- transnational corporations;multinational corporation;transnational Company;corporations beyond the limits of their nations;supranational corporation

[transnational Company] 也称多国公司、国际公司。为垄断组织输出资本和对外经济扩张的一种组织形式,五十年代后在世界范围内发展起来
With our country 's joining the WTO , a lot of transnational corporations enter into China .
When studying FDI transnational corporations are inevitable .
In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations
It takes brains to run a multinational corporation .
In Brazil , the multinational corporation Adidas has been running a shoe-recycling program called " Sustainable Footprint " since 2012 .
Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets .
MM Semi Material Division belongs to one famous multi-national company . marketing & sales strategy ;
R D Input , Human Resource Development and TNCs ' R D Investment An Empirical Analysis Based on Panel Data
The analysis on influencing factor of MNC 's R D in China an analysis on model of mutual monopolization 's market
The Characteristics of RD in a Multinational Corporation
After China joined WTO , abolishment of compulsory technology transfer and tendency of independence of MNCs make MNCs keep a firm hand on technology transfer .
The MNCs can enter the foreign market by many modes , but most of the existing ar-ticles do not differentiate them .
Entering WTO let us enter upon a new phase to cooperate and compete with multi-nationals featuring foreign companies but national treatment and domestic market but international competition .
The result of contradictory moving , the system of host countries ' ESP and investor 's OIL make up the basic characteristics of FDI region structure .
Since the mid-1990s , the inflows of FDI expanded suddenly throughout the world , leading multinational corporations into the new era of global management .
Most international negotiations on foreign direct investment ( FDI ) focus on issues involving the paired relationship between transnational corporations ( TNCs ) and host countries .
Under the frame of WTO , multinationals are acting on new-round strategical resource recombination in the global world , which offers an unwonted chance for us to import high-quality foreign capital .
The study of the internet product design across culture is still in a stage of exploration , however , many multinational companies have faced the dual impact of globalization and multi cultural exchanges while design product for different countries .
Many MNCs transfer part of R D resource to their subsidiaries abroad by building R D embranchment abroad , setting up R D strategic alliances or merging the corporations of amphitryon in the same industry .
The Trans-Pacific Partnership a cornerstone of Obama 's remaining economic agenda would grant broad powers to multinational companies operating in North America , South America and Asia .
The purpose is to utilize foreign technological resources and decentralize risks , to more perfectly meet local market requirements , to establish its own international R & D network and therefore to strengthen its monopoly advantage .
Comparing the economic globalization , the localization of RD is a double-edged sword as well . Technological capability : The double-edged sword for technological innovation in firms
Since China joined the WTO . Chinese enterprises are facing the fierce competition with transnational corporations . Go out of the country and to the world market is the only way which must be passed for its survival and development .
While transnational corporations have been increasing RD investments in China , it may be an effective way for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to develop transnational RD strategic alliances for improving their RD abilities .
The main technology provider , namely , MNCs from the advanced countries , which owning more than 80 % of advanced technology throughout the whole world , prefer to transferring technology within their own corporate system , nevertheless technology spillovers .
This essay works on the following two questions : first , it is by no meansaccidental for the multinational corporations to have special preference on VI or ED ; it 's equilibrium through rational gaming .
The International Political Economics ( IPE ), which born in 1970 's , has provided many insight observations and theories on the issue of MNCs and interdependence .
Chapter 5 builds a N-C-P model for analyzing jointing with TNC R & D resources . This part also puts forward the theory of an inward five layers jointing system based on NIS and an outward jointing way by Technology Sourcing FDI .
Facing competition , multinational corporations encounter a common problem-cross-cultural management .
The Brand Strategies of Transnational Corporations in China and Their Inspirations