
  • 网络cross-cultural training;intercultural training
  1. 也许在世界范围内最被认可的一种说法是跨文化培训。

    Perhaps the most globally shared label is cross-cultural training .

  2. 跨文化培训是消除文化冲突,实现有效跨文化管理的主要手段。

    Cross-cultural training is the main method to eliminate the cultural conflict and realize effective cross-cultural management .

  3. 跨国公司在华发展的文化困境与跨文化培训

    Multinational Corporations ' Cultural Predicaments in China and Intercultural Training

  4. 第三章是A公司实施跨文化培训现状分析。

    Chapter three is the status analysis of A company .

  5. 将项目管理引入跨文化培训来提升其有效性。

    Introducing the concept of Project Management to improve the effectiveness of intercultural training .

  6. 经济全球化背景下的跨文化培训

    Transcultural Training Under the Trend of Globalization

  7. 因此,对于现代企业来说,如何恰当的开展跨文化培训就显得十分重要。

    Therefore , how to carry out transcultural training is rather important to modern enterprises .

  8. 分析了跨文化培训模型并对其优缺点进行评价。

    Addressing the practical models about intercultural training and discussing the advantages and disadvantages in application .

  9. 本研究的发现将为个人,企业及跨文化培训机构提供有价值的理论指导。

    The findings of this research will provide some guidelines for individuals , enterprises and intercultural training programs .

  10. 跨文化培训的核心在于培训人们在其他国家或做为少数民族在其他文化群体中处理事情的能力。

    Cross-cultural training focuses on educating people to manage themselves in other countries or as a minority in another cultural group .

  11. 多元化还包括性别、性歧视、宗教和其它方面的多元化,这些都不是跨文化培训的中心内容。

    Diversity also includes gender , sexual preference , religion , and other types of diversity that are not central in cross-cultural training .

  12. 改善环境,促进沟通,开展跨文化培训,使各方最大程度地减少冲突予以融合。

    Improve working environment , help communication , make cross-cultural training , reduce the conflicts to the maximum degree and replace it with cooperation .

  13. 第二章回顾了关于文化及跨文化培训方面的研究成果,为后文的分析拓展奠定了理论基础。

    Chapter two is the retrospective of theoretical study of culture and cross-cultural training , which has laid theoretical foundation for the case analysis .

  14. 跨文化培训能被分为正式和非正式,外部和内部,工作上和工作外,特定文化和一般文化培训。

    Intercultural training can be divided into formal and informal , external and internal , on-the-job and off-the-job , culture specific and culture general training .

  15. 跨文化培训不同于其它类型的培训,旨在提高人们在跨文化环境中的交流和工作效率。

    Intercultural Training ( ICT ), distinguished from other types of training , is exclusively aimed at improving communication and work efficiency in a cross-cultural context .

  16. 因此,关于跨文化培训的研究成为一项十分热门的研究领域,国内外相关文献层出不穷。

    Accordingly , the research on intercultural training has become a very hot field and the literature has been growing tremendously rich both at home and abroad .

  17. 主要从A公司跨国经营背景入手,分析文化差异对A公司经营的影响,并通过问卷调查和访谈方式,找出A公司跨文化培训存在的问题。

    Combined with its business background , analyze the cultural differences influence on A company , and identify the existing problems of the company by means of questionnaires and interviews .

  18. 因此如何进行有效的跨文化培训成了我国跨国公司人力资源管理中的关键问题,进行跨文化培训研究成了跨文化管理研究的当务之急。

    Therefore , how to conduct effective cross-cultural training for multinational companies in China , that has become the key issues of human resource management , it is high time to study cross-cultural training .

  19. 通过结合国内外专家、学者的相关研究成果,对跨国公司跨文化培训问题进行了研究,希望可以为跨国企业在实施跨文化培训时提供一些帮助。

    It conducts a study on the multinational CCT through a combination of domestic and foreign experts and scholars ' related research . Hope can provide some help for multinational companies in the CCT .

  20. 让我们来了解一下目前不同形式的跨文化培训,以保证我们大家都能够在工作中做到游刃有余。多元化培训并不是一个新概念。

    Let 's have a look at different types of cross-cultural training that exists to make sure that we can all get along in the work place : Diversity training is not a new idea .

  21. 大学及相关部门应对预备出国留学的中国学生进行跨文化培训,尤其帮助他们进行心理调整,提高他们的跨文化交际能力,以便更好地适应在国外的学习和生活。

    Intercultural training should be carried out by universities or relative departments before Chinese students go abroad , especially to help them with psychological adjustment and improvement of intercultural communication competence . The training can assist Chinese students to adapt to the new environment more quickly .

  22. 第二章是企业跨文化培训相关理论概述,主要包括文化及跨文化的含义、文化差异与冲突、跨文化交际和跨文化交际能力、跨文化培训理论基础及跨文化培训的意义。

    The second chapter is the general introduction of the related theory of the enterprise CCT . It meanly includes cultural concepts , cross-cultural concepts , cultural difference and conflict , cross-culture communication and cross-cultural communication ability , theoretical basis of CCT and the significance of CCT .

  23. 基于国际会议的跨文化调整培训:AUM理论在实践中的运用

    Intercultural Adjustment Training in the Context of IC : An Application of AUM Theory

  24. 关于中国本土跨国企业内部跨文化商务培训的分析研究

    Critical Analysis of Cross-Cultural Business Training in Chinese Overseas Companies

  25. 跨文化外语培训:公司英语培训课程大纲设计

    An Intercultural Approach to Company English Training : Proposing a Course Syllabus

  26. 针对存在的问题,笔者认为应该进行跨文化的培训和进行跨文化沟通等措施,来优化跨国企业的人力资源管理活动。

    The author believes that such problems could be solved by cross-cultural training and cross-cultural communication and other measures in order to optimize the multinational cross-cultural human resource management activities .

  27. 跨文化能力培训本是在国际贸易迅猛发展的大前提下应运而生的,然而现今除却国际商务之外,外语教学也将其列为首要目标。

    Starting from the demand of international business development , intercultural competence training or development now becomes one chief objective of foreign language teaching as well as of international trade .

  28. 越来越多的学者开始从事与跨文化能力及其培训相关的研究。

    More and more studies have been conducted in the respect of intercultural competence and its training or development .

  29. 从差异论出发,提出了虚拟团队在处理多元文化问题上应当遵循理解文化差异、利用文化差异、利用文化习得性、进行文化整合和跨文化适应能力培训的策略性原则。

    Based on " cultural difference argument ", management principles and specific strategies for cross-cultural management in virtual teams are finally presented .

  30. 亚洲对跨文化领导力、对培训管理者在亚洲以外运营子公司的需求最为强劲。

    Demand is biggest in Asia for cross-cultural leadership and for training managers to run subsidiaries outside the region .