
  1. 环比发展速度分别是518.96%、145.03%及459.28%;

    And development rates of link ratio were 518.96 % ,( 145.03 % ) and 459.28 % respectively ;

  2. 由于采用基期的不同,发展速度可分为同比发展速度、环比发展速度和定基发展速度。

    Differ as a result of what use base period , development speed can be divided mix than development speed to develop speed , link compared to the same period calm base development speed .

  3. 结果:研究地区的剖宫产率从1993年的15.9%上升至2000年的44.4%,平均每年的环比增长速度为15.9%;

    Results : The CS 's trend is upward nearly linearly , from 15 . 9 % in 1993 up to 44 . 4 % in 2000 , the annual average cycle-increase rate is 15.9 % .