
jué dìnɡ xì shù
  • coefficient of determination
  1. 采用关联指数(IC)和决定系数(CD)两种方法,度量混合线性模型遗传评估下猪群体间的遗传关联性。

    Two criteria for the measures of genetic connectedness in mixed linear model of genetic evaluation are used : the degree of connectedness ( IC ) and the generalized coefficient of determination ( CD ) .

  2. 基础状态和充血状态的平均冠脉阻抗和一次谐波冠脉阻抗的决定系数(r2)均大于0.97(P<0.001)。

    Coefficient of determination of average CR and the first harmonic CR in baseline and hyperemia conditions were greater than 0.97 ( P < 0.001 ) .

  3. 结果表明,黄瓜营养品质中可溶固形物、维生素C等5个营养品质性状可作为营养品质育种材料的选择依据,决定系数为0.9448。

    The result showed that these characters have different correlation degree . Selection of breeding material about nutrient quality were decided by five nutrient quality characters ( soluble solids , VC , etc. )

  4. 模型的拟合程度均较高,决定系数(R2)在0.55~0.85之间。

    The goodness-of-fit was higher which the coefficients of determination ( R2 ) were from 0.55 to 0.85 .

  5. 发酵成分的pH、乳酸、乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和氨态氮含量的校正模型决定系数R2分别为0.98,0.83,0.85,0.3,0.90和0.92。

    The R ~ 2 of pH , lactic acid , acetic acid , propionic acid , butyric acid and ammonia were 0.98,0.83,0.85,0.36, 0.90 and 0.92 respectively .

  6. 利用近红外(NIR)光谱仪建立了烟草根中N、K、Ca和Mg的数学预测模型,其决定系数分别为0.963、0.936、0.973和0.973。

    The mathematical models for prediction of N 、 K 、 Ca 、 Mg in tobacco root were developed by near-infrared spectrometry and their coefficients of determination were 0.963,0.936,0.973 , and 0.973 , respectively .

  7. 试验结果表明,在不同放牧强度下,牧草压缩高度与牧草产量具有良好的回归关系,决定系数r2的波动范围为0.82~0.95;

    The results showed that herbage mass had good regressive relation with the compressed high value ( r ~ 2 0.82 ~ 0.95 ) .

  8. Kruskal-Wallis检验结果显示:在隐含层神经元数为15时,BP神经网络和GA-BP神经网络决定系数R2均达到了最大值。

    Kruskal-Wallis test results showed that : R2 reached the Maximum of GA-BP neural network and BP neural network at 15 of hidden layer neurons .

  9. 悬浮芯片检测的标准曲线方程和方程相应的决定系数(R2)表现良好,R2>0.99;

    The detective standard curves of the suspension array and their corresponding coefficients of determination ( R2 ) were good ( R2 > 0.99 ) .

  10. 分蘖期、抽穗早期的NDVI值都与最终产量有着显著的相关,其中抽穗早期的NDVI与产量的决定系数(R2)达到了0.96。

    The average NDVI at both the tillering and heading stages were significantly correlated with the average yield , and the R2 at heading stage reached to0.96 .

  11. 结果表明:SSR分子标记遗传距离与杂交组合F1产量及产量特殊配合力之间呈极显著正相关,相关程度为中度相关,但决定系数都很小;

    The results showed that GD was highly significantly positively correlated with F1 yield and special combining ability ( SCA ) for yield , the correlated degree was medium and determination coefficient was low ;

  12. 采用回归分析方法对双燃料发动机速度特性试验结果进行分析,建立了功率、扭矩与转速间的数学模型,模型决定系数(R2)均达到0.99以上。

    The regression analysis method was adopted to build mathematical models about the power and torque relative to rotation speed of daul-fuel engine based on velocity characteristic test results .

  13. 在如何衡量风险,即选取什么样的指标来度量风险方面,论文首先通过决定系数R2考察了系统风险占总风险的比例,研究发现我国基金市场的系统风险较高;

    We do series of theoretical and positive study for finding the suitable risk measurement index . We use determining coefficient R 2 to examine the proportion of funds ' system risk ;

  14. 采用FCM方法对基因表达的微阵列数据进行聚类分析,应用核回归和PP回归相结合的方法设计预报器,利用决定系数遴选父代基因集合。

    FMC clustering is used for gene expression data , a combination of kernel regression and projection pursuit regression introduced into the design of predictors , and coefficient of determination used as a criterion in selecting the target gene 's parent sets .

  15. 拟合曲线的决定系数(R2)为0.21±0.09(P<0.01)。

    The coefficients of determination ( R ~ 2 ) of fitting curve were 0.21 ± 0.09 ( P < 0.01 ), so the BMD reference database of Qingdao women were established by cubic regression equation .

  16. 该模型的内部验证决定系数(R2)为86.57,均方差(RMSECV)为0.385;

    The determination coefficient ( R2 ) was 86.57 , and the Root Mean Square Error of Cross Validation ( RMSECV ) was 0.385 in cross validation .

