
jīnɡ yínɡ fānɡ zhēn
  • Business Policy;management policy
  1. 公司的经营方针和经营范围的重大变化;

    Major changes of a company 's management policy and management scope ;

  2. 经营方针:造就人才队伍,创新品牌价值。

    Management Policy : Great both the Grand value and the excellent staff team .

  3. 在医院,经营方针和病人都是医生所要关心的。

    In hospitals , business plans vie with patients for doctors ' attention

  4. “品质改变视界,ZED创造安全”是ZED坚持推崇的经营方针,同时也是每一位ZED安防事业参与者追求的梦想。

    " Quality change the vision , ZED create the safety " is ZED 'S operating principle of upholding respected , moreover , it is also a pursuing dream of every participants in ZED .

  5. 英国GKN航空航天服务公司表示,其公司的很多采购程序在过去几年内已经有所改变,主要是对应供应商提出的满足经营方针的要求。

    GKN 's Soen said that many of his company 's purchasing processes had changed in the past few years , driven by a need to align its suppliers to its business direction .

  6. 决定公司的经营方针和投资计划

    To decide on the company 's operational policies and investment plans

  7. 东方红林业局森林经营方针与目标探讨

    Discussion on forest management policies and targets in Dongfanghong forestry bureau

  8. 薄利多销!是舜科仪表的经营方针!

    Small profits but quick turnover is our manage policy !

  9. 次生林经营方针和方法的探讨

    Arguments about the managerial policy and method of secondary forest

  10. 我们的经营方针是全身心地投入,让我们的客户满意。

    Our operation guideline is to satisfy the clients by our entire devotion .

  11. 介绍公司沿革、经营方针、工作环境;

    Company history , operation policy , working environment .

  12. 坚定不移的遵循“高质量,低价格”的经营方针。

    Firm to follow : " High-quality , Low price " business approach .

  13. 经营方针:做人做事,信守承诺,求真务实!

    Operating principles : how to get , keep their promises , realistic !

  14. 书店的一名经理表示,全球性的经济危机正在证明其经营方针的优势。

    A bookshop manager says the global economic crisis is proving good for business .

  15. 试论企业集团财务公司的角色定位及其经营方针

    On the Role Orientation of Financial Companies and Enterprise Groups and the Operation Guidelines

  16. 质量方针应当像其他经营方针一样定期进行评审。

    As with other business policies , the quality policy should be periodically reviewed .

  17. (我们必须强化我们的经营方针。)

    We have to enforce our management policies .

  18. 决定合营年度经营方针和计划;

    Deciding an annual management strategy and plan ;

  19. 如何调整城郊农业的经营方针和生产布局;

    Appropriate regulation of the managerial policy of and production arrange-ment in the suburban agriculture ;

  20. 谈质量的内涵与企业经营方针的关系

    A Talk on the Relationship between the Quality Connotation and Management Principle of Enterprise Business Data

  21. 日初工具公司将以全新的经营方针、经营理念与广大客户一起争创新的辉煌。

    We will create new brilliance with vast customers under the updated managing policy and concept .

  22. 经营方针和计划;

    Operational policies and plans ;

  23. 经营方针:以质量取胜,以服务赢得满意、运行取决于专业!

    Business policy : products win by quality , service win by satisfaction , operation depends on specialty !

  24. 指出外贸企业要明确经营方针,提高经营效率;

    It is pointed that the foreign corporations must design their bussiness policy and improve their bussiness efficiency ;

  25. 我们将恪守以“诚信为本”的经营方针,竭力为广大客户创造典雅舒适的工作环境。

    We will insist on showing our good faith , creating a comfortable working environment to our clients .

  26. 我公司本着高质量、高效率、高水平的服务、合理的价格之经营方针。

    In my company a high-quality , high efficiency , high level of service and reasonable price policy .

  27. 本(航空)公司的经营方针是:安全第一,旅客至上,优质服务,树立信誉。

    The guideline of our airlines is safety first , passenger consideration , excellent services , establishment of prestige .

  28. “一切为了用户,一切源于创新”是我公司的经营方针。

    " That everything originates from FOAK for the consumer , everything " is my company 's management principle .

  29. 永远保持“质量第一、客户至上、诚信负责”的经营方针。

    The business policy of keeping first quality and putting customer first responsibly won 't be changed whatever happened .

  30. 南京苏华公司的经营方针是:诚信为本,质量第一。

    The management policy of Nanjing Suhua Company is : " Stand on the Honest , Quality First " .