
  • 网络Value indicators;KVI;Merit Index
  1. 文中给出了金融产品投资组合模型与优化的不确定环境的构造过程,并引入了目前流行的风险价值指标VaR。

    The paper provided the structure process of financial product investment combination model and optimization under uncertain scenarios , and cited the prevalent index-Value at Risk .

  2. 结论:TBA是反映肝硬化患者侧支循环的有价值指标,也是反映肝细胞损害的敏感性指标之一。

    Conclusion : TBA is not only a valuable index reflecting collateral circulation in cirrhosis patients but also one of sensitive indexes reflecting the damage of liver cell .

  3. VEGF还可作为监测复发及化疗疗效判定的有价值指标,抗血管生成在临床抗EBL治疗中应具有重要作用。

    VEGF might also make a valuable index of recrudesce and treatment of tumor in clinic . The formation of anti-vessels had a important function in clinical treatment of tumor .

  4. 论文以EVA作为衡量公司绩效的价值指标,研究了中国上市公司股权结构与公司价值的关系。本文试图运用管理学知识,从几个方面论述中国网络通信公司的客户关系管理策略。

    The thesis studied the influence factor on the listed company manage share encourage . This article is it uses management knowledge to attempt , expound the fact from several respect China network customer relation , communication of Company manage the tactics .

  5. 再次,从价值指标的角度分析股票市场的反转效应。

    Thirdly , analysis the profit performance from the angle of value index .

  6. 城镇住宅价值指标体系构建

    Build a Value Indicator System for Urban Houses

  7. 社会主义政治文化的创新与发展需要构建一个体现时代精神的先进政治文化的价值指标体系,需要构建政治文化创新与发展的动力机制。

    We must construct a system of advanced socialist political culture for the innovation and development .

  8. 我们还涵盖了顾客层面的指标以进行全面考察,主要包括消费者特性和顾客感知价值指标。

    We also include the aspect of customer indexes which contains consumer character and customer perception to investigate the market comprehensively .

  9. 本例还作了家系调查,认为阳性的家族史可能是白塞氏病诊断的一项有价值指标。

    The authors also dealt with the family investigation which suggested the positive family history may be a valuable indication for its diagnosis .

  10. 其次,结合相关顾客价值指标的研究和可拓学中的蕴含思想,建立顾客价值指标特征模型。

    Secondly , set up characteristics model of customer value indicators combining of relevant studies of customer value indicators and implication idea in Extension Theory .

  11. 随着统计内容的扩展,原来适用于综合评价社会生产规模、速度、结构方面的价值指标方法,已表现出某种局限性。

    The original evaluation method has shown some limitations in social production scale , speed and structure , with the expansion of the statistical content .

  12. 居民体育消费水平的具体测定(调查)指标有4个:体育消费实物指标,体育消费价值指标,体育消费服务指标和体育消费质量指标。

    Four indexes are index of sports consumption goods , index of sports consumption value , index of sports consumption service and index of sports consumption quality .

  13. 顾客价值指标特征模型包括产品质量、产品价格、交货可靠性、柔性、服务质量和信息6个维度。

    Characteristics model of customer value indicators includes six dimensions : product quality , product price , delivery reliability , flexibility , quality of service and information .

  14. 在关键客户价值指标体系构建部分,将理论研究与物流实践相结合,通过归纳分析构建了关键客户价值指标体系,并对相应物流成本进行识别;

    In the following part of the paper , combining academic research with logistics practice sets up the index system , and the corresponding logistics costs are identified too .

  15. 然后在选定可能影响保险公司特许权价值指标的基础上,建立多元线性回归模型,进行面板数据回归分析。

    Then that may affect the insurer in selected indicators of franchise value , based on the establishment of multiple linear regression models , regression analysis of the data .

  16. 针对电力客户的特点和电作为一种商品的特殊性,建立了电力客户价值指标评价体系;

    According to the performance of power customer and the particularity of electricity as a kind of goods , the evaluation system of value index for power customer is established .

