
  • 网络Supply Planning;Supply Plan
  1. 坚持总量控制,制定合理的土地供应计划;

    Persisting in controlling in total land amount and making rational land supply planning ;

  2. 求解不确定需求的供应计划问题

    Solving Supply Planning Problem under Uncertain Demands

  3. 在新加坡人均GDP只有500美元的上世纪60年代中期,他记得有一项学校食品供应计划,可以让自己和其他孩子一起用一个长柄勺子从桶里舀牛奶喝。

    In the mid-1960s , when its per capita gross domestic product was $ 500 , he remembers a school feeding programme where he drank milk from a pail using a ladle shared with other children .

  4. 城市经营性建设用地需求预测方法与供应计划的制定&以浙江省绍兴市为例

    Urban Commercial Construct Land Demands Forecasting Methods and Supplying Plans Establishment

  5. 我想在供应计划问题上我们有分歧。

    I think I 'm at odds with you over the supplying plan .

  6. 同时,由于问题研究的前提取决于不可预知的市场需求,故供应计划又是一个不确定性的问题。

    It is an uncertain problem owing to the random and variable market demands .

  7. 一个物资供应计划决策支持系统应急物资保障计划辅助决策模型

    A DSS for Material Supply Planning Aided Decision Model of Supporting Plan for Emergency Material

  8. 在比较两个个体之间的优劣时,本文根据供应计划问题优化的目标,提出了一种向量适应值的比较策略。

    When Comparing two individuals , the author proposed a policy which compared vector fitness .

  9. 物资供应计划申报系统的设计

    Design of Material Supplies Plan Declaration System

  10. 只剩最后一批了的供应计划。

    A program with a sunset provision .

  11. 总和供应计划是基于产品族的月份计划,由整合的企业管理流程审核通过。

    Aggregate Supply Plan is the monthly supply plan by product family , as authorized through the Integrated Business Management process .

  12. 我们给予海地1千万美元的补充赠款用于食品供应计划,据我了解其他国家也在寻求帮助。

    We are granting an additional $ 10 million to Haiti for feeding programs , and I understand others are looking to help .

  13. 动态管理模型能够本着节约的原则编制资源供应计划,并进行资源使用效果分析,配合进度计划改变资源投入。

    The dynamic management model can workout resource providing plan by saving fundamental , and analyse there effect , assort the plan to change devotion .

  14. 为解决这一问题,许多城市制定并出台了城市土地供应计划,对土地供应实行总量控制。

    In order to solve this problem , many cities formulated and have appeared the urban land supply plan , to control the total quantity of supply land .

  15. 利用随机规划理论,根据企业在制定生产和供应计划时受到的限制,建立了一类多阶段随机规划模型。

    Based on stochastic programming theory , some restricted conditions about production and supply planning are consid-ered . The multi-stage stochastic programming model is established based on that consideration .

  16. 最后,结合年度土地供应计划,运用多因素综合评价法,对土地出让决策进行研究。

    In the end , according to the yearly land supply scheme the paper makes a research on the problem of land selling decision using the multi-factor assessment method .

  17. 分销资源计划主要结局分销物资的供应计划和调度问题,达到保证有效满足市场需求又使得资源配置费用最省的目的。

    Distribution Resources Planning mostly deals with the planning and attempting of supply and demand resources aim to efficiently satisfy the market demand and decrease the scheme charge of resources to the least .

  18. 物资计划管理是对于一个建造行业中企业内部材料物资方面的管理,其主要包括物资申请计划、物资采购计划以及物资供应计划三个方面。

    Material plan management is the management of the enterprise for a construction industry materials and supplies . It mainly consists of three aspects : material applications , material procurement plan and material supply plan .

  19. 调控实现策略需要综合运用市场工具和政府工具,主要包括市场调控、产权管理、土地供应计划、地价管制、收益分配等的配合实施。

    The control implementation strategy requires to integrate market instruments and government tools , mainly including market control , property management , land supply plan , land price control , income distribution should be actualized together .

  20. 在宏观调控中,政府可动用的土地管理方面的政策工具主要有土地供应计划、土地利用规划、土地用途管制、土地价格、土地税收等。

    In the macro-control , the policy tool which the government can put to use mainly include : land supply planning , land use planning , land use controlling , price of land , revenue of land , etc.

  21. 属于计划分配的物资,纳入企业主管部门供应计划,由物资、商业部门或生产企业按合同保证供应;

    The purchase of materials under planned distribution shall be included in the supply plan of the Department in charge of the venture , and the materials or commercial department or the enterprise producing the materials shall ensure the supply according to contracts ;

  22. 该贷款工具将用于加快为粮食安全项目提供资金的速度,包括有条件的现金转帐及学校食品供应计划;并将用于提供种子和化肥,支援食物生产。目前,种子和化肥价格均已大幅提高。

    The facility will be used to speed up the financing of safety net programmes , including conditional cash transfers and school feeding programmes . It will also support food production by supplying seeds and fertiliser , both of which have risen sharply in price .

  23. 进度管理是以现代科学方法确定进度目标,通过把工期目标和任务层层分解,编制合理的进度计划与资源供应计划,进行进度控制,在与其它目标相协调的基础上,实现工期目标。

    Based on the modern scientific methods , schedule management determines the progress of the goals by diversing the goals and tasks into some levels , and then prepares a reasonable schedule and resource supply plan for schedule control and incoordination with the other goals .

  24. FDA希望通过实施该试点计划确定拓展安全供应链计划的实用性。

    The goal of the pilot is to allow FDA to determine the practicality of developing a secure supply chain program .

  25. 第三部分重点论述了供应链计划协调的一般策略,探讨了目前常用的几种协调机制,如信息协调机制、DRP以及APS。

    The three general strategies of supply chain planning coordination mechanism are specifically discussed in chapter three .

  26. 基于CPFR的供应链计划协调机理及实现

    Decentralized Supply Chain Planning Coordination Mechanism

  27. 在案例分析部分以E公司为例,详细阐述其基于建立ERP信息系统的同时论证分析进行业务流程优化的必要性以及方法和步骤,并且选取供应链计划排产业务流程进行持续优化的实例分析。

    In the case of analysis with E company , it describes in detail the information system based on ERP method and steps of the business process optimization , and choosing the supply chain purchasing process analysis examples of continuous optimization .

  28. 最后,提出了一个物流信息平台架构,从WMS、TMS、供应链计划系统和查询系统四个方面进行了具体设计。

    Finally , this paper puts forward a logistics information platform structure , from the WMS , TMS , supply chain planning system and query system on the specific design four aspects .

  29. 供应链计划(SCP)是协调供应链成员的主要管理工具,对于整个供应链密切协作、更好地为客户服务具有重要意义,是供应链管理的核心。

    The Supply Chain Plan ( SCP ) is the main management tool for the coordination of Supply Chain partners . It 's very important to the closer cooperation of partners and better service for customers , and it 's also the core of SCM .

  30. 供应链计划系统的建立有两种思路,一是采用供应链管理系统(SCMS);

    There are two ways to setup a SCP system , one is the application of Supply Chain Management Systems ( SCMS ), and the other is the application of Advanced Planning and Scheduling System ( APS ) .