
shānɡ pǐn chǔ bèi
  • Commodity reserves;commodity supply
  1. 第四,论述其在国际经贸理论领域的贡献:价值投资学派的创始人,提出商品储备货币思想的第一人;

    He is the founder of the theory of value investing , and the first man who develop the commodity reserve currency .

  2. 政府可以建立重要商品储备制度,设立价格调节基金,调控价格,稳定市场。

    The government shall build a major merchandise reserve system and establish a price regulation fund to control prices and stabilize the market .

  3. 价格总水平调控的价格手段主要有:重要商品储备制度、价格调节基金制度、保护价政策、价格监测制度、价格的临时干预措施和紧急干预措施。

    The policy of protected price ; the system of pricing supervision ; the method of price 's temporary and urgent interference measures .

  4. 商品储备必须有一定的量,才能在一定时期内满足需要,这是物流仓储合理化的前提或本质。

    Merchandise reserve must have certain amount , can satisfy the need in a certain period , this is the premise of the rationalization of logistics or nature .

  5. 由于一项令政府收购价格大大高于中国或海外市场价的政策,中国的玉米、小麦、大米及其他农业大宗商品的国家储备已攀升至极高水平。

    China 's state reserves of corn , wheat , rice and other agricultural commodities have climbed to high levels thanks to a policy that set state purchasing prices well above market prices in China or overseas .

  6. 自黄金非货币化后,各国央行调整黄金储备。其调整的目的分为二类:一类是把黄金作为商品,降低黄金储备量;

    After the gold has been demonetized , the central banks of many countries began to adjust gold reserve .