
  • 网络networked governance;government by network;Governing by Network
  1. 第二部分为网络化治理一般理论。

    Chapter two is the theory of Governing by network .

  2. 第四部分为网络化治理在市政公用事业改革中的应用。

    In Chapter four is the application of Governing by network in the reform of Municipal Public Utilities in China .

  3. 网络化治理&政府回应力建设的新视阈

    " Network governance " & the building of the Government 's ability to respond to the new threshold

  4. 以网络化治理理论为基础,实现企业法律风险预警机制网络化。

    Based on the theory of network governance , the networking of enterprise legal risk warning mechanism can be realized .

  5. 文章在最后部分提出了构建我国农村水资源网络化治理的建议。

    At the end of the paper , I put forward the construction of our country rural water networkmanagement advice .

  6. 第五部分为结语,对市政公用事业改革中实现网络化治理进行了展望。

    Chapter five is conclusion . And we also talk about the further development of Governing by network using in Municipal Public Utilities .

  7. 在网络化治理的视角下,社会就是一个由一系列相互交错、相互联系的子模块组成的大网络系统。

    In the perspective of network governance , the society is one of large network systems that consisting of a series of mutual crisscross , interconnected modules .

  8. 本研究采取的是网络化治理的途径,从改善各治理主体之间的合作机制、责任机制、信任机制的视角出发分析我国现阶段城市基层社会管理现状。

    The study adopts the network management approach , analyzes the current situation of our country city grassroots social management from the perspective of improving cooperation mechanism , responsibility mechanism and trust mechanism in between each subject .

  9. 通过建立网络化共同治理型财务控制信息系统,完善股东大会、董事会、监事会和职工大会四位一体的财务控制体系,最终实现共同治理型财务控制。

    By establishing networked financial control information system and perfecting " four-in-one " financial control system of shareholders ' meeting , board of directors , board of supervisors and TUC , co-governance type financial control will be realized finally .

  10. 分析了传统经济下企业各方信息不对称的表象、危害及原因,网络化与IT治理可以减少信息不对称但有其局限性,探讨了网络环境下新的信息不对称问题。

    This paper analyzes the information asymmetry of enterprises under traditional economy , as well as the harm and causes . Network and IT governing can reduce the information asymmetry to a limited extent . Hence the problem of information asymmetry under network environment is discussed .

  11. 网络型产业竞争化治理机制应当是包括管制、竞争和产权等制度安排在内的综合治理机制。

    The effective governance mechanism on industrial level should be a overall solution based on overall effect of regulation , competition and ownership arrangement .