
  • 网络network communication;computer-mediated communication;internet communication
  1. 后者还潜在地涉及电子邮件、在线聊天和其他网络沟通。

    The latter potentially involves email , online-chatting , and other computer-mediated communication .

  2. Blog是目前在国际上流行的网络沟通和知识管理工具,将其应用于成人教学中,可以有效开展网络在线教学,提高教学的质量和效果。

    Blog is now a popular tool for network communication and knowledge management in the world . The application of blog in adult education can help conduct on-line teaching and improve the quality and effect of teaching .

  3. 所以,雅虎目前的选择是,创新沟通服务,以超越Gmail、Skype等网络沟通服务;抑或,辛勤工作,开始再次探寻雅虎真正代表的事物。

    So , for Yahoo , the choices are to innovate in communication to leapfrog Gmail , Skype , and the lot ; or else to do the hard work and start figuring out again what Yahoo really stands for .

  4. 浅谈网络沟通方式对生活方式的影响

    Way of Network Communication and its Impact on Life Style

  5. 对企业内部信息沟通过程中的网络沟通工具选择行为的研究是一项极富挑战性的工作。

    It is a challenging job to research the media selection behavior .

  6. 网络沟通方式下的说谎行为呈现出一些新的特点。

    Lying behavior shows some unique features in computer-mediated-communication .

  7. 第三增强盛学生思惟政治教育网络沟通内容的时期感和针对性。

    Third is to strengthen the sense of the times and pertinence of it .

  8. 加强规范化制度建设,充分利用现代网络沟通技术。

    Strengthening the standardization the construction of system , taking full advantage of modern networks communication technology .

  9. 沟通途径主要通过网络沟通,电话沟通,书面沟通,面对面沟通等。

    Exchange channels include network exchange , telephone exchange , writing communication , face-to-face communication and so on .

  10. 文章最后提出晋升大学生思惟政治教育网络沟通实效的对策。

    In the end the essay provides some effective strategies to enhance network communication of undergraduate ideological and political education .

  11. 第五部分,主要针对S市政民网络沟通中存在的问题提出对策。

    In the fifth part the solutions of the problems in the network communication between government and citizen are mainly proposed .

  12. 为了减少或消除信息不对称,可以合理应用网络沟通管理系统以及规范的沟通制度和沟通形式。

    We can use the Online Communication Management System and normative communication system and canonical communication form to decrease or avoid asymmetric information .

  13. 他希望检验网络沟通的边界,使我们有机会参与改变我们接受信息的方式。

    Brendan is hoping to test the boundaries of on-line communication and provide us a chance to meditate about the way we receive information .

  14. 另一方面,由于网络沟通平台的出现,网络上也随之形成类似真实社群的在线社群。

    On the other hand , as the emergence of network communication platform , online communities come into being which are similar to real communities .

  15. 政民网络沟通是以政府与公民为沟通主体,二者通过计算机网络来实现信息传递与交流的活动。

    The network communication between government and citizen is the activities of information transmission and interaction via internet between individuals and governors , which are the communicative entities .

  16. 有一位演讲者还需要用两台投影仪,一台用来演讲,一台用于和他的客户进行网络沟通环节,但两台投影仪都不能正常工作。

    One presenter had to use two projectors one for his presentation , the other for a Skype session with one of his customers and neither was functioning .

  17. 你在面试或网络沟通时,如果你表现出无聊的状态,或者表现出积极主动的状态,招聘经理是不会把你考虑为候选人的。

    If you appear bored or as if you have something better to do while interviewing or networking , hiring managers will not consider you as a viable candidate .

  18. 牛津英语词典在一份网上声明中详尽地解释了这一决定,并且指出这些引人注意的缩写与网络沟通语言有着密不可分的联系。

    The OED explained the decision extensively in an online statement and pointed out many of these noteworthy initialisms * are strongly associated with the language of electronic communications .

  19. 南大恋爱公开课老师陈昌凯教授表示,现在的年轻人与比他们的父辈们相比,面对面的沟通的能力较差,因为他们更习惯于用网络沟通。

    Chen Changkai , lecturer of the course , said that young people nowadays have worse face-to-face communication skills than their predecessors because they are more used to communications online .

  20. 通过分析网络沟通方式下的企业组织结构变迁,构建了双信息中心企业组织结构模型。

    So this paper makes some comments on the changes of organizational structures under the networked communication way and build a Dual Information Center Model that can directs business structure innovation .

  21. 当前网志在互联网上发展迅速,已经成为最新的网络沟通方式和信息传播方式,这标志着互联网从传统的信息共享开始渐渐转向思想共享。

    At present , blogs , which are developing rapidly on Internet , have become the newest way of web communication and information transmition , which indicates that the Internet is gradually advancing from the traditional sharing of information towards the sharing of ideas .

  22. 但是,目前政府的绝大多数信息平台只能单向发布信息,公民也只能被动接收政府信息,不能与政府进行及时、有效的网络沟通,这是政府信息平台最大的缺陷。

    However , at present the vast majority of government information platform can only be one-way release of information , citizens are only passive receivers of government information , not with the timely and effective network of communication , this is the information platform the biggest flaw .

  23. 本文采用逻辑分析法、观察法、调查问卷法等方法,在分析总结了大量的相关材料的基础上,提出研究生思想政治教育沟通工作要充分发挥网络沟通这一形式的论点。

    This literary grace uses logic analysis method , observation method , cultural heritage research etc. up , Give the form of graduated students identical and political pedagogy communication work to want full exertive network communication at the foundation of analysis summary a great deal of the related material .

  24. 他们还需要更好的了解社交网络和沟通。

    They also need to get better with social networking and communication .

  25. 与全球疫情警报和反应网络的沟通,以便加强业务准备工作。

    Communications with the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network to enhance operational readiness .

  26. 在美国大选中,网络政治沟通扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Online political communication is increasingly playing a crucial role in the US presidential campaign .

  27. 网络化沟通的涌现行为研究

    Networked Communication and Emergence Behavior Research

  28. 扁平化组织与网络化沟通

    Flat Organization and Communication through Network

  29. 我们可以互相寄送生日卡片,约好时间用网络电话沟通交流,旅行去看望彼此。

    Send cards for birthdays , set up Skype dates , and travel to see one another .

  30. 商品供应者身份的界定与否和网络信息沟通技术的高低是导致网络消费中的逆向选择问题的根本原因。

    The identification of commodity suppliers and the network information exchange technology are the leading factors for this reverse choice in network consumption .