
  • 网络business credit
  1. 我国C2C电子商务信用体系构建研究

    Study on Building the C2C E-commerce Credit System in China

  2. 论文在对UD鄄DI服务发现基本模型的研究基础上加入了语义推理,并运用到电子商务信用评估服务发现中。

    This paper presents semantic reasoning based on UDDI Web Service registry model and this method is applied in E-Business Credit evaluating services .

  3. 本文第六部分是对全文的总结,及对未来C2C电子商务信用管理发展的展望。

    The sixth part of the paper is a summary of the whole article and the outlook of the future development of the C2C e-commerce credit management .

  4. 我国电子商务信用风险的调查及分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Electronic Commerce Credit Risk in Our Country

  5. 基于网格的电子商务信用评价体系应用研究

    The Application and Research of E-commerce Credit Evaluating System Based on Grid

  6. 电子商务信用及信用体系基本问题研究

    Research on Basic Problems of Credit System of E-commerce

  7. 电子商务信用风险系统研究

    A Research on Trust Risk System of Electronic Commerce

  8. 电子商务信用风险决策分析

    Analysis on Credit Risk Decision in E-commerce

  9. 电子商务信用体系已成为电子商务发展的重要影响因素。

    Electronic commerce credit system has become the important influence factor of electronic commerce development .

  10. 我国电子商务信用问题研究及对策

    Trust Research of E-Commerce in China

  11. 在实践和大量研究中商务信用被认为是企业短期融资的主要来源,能有效降低交易成本。

    In practice and a large number of studies of which consider it a major source of short-term financing .

  12. 最后,提出了未来研究应加强感知隐私、感知安全和电子商务信用的研究建议。

    It is suggested that future study would focus on perceived privacy , perceived security and the trust in E commerce .

  13. 在此基础上,阐释了系统动力学对电子商务信用风险系统研究的适用性。

    On this basis , this thesis explains the applicability that studying the trust risk in e - commerce with system dynamics .

  14. 安全和隐私问题成为阻碍网上交易发展的重要因素,并对电子商务信用产生消极影响。

    The Perceived Security and privacy are a main Obstacle on online translations and create negative influence on the trust in E commerce .

  15. 网络欺诈一直困扰着虚拟市场的各相关利益主体,电子商务信用风险成为国内外经济管理研究的一个热点。

    Therefore , Internet fraud has been haunting stock holders in virtual market . Trust risk in e-business is a hotspot of economic management research .

  16. 供应商利用这种依赖信用支付时间的商务信用策略,来促使零售商增加订货量,并尽可能的缩短货款支付期限。

    Supplier uses the strategy which relies on pay time to encourage retailer to increase orders volume and shorten duration of pay time if possible .

  17. 本文就电子商务信用方面的相关题目进行了简单的探讨,并提出了一些解决我国电子商务信用题目的对策。

    This article carries on a superficial discussion on the E-commerce credit related problems , and some measures has been proposed to consummate E-commerce credit problems .

  18. 重点构造了电子商务信用度的数学计算模型,分别计算了两种信用度(直接信用和推荐信任)的结果,并提出了其实现方法。

    Focuses on the creditworthiness of e-commerce , the calculation model of the direct trust and recommendation trust and confidence , two design method to realize its .

  19. 社会信用体系的缺失,导致电子商务信用问题层出不穷,电子商务信用体系作为社会信用体系的重要组成部分,被认为是社会信用体系的突破口。

    Lack of social credit architecture , resulting in endless e-commerce credit problems , as an important component of the social credit architecture , e-commerce architecture was considered a breakthrough .

  20. 提出了我国电子商务信用管理体系构建的重点应当放在企业间信用管理层面上的观点。

    Then this paper carries out the view that the point of how to build the credit management system of Electronic-Business in China should be the credit management system between enterprises .

  21. 通过分析基于网络的第三方信用信息服务模式,提出如何发展我国电子商务信用信息中介服务。

    In this paper , the author analyzes the patterns of network-based third-party credit information services , and proposes some ideas for future developments in intermediary services of credit information of electronic commerce in China .

  22. 在对中国电子商务信用体系建设现状进行分析的基础上,论述电子商务信用体系的概念、电子商务信用体系建设的模式和原则。

    This paper analyses status construction of electronic commerce credit system in China . Concept of electronic commerce credit system , construction model and principles of electronic commerce credit system are discussed in the article .

  23. 本文分析了我国电子商务信用体系研究现状和建设现状,并论述我国电子商务信用体系建设的制约因素。

    This paper analyzes present conditions of study on electronic commerce credit system and construction of electronic commerce credit system . Restrictive factors of construction of electronic commerce credit system in China are discussed in the article .

  24. 分析了电子商务信用策略的模型假设与构建,探讨了数据选取与演化过程模拟,对演化博弈模型进行了深入讨论。

    This paper analyzes on the hypothesis and construction of the model of the credit strategy of e-business , probes into the data selection and the evolvement process simulation , and discusses on the model of the evolvement game .

  25. 信用问题产生的本质是由于在线交易主体对信用风险的预期,要做到有效防范电子商务信用风险,就必须理解其科学内涵,分析其影响因素,探究其形成机制。

    The nature of credit problem is because of the expected trust risk . In order to effectively guard against e-commerce trust risk , we must understand its scientific meaning 、 analyze its influencing factors , research its formation mechanism .

  26. 而后,本文结合系统动力学的原理,分析了电子商务信用风险的系统结构,界定了系统边界。

    The introduction of this category is a necessary condition of following system model . Then , combined with the principle of system dynamics , this thesis analyzes the trust risk in e - commerce system architecture , defines the system boundary .

  27. 我国信用制度相对落后,对于探讨B2C电子商务的信用风险的产生机理和防范策略还未得到深入的研究。

    Our country credit system fall behind other countries and B2C e-commerce credit risks production mechanism and guard strategy have not been thoroughly researched .

  28. 通过分析现有的信用评价的现状,对比主流C2C电子商务网站信用评价模型,找出信用评价模型存在的问题与不足。

    Then , by analyzing the status of the existing credit rating , through compared to mainstream credit evaluation model C2C e-commerce site , I identify the credit evaluation model the problems and shortcomings .

  29. 电子商务的信用管理体系构建研究

    Study on Building the Credit Management System of Electronic - business

  30. 中国发展电子商务的信用障碍及重建

    Barrier and Reconstruction of Credit in China 's Electronic Business Development