
  • 网络Decision Role;decisional role;decision criteria
  1. 他提到:“研究表明,女性替他人谈判的薪水总是比为她们自己谈判的薪水高。”他还补充说,人们身处的决策角色总在变化。

    Research has found that women negotiate higher salaries for others than they do for themselves , he says , adding that people slip in and out of decision roles .

  2. 第一,明确决策角色。

    One would be to clarify the decision roles .

  3. 太多年轻女性仍然把决策角色视为一起打高尔夫的男人们的专属。

    Too many young women still see the decision-making roles as the preserve of men who play golf together .

  4. 然而,它正在部分地把它的决策角色从它的成员国转移到了私人捐助者。

    Yet it , in part , is transferring this decision-making role away from its member states to private donors .

  5. 本研究引入了自我与他人两个不同决策角色作为诱发偏好反转现象的因素。

    The introduction of the self and others , two different decision-making role as the factors that induced preference reversals .

  6. 以往对于偏好反转的研究主要涉及不同反应模式、不同信息呈现方式等因素,鲜有曾涉及到决策角色这个变量。

    Previous research for the preference reversal involve different reaction pattern , different ways of presentation of information , little has been involved in the decision-making role in this variable .

  7. 因此,我们必须鼓励更多女性在年轻时就立志在企业中追求一份事业,也要确保她们之后可以晋升到高级别的决策角色。

    For this we must encourage more of them to aspire to a corporate career at an early age , as well as ensuring they can then progress to high-level decision-making roles .

  8. 机器人足球决策及角色分配系统

    Decision-making and role allocating system for robot soccer

  9. 文中对角色分配进行研究,提出了一种基于Play策略并与区域相关的角色分配方案,并阐述了决策系统下角色分配的整体设计。实现了动态灵活的分配机制。

    Action implementation and so on . To research into role assignment in this paper , promote a role assignment scheme correlated with area based on play tactics , and expatiate on the whole design of role assignment in strategy system , achieving dynamic and agile assignment mechanism .

  10. 决策的RACI角色

    The RACI roles for the decision

  11. 指定好的决策权提供角色明确性,并且简化促进沟通。

    Well-specified decision rights provide clarity of roles and facilitate communications .

  12. 冷战后美国思想库在影响对华决策中的角色评析

    Think Tanks ' Role in the U.S. Decision-making to China in the Post-Cold War Era

  13. 智库是为政策制定者提供有效信息、专家意见和多种可供选择的方案的特殊的独立机构,在公共政策制定中充当决策外脑的角色。

    Think-tank is a kind of dependent institute acting as external brain for policy decision maker which can provide useful information , expert opinion and alternative plan .

  14. 然后,我们将要检视宣扬者和传媒对科学的态度,以及科学在立法、行政和司法决策中的角色。

    We then examine the treatment of science by advocates and the media , as well as the role science typically plays in legislative , administrative and judicial decision making .

  15. 瑞恩•哈里斯今年44岁。两年前,他开始接受管理者培训之后,他明白自己应该更多地扮演决策者的角色,把工作更多地分派给下属。

    When Ryan Harris , 44 , started working with an executive coach two years ago , he knew he needed to delegate more work and act more like a strategist .

  16. 这种信息疗法将病人在医疗决策中的角色重新定义为合作者和参与者,使信息的作用由与医疗有关转变为医疗活动的一个基本组成部分。

    It redefines roles of patients in medical decisions as cooperators and participants , converting the role of information from being about care to being a basic part of care , itself . Information information and benefit .

  17. 角色分配:由于角色分配在整个策略系统中的重要性,分别提出利用模糊一致关系和模糊层次分析两种模糊决策方法进行角色分配。

    Role assignment : because of importance of role assigns in entire strategy system , proposing separately two fuzzy decision-makings methods of fuzzy consistent relation ( FCR ) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP ) to carry on role assignment .

  18. 面对课程改革的挑战,家长必须完成从支持者到参与者和决策者的角色转换,必须承担自己的责任,必须对学校有正确的认识,必须享有课程改革倡导的权利,以积极的心态适应课程改革。

    Confronted with challenges , parents must complete the change of roles from supporters to participants and policymakers , undertake their responsibilities , have a correct idea of school , share the right of advocating curriculum and adapt to the curriculum reform with an active psychology .

  19. 在分析群决策过程中Agent角色和功能的基础上,为智能群决策支持系统生成器设计了一个3层MultiAgent框架,并对该框架在群决策支持系统开发中的应用进行了说明。

    A three levels ' Multiagent framework is designed after analyzing the Agent 's roles and function on Intelligent Group Decision Support System . Finally , the application development method based on this framework is expatiated .

  20. 企业技术创新决策中的智力角色分析

    Analysis of Intellectual roles In the Technology Innovation Decision-making of the Enterprise

  21. 这些决策应该由哪些角色或人来执行?

    Which roles or people shall carry out those decisions ?

  22. 给出了决策树在不同角色下的具体的实现;

    Different roles of decision-making tree are implemented ;

  23. 从理论和实证两个方面分析了预期现金流量的波动性在股利决策中扮演的角色。

    The role of expected cash flow volatility as a determinant of dividend policy was explored both theoretically and empirically .

  24. 在设计过程中将重现的架构决策提升到指导角色的高度,首先需要有效地捕获和总结相关的项目经验。

    The first step in giving recurring architectural decisions a guiding role during design is to effectively capture and generalize related project experience .

  25. 新的产品创建向导&指导用户根据决策(团队、角色和权限以及产品的属性)创建一个新产品。

    Guides the user through the decisions ( teams , roles and permissions , and product properties ) involved with creating a new product .

  26. 一般市场调查和我们对云采纳者观点调查的另一个显明区别是IT在决策过程中的角色。

    Another stark difference between general market sur ­ veys and the cloud adopters ' perspective captured by our survey is the role of IT in the decision-making process .

  27. 可行性研究作为项目投资分析评价的科学研究方法,在项目管理的投资分析与决策中扮演重要角色,发挥科学决策作用。

    Feasibility study as a scientific method of analysis and evaluation of project investment plays an important role on investment analysis and decision of project management to make the scientific decision .

  28. 巴罗佐还敦促中国在为解决这场危机而作出的决策中扮演重要角色,他表示这场危机是中国展现“责任感”的机会。

    Mr Barroso also urged China to play an important role in decisions taken to try to resolve the crisis , which he said was an opportunity for China to show " a sense of responsibility " .

  29. 而行政决策主体是行政决策的实际执行者,是行政决策的核心角色。

    The administrative decision-making principal part is the actual executor of the executive decision-making is the core of administrative decision-making role .