
  • 网络Communication;business communication
  1. 但有效的沟通并不仅仅涉及语言,KayWesterfield是俄勒冈大学国际商务交流项目主任。

    This can be good advice even when writing for other native speakers . But effective communication involves more than just words . Kay Westerfield is director of the international business communication program at the University of Oregon .

  2. 本公司会通过产品样本、产品业绩、技术方案、派专业人员等进行技术商务交流。

    The company through product samples , product performance , technical solutions , such as sending professionals , technical business communication .

  3. 领英已成为在线商务交流领域最重要的网站,不过FacebookatWork可能也会挑战谷歌旗下的Drive、电子邮件和聊天类产品,并叫板微软的Outlook电子邮件服务、Office软件、及其2012年以12亿美元收购的企业社交网络Yammer。

    LinkedIn has become the dominant site for online business networking , but Facebook at Work could also challenge Google 's drive , email and chat products and Microsoft 's Outlook email service , Office software and Yammer , the corporate social network it bought for $ 1.2bn in 2012 .

  4. 参与电子交易的双方可以利用实时和非实时通信工具(如QQ、MSN、电子邮件等)进行文档、语音、视频方式的异地商务交流。

    The parties involved in electronic transactions can take advantage of real-time and non real-time communication tools ( such as QQ , MSN , e-mail , etc. ) documents , voice , video , way off-site commercial exchanges .

  5. 好的商务交流中,要使用简洁的词语。

    Good business communications use concise words .

  6. “以客户理解的语言同他们交谈”是任何商务交流的成功之道。

    Speaking in a language the customer understands is key to good communication in any business .

  7. 除了经济影响外,旅游产业的发展还能对湖北社会和环境产生一定有益影响,可以促进对外开放和文化商务交流,提高居民生活质量,增强环保意识等。

    In addition to economic influence , tourism industry also can produce beneficial influence on society and environment .

  8. 在这种形势下,国际商务交流日益频繁,需要各层次的商务人才来进行国际贸易活动。

    At the same time , international business communication has become more frequent , which needs the business talents at all levels .

  9. 随着各国之间的商务交流变得日益频繁,国际商务谈判逐渐成为世界经济活动中的重要组成部分。

    With the business communication between countries being much frequent , international business negotiations is becoming an important part in the world economy .

  10. 移民与关卡局表示,此举将进一步为中国游客赴新提供更多便利,并也将进一步拉动中新两国的商务交流、贸易往来以及旅游业的发展。

    The authority said it will provide greater travel convenience for Chinese visitors and facilitate trade , business and tourism links between Singapore and China .

  11. 商务交流的最大困难之一,同样的信息可能使某些受众喜欢,而不是其他受众。

    One of the great difficulties in management communication is that the same message may appeal to some members of your audience but not others .

  12. 在正确的环境中谨慎地使用,确实能够节省时间,表意思清楚,一般也会使商务交流的心情放松。

    Used conservatively and in the right setting , they can save time , clarify your meaning , and generally lighten the mood of business communications .

  13. 因其是一种目的性强、社会性强的语言,所以长期以来人们在商务交流中十分崇尚精确性与清晰性。

    Due to great sense of purpose and sociality it involves , Business English has long been identified with accuracy and clarity , no room is left for fuzziness .

  14. 《中阿交流》杂志是中阿投资与经济交流的理想平台,加盟我们商务交流更顺利,信息流通更快捷。

    " China-Arab Exchanges " magazine is an ideal platform for investment and economic exchange , which let the business and the flow of information more smoothly and more efficient .

  15. 完全适应全英语工作环境,胜任各级管理、行政、财务、营销、服务业等方面的商务交流,具备担任中高级管理人员的资格。

    To be able to totally adapt in an all-English working environment ; To handle business communications in all levels of management-administration , financial , marketing and service industry , etc.

  16. 我是从事工业布、帘子布、轮胎、橡胶、输送带行业,主要业务是生产浸胶机。如有需要商务交流,请与我联系。

    We engage in the industrial fabrics , Cord , tires , rubber , conveyor industry , the main business is production dipped machine , For commercial exchanges to contact me .

