
  1. 环境犯罪客体是环境犯罪区别于传统犯罪的重要特征。

    The object of environmental crime is characteristics of this kind of crime that is different from other traditional crimes .

  2. 本文认为环境犯罪客体的本质在于对环境法益的侵害性,直接表现就是侵犯了人与自然环境之间的和谐关系,然而更深层次却是侵犯了人与人之间的社会关系。

    The article thinks that the essence of the object of the environment depends on encroaching on legal interest of environment that is infringing upon the harmonic relationship between person and nature directly , and infringing upon the social relationship between person and person deeply .

  3. 环境犯罪的客体要件&环境权之本体研究

    Object Element of Environmental Crimes & Research on Noumenon of Environmental Rights

  4. 第三章先是罗列了环境犯罪侵害客体的几种不同界定,分析他们各自的局限性。

    The third chapter lists the several different definition of the infringed object of environmental crimes , and analyses the limitations in first .

  5. 由于环境犯罪侵犯客体的特殊性,决定其具有与传统刑法迥然相异的特质,其最突出的表现在于环境刑法的行政从属性。

    Because the specialty for the objection of the environment crime injures , it decides its difference with traditional criminal law , especially it is displayed at its administrative subordinated status .

  6. 主要说明环境犯罪的客体与客观方面(危害行为)目前存在的几种有代表性的观点,为切实改进惩治与预防环境犯罪的刑罚手段找到理论依据。

    The chapter focuses on several representational views existed in the field of criminal objects and objective aspects ( the harm behavior ) in order to provide theoretical foundation to improve punishment methods of environment crimes physically .

  7. 第二部分立足于现代人类中心主义环境伦理观的基础,综述并借鉴国内外刑法学者关于环境犯罪客体的学说,最后将环境犯罪的客体阐述为环境权;

    The second part is based on the modem human center of environmental ethics , overview the criminal law scholars from home and abroad on environmental crime object of doctrine , the final conclusion is that the object of environmental crime is the right for the environment ;