
  1. 用EVA指标优化供应链战略管理

    The Optimal Managing with the EVA for the Strategy of Supply Chain

  2. 指出建立战略性合作伙伴关系是供应链战略管理的重点,也是集成化供应链管理的核心。

    This paper points out that establishing the strategical cooperative partnership relation is the emphasis of the strategic supply chain management and also is the core of the integrated supply chain management .

  3. 进一步,绩效评价是实施供应链战略管理的重要组成部分,以度量供应链管理在财务、客户服务、前后端的运作活动等方面战略目标的实现情况。

    Moreover , performance evaluation is of much importance to the comprehensive strategic management of Internet-based supply chain , so as to measure the targets set on perspectives of finance , customer service and operation activities .

  4. 本文主要从战略层次论述界面管理,指出界面管理是供应链战略管理的重要手段,分析了界面管理的战略特征和障碍因素,并提出了改善界面状况的措施。

    The article discusses interface management from a strategic view , points out that interface management is an important tool of strategic management , analyzes the strategic characteristics and obstacle factors of interface management , at last puts forward some measures to improve the situation of interface management .

  5. IIPC供应链战略成本管理研究

    A Study on Strategic Cost Management for IIPC Supply Chain

  6. 服装集团的供应链战略与管理(下)

    Supply Chain Strategy and Management of Garment Group ( 2 );

  7. 接下来界定供应链战略成本管理的基本概念,特点与方法体系。

    After that , we define the basic concepts and characteristics of supply chain strategic cost management .

  8. 文章首先从供应链战略与管理集成相结合的领域引出供应链整合的范围与框架:在随后的论述中论述对供应链整合的历程进行分析,并提出供应链整合的新阶段。

    In the first part presented with framework based on the study of SCM strategy and management integration .

  9. 辽宁制造业物流供应链发展战略与管理模式研究

    Research on the Logistics Supply Chain Development Strategy and Management Mode of Manufacturing Industry in Liaoning Province

  10. 基于供应链的战略成本管理绩效评价体系设计

    Appraising the Designing System on the Basis of the Strategic Cost of Management Performance with Supply Chain

  11. 因此,本文提出将战略成本管理的思想引入供应链成本管理。在梳理前人的战略成本管理和企业供应链管理理论的基础上,逐步建立供应链战略成本管理的理论体系。

    Therefore , we intended to bring the theory of strategic cost management into supply chain management , then we gradually form the theory of supply chain strategic cost management on the basis of existing theories stated by predecessors for strategic cost management and supply chain management .

  12. 将供应链管理的竞争优势应用于其原材料供应战略管理;

    Manage the competitive advantage application that the supply chain manage in its original material supply strategy ;

  13. 供应链协作关系形成以后,在战略层次上,本文对供应链战略协同管理作了较详细的论述。

    After formed the SC coordination relationship , in the strategy level , the SC strategic coordination is addressed in detailed .