
  • 网络quality tracing
  1. 包钢重轨质量跟踪网络的安全措施

    Security measures for heavy-rail quality tracing network at Baotou Steel

  2. 纺纱生产工艺质量跟踪模块

    Production process modules for quality tracing in spinning

  3. Fuzzy综合评判在毕业生质量跟踪调查研究中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Composite Judgment to the Follow-up Investigation of Graduates ' Quality

  4. 介绍了基于网络数据库和ACtiveX组件技术开发的煤质检测与质量跟踪管理软件系统。

    The coal quality detection and quality followup management software system developed on the basis of network data base and Active X package technology has been presented .

  5. 质量跟踪结果表明,HIPS落锤冲击强度明显改善。

    The results of quality control show the falling dart of HIPS improve remarkable .

  6. MES是根据生产计划的要求,对生产的过程进行必要的实时数据采集和记录的管理系统,它可以有效地进行质量跟踪和追溯,保证产品严格按质量要求被加工制造。

    MES can collect and record necessary real-time data and trace the quality of products efficiently to protect products strictly processed according to specified requirement .

  7. 本文还分析了移动Agent和数据库中的知识发现,建立了用于WorkshopIMS质量跟踪管理子系统中分布式环境下的数据库知识发现模型。

    The paper analyzes mobile agent and knowledge discovered in database , and puts forward the model of knowledge discovered in database in the distributed environment applied to quality following sub-system of Workshop IMS .

  8. 通过现场调查、质量跟踪和缺陷分析,发现B坯夹渣缺陷主要集中在开浇2m长度段内;

    CC slabs are slags occurred on B slabs , by spot survey , quality trace and defect analysis , we have found that slag defects showed on B slabs mainly focus on within two-meter slabs from casting .

  9. 对电子元器件应从选用、二次筛选、破坏性物理分析(DPA)、失效分析、质量跟踪、建立元器件质量数据库等方面进行有效的控制,从而确保装机电子元器件的质量。

    Quality assurance of component involves effective control for the component selection , secondary screening , DPA , failure analysis , quality trace and establishing of component quality database .

  10. 质量跟踪结果表明,改进后的GPPS的加工和机械性能明显改善。

    The result showed that the processing and mechanical properties of the GPPS prepared with the adjusted recipe and technological parameters were obviously improved .

  11. fhsph将设立材料质量跟踪系统,专门用于hsgts,该系统将符合合同条款。

    Fhsph will establish a material quality tracking system , specific to the hsgts , that will be compliant with the terms of the contract .

  12. 数字化形变台站观测资料质量跟踪分析

    Quality trace and analysis of observational data of Digital Deformation stations

  13. 面向军工产品制造过程质量跟踪与管理技术

    Quality Track and Management Based on Manufacturing Process of Military Products

  14. 电子标签在汽车质量跟踪中的安全性研究和应用

    Security Study and Application on the Automobile Quality Track of RFID

  15. 基于企业间质量跟踪控制模型的质量信息跟踪研究

    Quality information tracking based on inter-enterprise quality tracking and control model

  16. 大连海事大学毕业生质量跟踪调查报告(摘登)

    Findings Report on the Graduates Quality of Dalian Maritime University ;

  17. 我们将为您提供优质的售后服务和质量跟踪。

    We will provide you with excellent after-sale service and quality overseeing .

  18. 该系统具有操作指导和质量跟踪查询的功能。

    The system has the function of operation guidance and quality tacking .

  19. 我校社区医学教育毕业生质量跟踪评估

    Tracking evaluation on graduate quality of our oriented-community medical education

  20. 光学仪器实验室绝对辐射定标及现场质量跟踪

    In-lab Calibration of Optical Instrument and Its field Quality Tracking

  21. 医学院校毕业生质量跟踪评估方法的研究

    Study on the evaluation system of graduates ' quality of medical colleges

  22. 浅议加强商品混凝土质量跟踪的重要性

    The importance of strengthening quality tracking of commodity concrete

  23. 条码扫描器在彩管生产线质量跟踪系统中的应用

    The Application of Bar Code Scanner in the CDT On-line Quality Traceability System

  24. 煤质检测与质量跟踪管理软件系统开发与应用

    Development and application of coal quality detection and quality follow-up management software system

  25. 质量跟踪月活动的启示

    Enlightenment from the Activity of the Quality Month

  26. 烧结生产质量跟踪和操作指导系统初步方案

    The primary scheme for the quality trailing of sintering production and operation instruction system

  27. 彩色显像管生产过程质量跟踪和监控系统的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Quality Traceability & Monitoring System for Color Picture Tube in Manufacture

  28. 在线离子注入机质量跟踪研究

    Quality Tracking of an In-Line Ion Implanter

  29. 牛肉安全生产加工全过程质量跟踪与追溯信息管理系统研发

    Design and Development of Traceability Information Management System of the Safety Beef Productions Entire Processes

  30. 质量跟踪信息管理系统

    Quality tracing informations management system