC of 4 patients were located on the same slice of MRI axial images , the target coordinates marked with the lineation method were the same as the target coordinates calculated with the formula method .

  15. 通过例题比较表明,用这种方法求取线性系统传递函数非常简便、快速和准确,优于经典控制理论中的方框图等效化简方法和Mason公式法;

    It is very simple , fast and accurate for seeking transfer function linear systems . It is better than block diagram equivalent simplification and Mason formula in classical control theory .

  16. 该方法并不要求相对挥发度为常数,并且能准确计算顶浓,克服了通常所采用的Underwood公式法的缺陷,为多元分批精馏的简捷设计奠定了基础。

    Thus , the method has overcome the shortcomings of Underwood formula , and provides a sound basis for short-cut design of multicomponent batch distillation column .

  17. 方法用MTT法测定5-Fu、MMC单药和联合用药对32例大肠癌患者的体外敏感性,分别以金氏公式法和Isobologram分析法统计其体外拮抗、相加、协同作用的发生率。

    METHODS To test the chemosensitivity of 5-Fu , MMC lonely and their combining in 32 colorectal cancers with MTT method in vitro , then calculate the incidence of synergism , additivity , antagonism with Jin 's formula and Isobologram method .

  18. 目前计算梯形断面明渠临界水深hk的常用方法有试算法、图解法、近似公式法和迭代法,它们存在计算精度不高、求解复杂等缺点。

    The traditional methods for computing critical water depth of open channel with trapezoid section ( h k ) are trial and error method , graphic method , approximate solution method and iteration method , whose shortcomings are rough precision , large computation amount and complex resolving problem .

  19. 并且在利用多项式回归算法的基础上结合GCR基本方法、GCR公式法、UCR方法及本课题中提出的GCR黑色生成曲线法实现了打印机色彩空间转换模型,取得了良好的效果。

    Combining GCR basic method , GCR formula , UCR method and GCR black curve , Twenty-term polynomial regression algorithm has been used for converting output device color space , and have achieved the good result .

  20. 总结了三维观测系统中横向覆盖次数及CDP间隔计算的综合平面图法、坐标法、Z变换公式法,指出了3种方法各自的优、缺点和适用性。

    Using three methods , namely the comprehensive plane diagram method , the coordinate method and the Z ? transform formula method , the authors have summed up the computation technique for the lateral fold number and Common Depth Point distance in the 3 ? D observation system .

  21. 结论5-Fu、MMC联合用药大肠癌体外药敏试验中,金氏公式法可替代烦琐的Isobologram分析法,体外联合药敏试验的结果与临床化疗疗效的相关性有待实践检验。

    CONCLUSION Among the chemosensitivity test of 5-Fu plus MMC in colorectal cancers in vitro , Jin 's formula can substitute for complicated Isobologram method . The relationship of the results of chemosensitivity in vitro with clinical results is to be evaluated .

  22. 文章通过直接状态方程法和热动力学公式法对He的Joule-Thomson系数进行了分析和计算,并在计算结果的基础上,拟合得到了便于工程应用的经验方程。

    In this paper , the calculation and analysis of the Joule-Thomson coefficients of liquid He ⅱ through the equation of state and thermodynamic identity are carried out and an empirical equation is obtained by curve fitting based on the results .

  23. 通过公式法计算出热膨胀系数α和等温压缩系数β与温度和压力的依赖关系,并与由Tait方程计算出的α和β结果进行了比较。

    The thermal expansion coefficient (α) and isothermal compression coefficient (β) of CPP in various temperature and pressure were reckoned . The α and β with the results obtained from Tait equation were compared , employing the same experimental pVT data .

  24. 基于色温的基本理论,对三角垂足插值法、黑体轨迹的Chebyshev法、模拟黑体轨迹弧线法和McCamy近似公式法等四种相关色温计算方法进行了比较分析。

    Based on the principle of color temperature , four typical algorithms were studied for calculating correlated color temperature ( CCT ), triangle perpendicular interpolative method , plank locus Chebyshev method , plank locus arc simulating method , and McCamy ′ s approximate formula .

  25. 系统分析了传统道路坐标计算方法的优缺点,提出了三种整体型通用算法,即级数展开法、复化Simpson公式法、Gauss-Legendre公式法,并将Gauss-Legendre公式法用于系统开发。

    The advantages and shortcomings in the traditional methods for road position calculation are analyzed systematically and three all-purpose methods in integer-type are put forwards , i.e. Progression outspreading , Duplicated Simpson formula and Gauss-Legendre formula , and the Gauss-legendre formula method is utilized in the system development .

  26. 作为对照,原鲍尔公式法,以及国际上常用的其他一些方法包括Stumbo方法,Hayakawa方法,计算机方法等的精确度也作了检验。

    In contrast the accuracy of original Ball 's formula method , and the other methods used frequently in the world including Stumbo 's method , Hayakawa 's method , computer method etc have been examined .

  27. 公式法求大圆始航向的探讨

    Analytical method for determining the initial course of great circle track

  28. 改良公式法计算血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的含量

    A Modified Formula for Calculating Serum Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Values

  29. 逻辑函数公式法化简技巧

    The techniques of the formal method of simplifying logic functions

  30. 用公式法进行复杂系统的特性描述设计

    Design of complex system from behavioural descriptions using formal methods