
  • 网络ERP;mis;enterprise informatization
  1. 基于UML和工作流技术的纺织企业信息化研究与实现

    Design and Implementation of ERP Based on UML and Workflow Technology

  2. 企业信息化建设的成功需要高效IT产业的支持。

    Implementing ERP successfully relies on efficient IT industry .

  3. 基于WebServices的企业信息化关键问题研究

    Research on Key Problems of Enterprise Informationization Based on Web Services

  4. WEBService和信息检索技术在企业信息化中的应用

    Application of Web Service and Information Research & Reference Technology for Enterprise Informatization

  5. 企业信息化与ERP系统

    Enterprise 's Informatization and the ERP System

  6. 基于DEA分析的制造业企业信息化建设效率评价研究

    Research on Enterprise Informatization of Manufacturing Industry Based on DEA Analysis

  7. ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)是企业信息化和建立现代管理制度的重要组成部分,它体现了供应链的管理思想。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) is a substantial part of the informationization and establishment of the modem management system in an enterprise .

  8. 采用ASP模式实现企业信息化,能很好地解决以上问题。

    Adopting ASP mode to realize enterprise 's informationization can well solve the above problems .

  9. 基于当前企业信息化集成的需求,提出了一种在分布式环境下,基于Web的数控系统远程监测体系结构。

    According to the requirements of enterprise information integration system , a remote monitoring framework of numerical control system based on Web in distributed manufacturing is proposed .

  10. 目前国内企业信息化的资源管理系统,以ERP软件的应用为主。

    The resources management system of the present domestic enterprise informationization relies mainly on application of ERP software .

  11. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)作为知识管理体系的基础支撑软件,成为企业信息化建设的关键。

    Office Automation ( OA ) as a basic software for knowledge management system is a key of information building for enterprises .

  12. 随着移动手机设备的流行和移动商务技术的发展,利用Web服务开发移动应用系统已成为企业信息化的一个重要方向。

    With the population of mobile devices and the development of mobile-bussiness technology , it becomes an important direction to develop a mobility application basing on web services right now .

  13. 制造企业信息化平台中的CAPE

    CAPE in the information-based platform of manufacturing company

  14. 办公自动化(OA)是企业信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    Office Automation ( OA ) is the organization of information technology an important part of the building .

  15. 随着Internet使用的日益普及,企业信息化进程的不断深入发展,企业网络信息资源的安全备受关注。

    Following the Internet 's popularization , enterprise information progress 's embedding , network application 's flourish developing , the security of the network information resource is especially attended by the people .

  16. 制造执行管理系统(ManufactureExecutionSystem)由于自身承上启下的特殊地位,已逐渐成为推动汽车制造企业信息化过程中不可缺少的部分。

    Manufacture execution system ( MES ), as a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the manufacture , is becoming more and more important in promoting informationize of automobile manufacturing .

  17. 同时在对圆宝公司进行整体需求分析基础上,提出圆宝公司企业信息化建设的总体设计方案,并基于UML和工作流技术对圆宝公司企业信息化建设进行详细设计。

    Forth analysis the whole need of enterprise , put forward developments project , and base on the UML and workflow to detailed design .

  18. ERP作为企业信息化的核心,被认为是现代企业赢得竞争的有效工具。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) as the enterprise information-oriented core is considered as an effective instrument for modern companies to survive in competition .

  19. 企业信息化和企业资产管理(EAM)

    Enterprise Informatization and Enterprise Assets Management ( EAM )

  20. 上市公司股东知情权研究CNPC未上市企业信息化报告

    A Research on the Right to Learn the Truth Held by Stockholders in Listed Companies

  21. URP能否取代ERP成为企业信息化的首要选择?

    Can URP substitute ERP to be the first choice of the information management of a enterprise ?

  22. ERP系统作为企业信息化建设中的重要组成部分,能给企业带来先进的管理思想和变革,已引起越来越多国内企业的重视。

    As an important part of enterprise informatization , ERP System can bring advanced management thoughts and management transforms , and has aroused increasing attention of domestic enterprises .

  23. Internet的迅速普及、企业信息化的不断深入以及企业各子系统的集成整合,传统的管理信息系统集成开发方式受到了严重的挑战。

    With the development of popularization of Internet 、 deepening of the enterprise 's informationization and the integration of every subsystem of the enterprise , the traditional development way of management information system has received the serious challenge .

  24. 针对钢铁企业信息化集成环境复杂散乱的特点,系统使用通用基础架构服务CIS集成平台来进行实现企业系统整合。

    Concerning the complexity of enterprise information integration environment , the systems Integration is implemented by Common Infrastructure Services ( CIS ) integration platform .

  25. 制造业信息化ASP公共服务平台是共享信息化技术服务资源,降低广大中小企业信息化成本的一种有效的技术解决方案[1];

    The ASP public service platform in informationization of manufacturing is an effective solution for small and medium-sized enterprises to share resource of informationization technical service and reduce informationization cost .

  26. ERP系统是目前最主要的企业信息化方式,它以计算机信息处理的方式对企业所有资源进行规划和管理。

    At present , ERP system is the most primary way of enterprise information management , ERP system uses the computer information processing method to plan and manage the resources of the enterprise .

  27. 企业信息化是现代企业的必由之路,在企业信息化的过程中,产品数据管理(ProductdataManagement,PDM)和企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)是其中最重要的两大企业信息管理平台。

    Enterprise informatization is an inevitable process for modern enterprise . During the process of enterprise informatization , two most important enterprise information management platforms appear , i. e. Product Data Management ( PDM ) and Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) .

  28. 因此对CRM理论和应用深入研究,有利于促进我国企业信息化建设的步伐,也有利于进一步提高我国的CRM应用水平。

    Thus further studying the theory and application of CRM will help to promote the paces of enterprise information construction at home and help to improve the application level of CRM .

  29. 同时,配合企业信息化的步伐,开发出兼容ERP基础数据的、可操作性强的可视化界面,输出评估结果。

    For the development of the enterprise information technology , the author has developed a workable and visual interface to export the evaluation assessment and permit to use ERP basic data at the same time .

  30. 分析了我国企业信息化建设的现状及存在的问题,论述了我国企业面对加入WTO的新形势进行信息化建设的必要性。

    This paper analyzes on the present situation of and existing problems in Chinese enterprise 's informatization construction , and discusses on the necessity of the informatization construction of our country 's enterprises facing the new situation of entering WTO .