- 网络EQUIPMENT;outdoor equipment;outdoor gear

And both spend a lot of money on outdoor gear and apparel .
This outdoor gear would look great next to the condom sleeping bag and pillow .
A vice president of outdoor-gear maker Patagonia , Stanley has been with the company since its launch in 1973 .
Patagonia , the outdoor-gear retailer , will require its employees learn technical skills through Lynda.com in the next six months , says Ceci Saez , global director of organizational development .
I grew up in an affluent area . Most kids owned multiple Cabbage Patch dolls and Gear bags and pairs of Jordache jeans ( not to mention the beloved Atari 2600 ) .
Apparel dominates sales with 44 percent of all outdoor equipment sales .
With outdoor gear sales essentially flat for the past three years , apparel sales contribute to almost all of the industry 's growth .
Thanks to the development of advanced outdoor equipment , traveling to the Arctic is no longer the exclusive right of explorers and scientists .
Adidas is aware that it has to push further in sports gear as well and will invest in more outdoor outlets to sell hiking and rugged wear to China 's more-adventurous consumers .
We like to think that whether you 're walking in Scotland , watching polar bears in the Arctic , or trampling through the rain forest , we have designed an appropriate set of gear .
Alongside them sit high-tech outdoor cooking gear and chilled champagne boxes .
While employees are attracted to employers for different reasons including on-site gyms , annual wine sales and free outdoor camping gear a few must-haves are apparent .
Your review must be about gear that directly relates to backpacking .
This article introduces the basic structure and main function of a new kind of energy saving cooker for outdoor activities .