
  • 网络quality record;Records
  1. 质量记录的管理是当前企业质量管理工作中的一个薄弱环节。

    Quality record is a weak link of quality management in current enterprises .

  2. 质量记录重要性的研究

    The Study on the Importance of Quality Record

  3. 在每周的QC会议上查看质量记录吗?

    Are quality records reviewed at the weekly QC meetings ?

  4. 本工程完工时,应在qa日报中编辑质量记录并提交监理方。

    Quality records shall be compiled in a QA journal which shall be submitted to the engineer on the completion of the works .

  5. 阐述和讨论ISO9001标准所规定的:组织为确保其过程的有效策划、运作和控制所需的文件和标准要求的质量记录。

    This paper clarifies and discusses some requirements of ISO9001 : 2000 documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning operation and control of its processes , and quality records required by this Standard .

  6. 质量记录的归档、编制索引、储存和维护。

    File , index , store , and maintain quality records .

  7. 支持性文件,包括管理制度、产品规范、质量记录等。

    Supportive documents include management rules , product specification , quality records .

  8. 质量记录应保持清晰、易于识别和检索。

    Records shall remain legible , readily identifiable and retrievable .

  9. 各部门负责本部门质量记录的管理。

    Various departments are responsible for the management of their own quality records .

  10. 所有针对本涉及工程的质量记录应清楚可认。

    All quality records shall be legible and identifiable to the works involved .

  11. 勘察设计产品放行前检查质量记录的理由,范围和作用。有效讨价还价区间的确定分析

    The reason , range and func - Analysis of the Range of Effective Bargain

  12. 质量记录填写按《质量记录控制程序》执行。

    The Quality record shall be filled in accordance with Quality Record Control Procedure .

  13. 根据公司的指导方针提供质量记录。

    Maintain quality records according to company guidelines .

  14. 负责质量记录和其他存档资料的管理;

    Responsible for quality files and data management ;

  15. 系统集成企业的质量记录控制

    Quality Record Control for System Integration Enterprises

  16. 对所填写的质量记录和产品标识的正确性、及时性负责。

    Fill out all the quality record and responsible for the production correctness , timeliness .

  17. 防止质量记录被非授权人员查阅。

    Protect quality records from unauthorized access .

  18. 审核质量记录及报表。

    Audit quality records and report .

  19. 浅谈质量记录的管理

    Discussion on Management of Quality Record

  20. 有关纠正措施和预防措施的质量记录由质量部负责归档保管。

    The Quality Dept. is responsible for keeping in file the quality records regarding corrective and preventive actions .

  21. 产品的测量和监控形成的记录按《质量记录控制程序》执行。

    The record of measurement and monitoring of products is carried out as per Control Procedure for Quality Record .

  22. 承包商应根据与监理方的协商,定期向业主提交质量记录的统计评估。

    The Contractor shall periodically as agreed with the engineer submit statistical evaluations of quality records to the employer .

  23. 质量记录样表由各使用部门提出,质量部统一审定、编号、受控使用。

    Quality record form shall be proposed by various departments and approved , numbered and controlled by the Quality Department .

  24. 审核到的“质量记录控制程序”及是否符合“标准”要求;

    Audit to the " quality record control procedure " and is in accordance with the " standard " requirement ;

  25. 认真做好生产过程中的质量记录和《工序流转卡》的填写,以保证产品的可追溯性。

    Quality Records and " Process Flow Cards " shall be fulfilled during the production in order to ensure the traceability available .

  26. 同时对符合验收准则的证据形成质量记录,应记录任何从事检测或试验人员的身份。

    Quality records of evidence meeting with verification rules should be formed ; any personnel for inspection or testing should be recorded and identified .

  27. 应建立并保持质量记录,以提供符合要求和质量管理体系有效运行的证据。

    Records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality management system .

  28. 结合本单位的情况,阐述贯标文件资料的控制管理、质量记录。

    Combining with the condition of own unit , the paper elaborates control and quality record of documents and material in carrying out standard .

  29. 承包商应建立和维护用于确认、收集、索引、整理、存储、维护和处理质量记录的程序。

    The Contractor shall establish and maintain procedures for identification , collection , indexing , filing , storage , maintenance and disposition of quality re-cords .

  30. 本文介绍了在工程项目中文件和资料以及质量记录控制的重要性和控制范围。

    In this paper , the author introduces the importance and control scope about the files , information and quality records controlling in the project .