
  • 网络environmental image
  1. 城市景观概念规划强调塑造可感知的城市环境形象。

    The conceptual planning for urban landscape emphasizes the creation of perceptible environmental image for the city .

  2. 现今,洛杉矶为了改善它的环境形象正鼓励发展商去建设公寓楼。

    These days Los Angeles is trying to improve its environmental image by encouraging developers to build blocks of flats .

  3. 提出了在CI中贯穿“资源、环境形象”设计的一些基本思路。

    This paper propose the basic thinking of penetrating the " environmental and resource image " design in CI .

  4. 上海城市空间环境形象的优化研究

    The Research on the Betterment of Urban Spatial Environment Image in Shanghai

  5. 从城市设计到街区环境形象设计

    From City Design to Street Image Design

  6. 国内外成功的滨水区开发经验告诉我们,滨水区的成长往往伴随着城市功能升级、城市系统的改进,给城市带来全新的环境形象。

    A successful waterfront redevelopment project will improve the city 's quality , public system and landscape .

  7. 而如何改善煤炭企业的环境形象,也是景观规划专业的重要实践内容之一。

    And how to improve coal enterprises'surrounding image is one of the important point for landscape architecture .

  8. 城市生态背景值越高,城市生态环境形象建设与管理的成本就越低。

    The higher urban ecological background values are , the lower cost of developments and management urban ecosystem environment image are .

  9. 从医院服务形象建设、质量形象建设、环境形象建设3方面入手,建立融洽的新型医患关系。

    The author suggested to develop new harmonious physician-patient relationship by creating positive hospital image of medical service , quality and environments .

  10. 公园的环境形象良好、整洁卫生,游人对公园有较强的归属感和易识别性,但设施的配置上稍有不足。

    Visitors in the park have a strong sense of belonging and identification , but the configuration of the facility is not enough .

  11. 文章指出了景观规划师在改善煤炭企业环境形象方面要遵守的四个原则。

    In the end , four principles which should be obeyed by landscape architect to improve the coal enterprises ' surrounding image were pointed out .

  12. 公共导向系统的设计与设置是城市建设现代化的重要特征,是城市的文化氛围和环境形象的重要组成部分。

    The public guidance system is the important characteristic of modernized urban constructions and the important constituent of a city 's cultural atmosphere and environmental image .

  13. 在企业识别系统中贯穿环境形象设计是企业形象塑造的关键。

    This paper propose that basic requirement of the construction of corporate image the " environmental image " penetrating in the design of corporate identity system .

  14. 企业环境形象是指企业的物质环境和精神环境在社会中留下的印象,以及所受到的评价和认同。

    Corporation environment image refers to the impression on public resulting from its material surroundings and immaterial circumstance , and the appraisement and identification from the public .

  15. 校园环境形象承载着人文历史的传承,是学生接受知识的场所,典雅、庄重、朴素、自然应该是其本质特征。

    The university campus carrying the humanistic tradition is the place where students receive knowledge . Elegant , solemn , simple and natural should be its essential character .

  16. 针对目前上海城市空间环境形象建设的现状问题,提出在其优化过程中应贯彻有机整合、以人为本及凸现地方特色三个基本理念;

    Aiming at the problems of urban spatial environment image establishment in status quo Shanghai , this paper proposes three basic ideas of organic rectification , man - centered and local characteristics , and analyses the emphasis of their implementation strategy .

  17. 结果表明:Hopfield网络用于评价水环境质量形象、客观、准确、合理,具有广阔的应用前景。

    The results show that Hopfield network is fit for water quality evaluation .

  18. 通过论述速写对环境艺术形象思维、审美意识、创作活力的培养,说明如何将绘画的艺术规律与审美法则与环境艺术设计结合起来。

    Through the discussion of sketch 's effect on image idea , esthetic sense and creative energy in environmental art , the author of the paper illustrates how to combine the artistic rule and esthetic law in drawing with environmental art design .

  19. Processing的最初目标是开发图形的sketchbook和环境,用来形象地教授计算机科学的基础知识。

    The original goal for Processing was the development of a graphical sketchbook and environment that could be used to teach ( graphically ) the fundamentals of computer science .

  20. 加强精神文明建设,树立良好的环境科研工作形象

    Strengthening the cultural and ideological progress to promote the environmental scientific researches

  21. 有时宠物们会在公共场所随地大小便,这会影响环境和公共形象。

    Sometimes the pets might defecate in public places , which is bad for environment and public image .

  22. 商业卖场环境是企业形象在公共场合的视觉再现,是品牌形象的公开化展现场所。

    Store business environment is a visual representation of the corporate identity and a show place of the brand in the public .

  23. 城市景观与生态环境是城市形象直接的外显。而城市公共设施与历史文化遗产则是城市形象建设的基础。

    City sight and environment are appearance of city , the public establishment and historical cultural legacy are the foundation of city identity building .

  24. 社会经济环境包括社会形象、安全程度、城镇依托条件、旅游形象、价格水平5项;

    Social and economic environment is divided into social image , safety level , backing conditions of the city , tourism image and price level .

  25. 因此城市开放空间对于城市实体环境、城市形象塑造及居民生活环境皆有重要而积极的意义。

    As a result , urban open space has an important and positive meaning on urban substantial environment , portraying of urban image and improving living environment .

  26. 水环境是城市形象的具体体现,是城市规划与建设的一个重要组成部分。

    Water environment of city rivers is the physical evidence of the image of a specific city and is an important part of city plan and construction .

  27. 全球化时代,中国的发展同世界的发展日益紧密地联系起来,国际舆论环境对国家形象构建的影响越来越大。

    The age of globalization , the development of China is more and more close to world and the influence of international public opinion to China is much deeper .

  28. 第二章主要以《百年孤独》为案例,具体从外部环境、人物形象和艺术创作手段来论述魔幻和想象。

    The second chapter takes One Hundred Years of Solitude as an example , and describes the magic and imagination from the external environment , characters and means of artistic creation .

  29. 城市形象不仅仅是建筑加道路的形象,而是以人工美入自然,将城市和建筑融汇到自然环境中的形象。

    The image of the city is not only buildings and streets but also a mix of cities , architecture and natural environment , I e. an artificial beauty merging into nature .

  30. 其目的是要求项目应该在高密度、高强度城市开发中,满足各种城市功能和面积要求的同时,兼顾城市环境和城市形象。

    Especially in high-dense urban area , practice that build to get the city-image and catch the need of function , so as to put forward the direction of central urban space design .