
fǎn zuò yònɡ lì
  • reacting force;reaction
  1. 通过测试底刀的反作用力来计算不同参数情况下切削功率。

    Though test the reacting force of base blade to calculate the cutting power in different circumstances .

  2. 电磁质量是辐射反作用力变率的另一作用效果。

    The electromagnetic mass is another effect of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force .

  3. 当大多数人想减轻体重时,身体里发出的一些信号会产生反作用力,让我们食欲大增。

    When most people lose weight there are signals in the body that push back , making us want to eat more .

  4. Stewart平台对大型射电望远镜反作用力的研究

    Research on the Resultant Actions of the Stewart Platform of a Large Radio Telescope

  5. 在磁泡材料中作用在BL线和BL串上的动力学反作用力

    The Dynamic Reaction Forces on One BL and A Cluster of BLs in Magnetic Meterials

  6. JRC系统中反作用力的计算

    Calculation of the Reaction Force in JRC System

  7. 当用CAD软件系统设计组合夹具时,通过对夹紧力和定位支承反作用力之间的平衡作出评估,即可判定系统的定位可靠性。

    This paper puts forward the method to verify automatically pinch stability in CAFD . When designing combination fixture with CAD software system , by assessing the balance between clamping force and supporting reaction , systematic location reliability can be judged .

  8. 但是,大公司为保证新命名体系保护他们利益的最后努力带来了更为广泛的反作用力,暴露出了icann内部更为深刻的紧张状态。

    Yet the last-minute efforts by large corporations to ensure the new naming system protects their interests have brought a wider backlash , exposing the deeper tensions inside ICANN .

  9. 磁流体(MHD)推进是一种新型的船舶推进方式。它利用海水中电流和磁场间的相互作用力使海水运动,其反作用力为推力,推进船舶运动。

    As a new type of ship propulsion , AC Magnetohydrodynamic ( MHD ) propulsion apply alternating magnetic field through seawater , then a Lorentz force will act to move the seawater and thus drive the ship to move .

  10. 作用力等于反作用力,这是牛顿第三定律,因此Fij与Fji完全相等,但它们方向相反。

    Actions equals minus reactions , according to Newton 's Third Law , so this force , Fij , will be exactly the same as Fji , except in the opposite direction .

  11. 沿推力作用线分布的作用力与反作用力大小相等、方向相反。

    Axial of thrust Action and reaction are opposite and equal .

  12. 对短跑途中跑着地瞬间地面支撑反作用力的再认识

    Recognition of the Ground Reaction Force When Supported Phase in Sprint

  13. 牛顿认为作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反。

    Newton teaches that action and reaction are equal and opposite .

  14. 任何力都有一个相等大小的反作用力。

    For every action , there is an opposite but equal reaction .

  15. 牛顿说每一个动作都用相同的作用力和反作用力。

    Newton says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction .

  16. 蒸汽排放所产生的反作用力给火箭提供了动力。

    The discharging steam provided the rocket with motive power .

  17. 牵引(效)力,牵引作用,挽力作用力与反作用力大小相等、方向相反。

    Tractive effort Action and reaction are opposite and equal .

  18. 包含自己的推进物并用反作用力推进的装置。

    A device containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion .

  19. 还有一个例子证明作用力,与负反作用力相等。

    That 's another example where you see action equals minus reaction .

  20. 增大地面支撑反作用力有利于重心水平速度的提高。

    Which can improve the horizontal velocity of center of gravity in sprint .

  21. 杆式除草器的土壤反作用力

    The soil reaction forces on the rod - weeder

  22. 用风作为动力的机器。反作用力制动试验台

    A mill that is powered by the wind . reaction type brake tester

  23. 简论音乐听觉训练中的反作用力

    A Tentative Discussion on Counterforce in Music Audition Training

  24. 会成为阻止死神计划的反作用力。

    An opposite reaction that thwarts death 's intent .

  25. 跑的主要动力是体后支撑阶段与人体运动方向相同的支撑反作用力的水平分力;

    The main force of running was counterforce with the same direction of movement .

  26. 反作用力把人造卫星送入轨道。

    Reaction power sends artificial satellites into orbit .

  27. 采用新的结构&尾流反作用力耦合模型分析圆柱结构涡激共振

    Research on vortex-induced vibration of cylinder by using new coupling structure and wake oscillator

  28. 作用力和反作用力做功与参考系的选取

    The working of acting forces and reacting forces and the selection of frames of reference

  29. 垂直土压力的极限最小荷载称为松动土压力,当管片提供的反作用力大于此荷载时,隧道上部土体能够保持稳定。

    The limit minimum load of the vertical soil pressure is called relaxation soil pressure .

  30. 反作用力制动试验台浮动式冲击试验平台

    Reaction type brake tester floating shock platform