  17. 因此在跨文化商务交流中,懂得文化差异,又能利用冲突解决原理的谈判手才能在谈判中占据决定性的优势。

    Therefore , in an international business environment , negotiators with an understanding of cultural differences , who can utilize conflict resolution fundamentals , have a decidedly large advantage at the bargaining table .

  18. 我取得了英语硕士学位,在一所重点大学教过商务交流课程,在两家报社任过职,现希望能用我的知识和技能为贵公司的发展做出贡献。

    I have completed a Master 's Degree in English , taught Business Communication at a major university , worked for two newspapers , and would like to contribute my skills to your company 's development .

  19. 经过人类社会长期应用而形成的习语,由于其言简意赅、生动活泼的特点,在国际商务交流中起到了活跃交往气氛、打破谈判僵局、取得商务进展的作用。

    Idioms , which have evolved over a long period of use by a speech community , play roles in relieving pressure , breaking deadlock in negotiations in international business communication because of their nature of being terse and vivid .

  20. 此外,对发生在商务交流中误解成因以及减少这种误解的方法的分析对研究其他语言误解现象和跨文化交际中存在的误解也有着非常宝贵的价值。

    In addition , the analysis of reasons of misunderstanding occurring in the process of business communication and the methods to reduce them will definitely be valuable to the research of misunderstanding existing in other languages and in intercultural business communication .

  21. 近年来,多媒体数字办公系统在远程教学、商务交流和商业会议、企业客户服务和产品开发、远程医疗和会诊、跨国企业交流等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In recent years , multimedia digital office system has been playing a more and more important role in long-distance education , commerce communion and conference , corporation client service and product development , long-distance medical treatment and consultation , multinational corporation communion and so on .

  22. 随着全球经济一体化和跨文化交际的深入发展,世界各国之间的商务交流日益紧密,商务谈判作为商务交流中不可缺少的组成部分,在商务活动中起着举足轻重的作用。

    With the acceleration of global economic integration and the development of intercultural communication , business communication between countries all over the world are becoming more and more closely . Business negotiation as an indispensable part of business communication plays a more and more important role in business activities .

  23. 为上班旅白领而设的商务英语交流博客。

    This forum is dedicated to the exchange of workplace English for white collar workers .

  24. 中国-欧洲的商务信息交流平台。

    China-Europe business information exchange site .

  25. 在现代社会,各种文化现象已渗透到社会生活的各个层面,广场文化是知识经济条件下诞生的集文化、学习、娱乐、休闲、培训、旅游、商务、交流于一体的综合性文化。

    Nowadays , all kinds of culture phenomenon have gotten through all kinds of the society . Square culture is a kind of comprehensive culture concluding culture , study , amusement , training , tourism , business and communication in the knowledge economy .

  26. 在新书《全球视角:其他语言使用英语舶来词的动机》中,朱迪斯?罗森豪斯和洛特姆?科内尔称英语为“现代世界的通用语,是科学研究、国际商务及交流方面的通用语言”。

    In their recent book , Globally Speaking : Motives for Adopting English Vocabulary in Other Languages , Judith Rosenhouse and Rotem Kowner hail English as " the lingua franca of the modern world , the common language used for science , international business and for communication . "

  27. 商务计划是交流的工具,向潜在投资人展示想法的考虑(成熟度);

    As a communication tool , it can show possible investors how well you have considered your ideas .

  28. 协助客户策划安排不同类型的商务考察、交流、访问、培训,设计最优行程;

    Assist customers with different forms of business investigation , communication , visiting and training ; design the optimal itinerary ;

  29. 在内部工作和业务流程的控制方面,企业将会主动地大量采用电子商务模式进行交流。

    On the inside working and business procedure controlling enterprises will adopt e-business mode to exchange in a large amount voluntarily .

  30. 在之后的声明中,中兴表示,他们将“积极”促进和美国商务部的交流,甚至可能会采取上诉。

    In a following statement , ZTE said that it was " actively " facilitating communications with the US department and may even appeal .