  17. 结果表明,与PCA-BP模型的预测决定系数(R2)从92.50提高到97.10,训练迭代次数从12000减少到4500。

    Compared with PCA-BP the PLS-BP model 's prediction deciding coefficient ( R2 ) has increased from 92.50 to 97.10 with its training iteration times decreased from 12 000 to 4500 .

  18. 结果发现,当将品牌情感承诺引入到TRA中后,不仅品牌承诺对行为意向的预测作用是显著的,同时整个模型的预测能力显著的提高(整个模型的决定系数提高了四个百分点)。

    The results show that the brand commitment is a significant predictor of behavior intention and the predicting ability of whole model is improved significantly when we put the commitment into the TRA .

  19. 土壤呼吸与土壤温度的关系可以用指数关系方程拟合,方程的决定系数R2值从0.18到0.85,Q10值在1.22到4.28之间。

    The relationships between soil respiration and soil temperature at 10 cm depth could be described by an exponential equation , with R2 values ranging between 0.18 to 0.85 , and the Q10 values between 1.22 and 4.28 .

  20. 压缩张弛性(SR)与强、中、弱筋馒头总评分呈极显著正相关,决定系数分别为0.94、0.88和0.72,可作为馒头品质评价的有效指标。

    SR had significant and positive correlation with total score of northern style CSB made from flours with different gluten strength ( Fig.1 ), and determination coefficients were 0.94 , 0.88 and 0.72 , respectively . It is recommended as a major parameter in evaluating northern style CSB quality .

  21. 叶绿素计SPAD-502的SPAD值和CCM-200的CCI值与叶绿素浓度之间的决定系数分别为0.8755(P<0.001)和0.9499(P<0.001)。

    The determination coefficient of chlorophyll meter readings and chlorophyll content , value of SPAD-502 and CCM-200 was 0.8755 ( P < 0.001 ) and 0.9455 ( P < 0.001 ), respectively .

  22. 建立了一套能够测定数十项甘薯块根品质和淀粉品质指标的NIRS定标模型,定标和预测决定系数分别大于0.90和0.85,具有实用价值。

    The new NIRS calibration models were established , which could be used to determine many quality traits of SP storage roots and its starch rapidly and accurately . The relation coefficients of their calibration and prediction are 0.90 and 0.85 respectively .

  23. 其中常规化学成分中,粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、半纤维素、干物质、粗灰分和酸性洗涤木质素含量的校正模型决定系数R2分别为0.95,0.90,0.86,0.91,0.86,0.95和0.90;

    Results showed that the correlation coefficients of calibration ( R ~ 2 ) were 0.95,0.90,0.86,0.91,0.86, 0.95 and 0.90 for crude protein , neutral detergent fibre , acid detergent fibre , hemicellulose , dry matter , crude ash and acid detergent lignin respectively ;

  24. 结果表明:油菜籽各小样品含油量模型的决定系数(R2)从93.93%到96.93%不等,均方差(RMSECV)从0.56到0.79不等;

    The results showed that the determination coefficients of the models for oil and erucic acid content in different small-sample rapeseed were 93.93 % - 96.93 % and 96.91 % - 98.42 % , respectively ;

  25. 结果表明,稻穗粗蛋白及粗淀粉含量与冠层光谱及其一阶导数光谱在某些波段达到显著相关、与稻穗粉末样光谱及其一阶导数光谱在某些波段也达到显著相关,其中决定系数R2约0.7;

    The contents of crude protein and crude starch in panicle were significantly correlated to the canopy spectra and their first derivative spectra at some wave bands , and also significantly correlated to the spectra of panicle powder and their first derivative spectra at some wave bands .

  26. 将遗传算法引入定量结构活性关系(QSAR)研究中,对变量进行选择,可同时建立几种比较好的QSAR模型,并以交互验证的决定系数作为适应函数,以保证模型质量的可靠性。

    Genetic algorithms are applied to variable selection in quantitative structure-activity relationship ( QSAR ) studies . The method can build multiple better QSAR models in one run . The determination coefficient of cross-validation is introduced as the fitness function , which guarantees the predictive ability of the models .

  27. 决定系数遗传力及其在育种上的应用

    Determinant Coefficient Heritability and Its Application in Animal Breeding

  28. 通径分析结果与决定系数分析结果的变化趋势一致;

    The diversification of determinant coefficients analysis was consistent with that of path analysis .

  29. 在近红外波段,各波段的反射率与地上鲜生物量的相关性在不断的增强,并且波长越长,回归方程的决定系数越高。

    The determination of coefficient grows with wavelength between reflectance and biomass near infrared waveband .

  30. 孤独与攻击性具有一定的相关性,但是相关系数并不高,决定系数很低。

    Loneliness and aggressivity has certain correlation , but correlation coefficient and R Square is not high .