  17. 在构建了评价风险企业价值指标体系的基础上,运用灰色模糊关系建立评估数学模型,以对风险企业的投资价值进行科学评判。

    Based on building its index system , to evaluate mathematic model is established by grey fuzzy assessment . Thus , it provides the reasonable method to evaluate venture enterprise value .

  18. 通过分析比较,从泡沫特性出发将衡量北京房地产泡沫大小的指标体系设为:供给类指标、需求类指标、投机价值指标。

    By analyzing and comparing the methods , the index system is determined according to the characteristics of bubble : the supply index , the demand index , and the venture index .

  19. 企业财务预算是反映企业未来一定预算期内预计财务状况、经营成果及现金收支等价值指标的各种预算的总称。

    The Financial Budget of Enterprise ( EBF ) reflects enterprises budget of a certain prospective period which includes such value indications as financial situations , management achievements , cashing in and cashing out etc.

  20. 第三章确立了国有银行顾客感知价值指标体系的构建原则,并选取初步指标构建了指标体系的基本框架,并对国有银行的顾客感知价值指标进行细分。

    Then it will establish the index of state-owned bank customer perceptive value , and select indicators of index to construct the basic framework , then subdivide customer perceptive value index of the state-owned Banks .

  21. 然后对这些指标进行重要性分析,得到对移动通信运营企业顾客满意影响较大的顾客价值指标,并最终建立起移动通信运营企业顾客满意度测评的三级指标体系。

    Analysis of the importance of these indicators , received customer value indicators which have significant impact customer satisfaction , and ultimately establish a three-level customer satisfaction measurement index system of the mobile communication operation enterprises .

  22. 本文通过对客户价值指标加权评定和客户终身价值比较来确定通信企业的价值客户,为企业认识客户提供更为有效的途径。

    This text , through evaluating and confirming the value customer of communication enterprises to customer value index weighting and compared with customer lifetime value , offer more effective way for knowing the customer in enterprises .

  23. 生态服务功能价值指标健康标准主要用直接价值和间接价值两个部分来反映,并以雾灵山森林单位面积总价值为标准。

    On ecosystem service value index healthy standard , the paper has chosen the direct value and the indirect value to take the expression forest health , and take the value of each hectare in Wuling Mountain as standard .

  24. 卷烟制造业作为我国的利税大户,现行的以设备定期检修为主的制度已不能满足可靠性和成本管理的需要,在制定合理的检修策略时缺乏必要的价值指标。

    Cigarette manufacturing industry as a big profit and tax of our country , the current periodic maintenance of equipment-based system can not meet the needs of reliability and cost management , maintenance strategy in the development of a reasonable value of the lack of the necessary indicators .

  25. 建立以资产质量、安全、效率、贡献为核心指标,以相对指标和价值指标为主体,核心指标统一、辅助指标分类设置的绩效评价指标体系是公共部门资产绩效评价的基本思路。

    It is the basic idea of the asset performance evaluation in public institution to build the target system of performance evaluation based on core targets of quality , safety , efficiency and contribution , relative targets and value targets as subject , identical core targets and categorized subsidiary targets .

  26. 睡眠纺锤和K综合波可能成为评价个体对新环境适应能力的很有价值的指标。

    The density of sleep spindle and K-complex might be very useful in evaluating the ability .

  27. 对影响预后的多个指标进行Cox回归分析,筛选有预后价值的指标。

    The indexes affecting the prognosis of TCCB were analysed using Cox regression model .

  28. 我国CBA职业篮球俱乐部商誉价值评价指标体系的研究

    Evaluation Index System for Goodwill of CBA Professional Basketball Clubs in China

  29. 作为一个价值衡量指标,EVA可以被引入激励合同,作为经理人考核的标准。

    EVA can be used in the contract as a value evaluation metric and play a role to be a manager-examining standard .

  30. PCNA、P53和Survivin蛋白可作为判断胃异型增生上皮并肠上皮化生生物学行为有价值的指标。

    PCNA , P53 protein , and Survivin may be valuable markers in assessing biological behavior of gastric epithelial dysplasia with intestinal metaplasia .