
  • 网络Network Activity;Online Activities
  1. 如此设置就可以在iPhoneUI上显示一个可见的指示器,表示有网络活动正在进行。

    This setting displays a visual indicator on the iPhone UI that there is network activity in progress .

  2. 这一章中,您将了解各种工具,可根据具体情况预先设置并分析JavaScript应用程序中的网络活动。

    In this section , you will learn about the various tools at your disposal for profiling and analyzing network activity in your JavaScript applications .

  3. 拉尔森在他的文章中推荐了Tor,一款让人得以进行私密网络活动的浏览器。

    Mr. Larson recommended Tor in his article , a browser that allows for private web activity .

  4. 该模型以可信计算基础设施(TrustedComputingInfrastructure,TCI)作为底层支持,在授权访问过程中把信任从TCI传递到信任关系,最后到网络活动。

    This model , which is base on trusted computing infrastructure , transfers trust from trusted computing infrastructure to trust relationship , and finally to network activity .

  5. 流量矩阵作为网络活动的重要输入参数,已受到国内外研究人员的广泛关注,现已成为IP网络的重要研究内容。

    As a key input of network activities , traffic matrix is extensively paid attention to by the researchers at home and abroad . It becomes an important research topic of the IP network at present .

  6. 本文首先给出GERT网络活动关键度指数的定义;

    The definition of criticality indexes of activities in GERT networks is given in this paper at first .

  7. 因此与DBS仿真结果相吻合的唯一假说即刺激诱导病理学网络活动调整。

    Therefore the only general hypothesis on the mechanisms of DBS that is consistent with the DBS simulation results is stimulation-induced modulation of pathological network activity .

  8. 因为越来越多的用户希望只用一个用户身份访问多个站点(包括blog、wiki和其他社会网络活动),所以OpenID这样的提供者会越来越普及。

    Providers such as OpenID have become very common as more users want a single user profile across multiple sites for blogs , wikis , and other social networking activities .

  9. 地球一小时的首席执行长、联合创始人里德利(AndyRidley)在庆祝今年活动的声明中称,亚洲迅速发展的网络活动成为推动地球一小时活动的又一助力。

    In a statement to mark Saturday 's event , Andy Ridley , CEO and Co-Founder of Earth Hour , said Asia 's rapidly growing digital presence is an added bonus that ' has helped power our movement . '

  10. 各种安全框架和软件为网络活动提供了良好的基础。

    Security frameworks and software provide the foundation for Internet application .

  11. 竞争环境、法律环境和管理者社会网络活动

    Competitive Environment , Legal Environment and Managerial Social Networking

  12. 在出现未被预料到的服务终端时,具有阻挡所有网络活动的能力。

    Ability to block all network activity in case of unexpected service termination .

  13. 追踪您网络活动中有意思的活动趋势。

    Follow interesting trends in your web activity .

  14. 大学生网络活动趋利避害对策的研究

    Strategy Study on University Students ′ Internet Activities

  15. 它利用僵尸工具盗用带宽,并通过非法网络活动谋取利益。

    It use bots theft bandwidth , and obtain illegal benefit through network activity .

  16. 结果表明体外培养的胎鼠海马神经元的网络活动具有温度敏感性。

    These showed that the activity of hippocampal neuronal networks is sensitive to the temperature .

  17. 但在完整的脑,进行中的的网络活动可能会严重影响这些特征。

    In the intact brain , these properties may be strongly influenced by ongoing network activity .

  18. 提出了一种针对大规模网络活动进行风险检测的方法。

    The paper presents a method of risk evaluation for a large scope of network activity .

  19. 而查尔斯和卡米拉还参与了一种更为热门的网络活动&写博客。

    But Charles and Camilla have yet to adopt one internet craze - that of becoming bloggers .

  20. 学校官方称,学校了解了两名学生的计划,并通知调查员监视两名学生的网络活动。

    School officials had learned the plot and notified investigators who monitored the students " internet activities .

  21. 要重视德育网站建设和加强网络活动监管,使网络道德教育真正收到实效。

    Moreover , we must strengthen the construction of website of moral education and management of network activity .

  22. 其表现为网络活动选择具有充分自由、发布信息具有充分自由以及网络交往的充分自由。

    It shows as the network has the full freedom of choosing activities , distributing information and network contacts .

  23. 在灾难响应中,对空间网络活动的总结可以在自然灾害发生后被用来提供救援帮助。

    In disaster response , activity summarization may be used to provide relief assistance in the aftermath of natural disasters .

  24. 我认为这么翻译更好:“庆祝伴随着自由而来,纪录片和网络活动使这个案子有跃上了风口浪尖。”请大家指正。

    Freedom might have never come without the celebrities , documentaries and internet campaigning that brought international attention to the case .

  25. 咨询公司正越来越多地用网络活动代替面授项目中的各个元素,如网络研讨会、在线学习小组和学习工具。

    Companies are increasingly replacing elements of classroom programmes with internet-based sessions – web seminars and online study groups or learning tools .

  26. 问卷中涉及到了大学生的基本概况,如年龄、性别、专业等,同时统计了大学生日常网络活动。

    The questionnaire related to the basic profiles of university students , such as age , gender , profession , and their daily network activity .

  27. 调研对象为积极参与网络活动的公众,具体问题根据深入访谈法设计。

    Investigation objects are those who actively participate in the activities of the network , and design the question according to the deep interview method .

  28. 我第一次参加网络活动时,与他人接触还非常不安,但我很快认识到每个人到那里就是为了结识他人。

    When I first attended networking events I was pretty uncomfortable approaching others , but I quickly realized that everyone was there to meet other people .

  29. 斯波承认自己每天查100次邮件,他说,如果继续扩展自己的网络活动,肯定会是灾难性的错误。

    Mr. Spall , who admitted to checking his email 100 times a day , said that expanding his Internet presence any further would be a devastating mistake .

  30. 尽管这对网吧老板是个坏消息,互联网用户却十分欢迎这一变化,因为网吧被中国官方频繁地用做监控网络活动的途径。

    While bad news for owners , it is a welcome development for users as authorities have frequently used caf é s as a way to monitor online behaviour .