
shānɡ pǐn shānɡ biāo
  • trademark;commodity trademark
  1. 试论中国商品商标名称英译

    On the Translation of Chinese Trademark

  2. 女用商品商标的翻译非常重要。

    The translation of the trademark of the commodities for female is of great importance .

  3. 本法有关商品商标的规定,适用于服务商标。

    The provisions made in this Law concerning goods trademarks shall apply to service marks .

  4. 本罪的犯罪对象是他人已经注册的商品商标。

    The criminal target of this crime is other people 's registered goods trademarks .

  5. 论出口商品商标的英译

    A Discussion on Translation of Exported Products

  6. 本实施细则有关商品商标的规定,适用于服务商标。

    The provisions made in these Implementing Regulations concerning goods trademarks shall apply to service marks .

  7. 浅谈日用商品商标的翻译特点

    A Brief Discussion on the Features in the Translation of the Trademarks of Articles of Everyday Use

  8. 出口商品商标的宣传已成为各国在国际市场上推销商品和参与商业竞争的战略之一。

    The publicity of brands has become one of the strategies of enterprises to compete in the international market .

  9. 本文通过分析商标翻译的基本要求,讨论出口商品商标译名的翻译的原则和常用方法。如直译法、意译法、音译法、音意接合法、改译法等。

    This thesis focuses on the analysis of the demands for the translation of exported products and discusses the usual approaches in the translating .

  10. 由此看来,上述规定中要求权利人提起域名纠纷投诉所依据的权利系“商品商标或服务商标”之权利。

    It can be concluded that the rights that a complainant based upon in said domain name dispute are the commodity trademark rights or service trademark rights .

  11. 《规则》及相关补充规则中并没有允许将权利人可以依据和主张的权利延展到“商品商标或服务商标”之外的其他权利。

    The UDRP and any of supplementary rules do not permit the complainant 's rights extending to rights other than the commodity trademark rights or service trademark rights .

  12. 指出了商标翻译必须符合符号学翻译理论的功能对等的原则,阐述了中国商品商标的四种英译方法。

    The translation of trademark should adhere to the principle of " functional equivalence " from the translation theory of semiotic . This paper discusses four methods to translate Chinese trademark .

  13. 主要讨论如何利用美国的商标制度,通过合法的途径来加强我国出口商品商标在美的保护,以防范他人侵权,并在确定他方侵犯时,我方应如何正确处理。

    This paper discusses measures to strengthen trademark protection of our exports in the US from infringement by applying US trademark system , and to rise to the challenge when our trademarks are infringed by others .

  14. 我们可以按照客户所指定的商品的商标和牌号接受订单。

    We are prepared to accept orders for goods with customers own trade marks or brand names .

  15. 电影片名犹如商品的商标,对观众有极强的导视作用。

    Film titles , which are just like brands of commodities , are of very influential guiding effects to audience .

  16. 在该类案件中,抢注人常常会出于不同的目的抢注知名商品的商标,能否一概认定为恶意注册值得我们探讨。

    In such cases , people often rush to register the well-known trademark with different aims . So it is worthy of our consideration on confirmation of malicious registration .

  17. 通过对商标使用权分层分析,经销商使用他人商标的基础是经销商标商品和商标的非商标含义。

    Pass to use to the trademark the power layering analyze , the foundation of the dealer usage others trademark promote the trademark merchandise to is not the trademark meaning with the trademark .

  18. 申请国家规定必须使用注册商标的其他商品的商标注册,应当附送有关主管部门的批准证明文件。

    In applying for trademark registration on other goods that the state has designated as requiring the use of a registered trademark , the approval documentation from the competent authorities shall be attached to the application .

  19. Trips协议下我国假冒注册商标罪的立法应从以下方面加以完善:将服务商标、类似商品、近似商标侵权行为和反向假冒注册商标行为纳入本罪的保护范围;

    On the basis of Trips , legislative perfection of the crime of shamming registered trademark as follows : bring service trademark , resembling commodity , approximate trademark and opposite shamming into the protection area of the crime ;

  20. 出口商品名称和商标的翻译

    The Translation of Names and Trademarks of Exported Commodities

  21. 随着国际化的发展,越来越多的企业面临着市场转移。在此过程中,作为商品代言人的商标及其译名在营销中发挥着重要的作用。

    More and more enterprises with the development of internationalization are going to the world market , dur -

  22. 口头声明可当作使用商品说明或商标或标志论。

    An oral statement may amount to the use of a trade description or trade mark or mark .

  23. 引你走进卖场血拼的,并不仅仅是精美的商品包装和商标设计。

    It 's not just the packaging and brand design that lures you into a store to buy things .

  24. 以任何方式使用商品说明或商标或标志,而可被视为涉及有关货品者;

    Uses the trade description or trade mark or mark in any manner likely to be taken as referring to the goods ;

  25. 货品供应人应视作已将商品说明或商标或标志用于该货品。

    The person supplying the goods shall be deemed to have applied that trade description or trade mark or mark to the goods .

  26. 购买商品销售打出商标文字不构成商标侵权&兼谈保护注册商标权的有关理论和法律制度

    Printing Words in Trademarks on Product for Sale Does Not Constitute Trademark Tort & also on related theories and legal systems with the protection of registered trademark rights

  27. 商标权是受法律保护的知识产权,销售假冒注册商标的商品是侵犯商标权的行为,行为人须承担相应的法律责任。

    Trademark is protected by the law of intellectual property , sale of counterfeit goods is a registered trademark of the acts of trademark infringement , and the perpetrator must bear the corresponding legal responsibility .

  28. 经营者违反本条例第六条规定假冒他人注册商标的,商标注册处负责商品和服务商标的注册事宜。

    Where an operator violates the provision in Article Six of the Regulations by forging the trademark of any other party , The Trade Marks Registry is a registry of original registration in respect of both goods and services .

  29. 复制、摹仿、翻译他人注册的驰名商标或其主要部分在不相同或者不相类似商品上作为商标使用,误导公众,致使该驰名商标注册人的利益可能受到损害的;

    Copying , imitating , translating a well-known registered trademark of another person or its essential part to be used as a trademark on non-identical or non-similar goods and thus misleading the public and causing possible damage to the owner 's interest of the said well-known trademark .

  30. 然而由于目前大多数媒介缺乏对自身商标的保护意识,有不少人利用媒介和媒介品牌的知名度搭便车,将其抢注为其他的商品或服务商标,造成了媒介商标这一无形资产的流失。

    But for most media lack the awareness of protecting trademarks , the media and media brands are used for some " free riders " to be registered as other kinds of good or service trademarks , so that the media lose the intangible assets of trademarks .