
shānɡ yè xìn yònɡ zhènɡ
  • commercial letter of credit
  1. 我们已开出商业信用证,特此通知。

    We intimate to you that we have issue a commercial letter of credit .

  2. 我们已通过一家日本银行开立了以你方为受益人的相当于合同金额的商业信用证。

    We have established a commercial letter of credit in your favour for the contracted amount through a Japanese bank .

  3. 有关商业信用证冻结案中欺诈问题的探讨

    A Study on Fraud in Cases of Frozen Commercial LCs

  4. 商业信用证更改已通知。

    Amendment of the commercial credit is advise .

  5. 现今,备用信用证已被广泛运用于社会经济生活的各方各面,其业务量也远远超过了传统的商业信用证,成为一种重要的国际金融工具。

    Currently , Standby has been widely used with its transaction amount far exceeding that of the traditional commercial credits .

  6. 备用信用证与银行独立保证和跟单商业信用证在许多方面都有不同。

    The standby letter of credit is quite different from bank guarantee and commercial documentary letter of credit in many aspects .

  7. 由于从传统商业信用证衍生而来,备用信用证自产生之日即承继了信用证所固有的独立性特点。

    Developed from the traditional commercial credit , Standby was born of Autonomy , or say Independence , which was a basic principle of credit system .

  8. 在买卖双方互不信任的情况下,国际贸易商更倾向于寻找一个独立的第三人作为中介和保证,商业信用证便应运而生。

    Under the circumstance that buyer and seller have to distrust each other , they are inclined to choose an independent third party as intermediary agent .

  9. 第一章,主要从备用信用证的定义、法律性质以及法律特征出发,并通过与商业信用证以及银行独立担保相比较,进一步界定备用信用证。

    Chapter I covers the concept , legal nature and characters of standby letter of credit , to further defining standby letter of credit , this chapter compares it with independent bank guarantees and commercial letter of credit .

  10. 该业务通过签发银行独立保函或备用信用证,在实现传统担保功能的基础上,吸收了商业信用证的独立性原则,形成了集担保、融资与支付功能为一体的业务运作机制。

    Upon issuance of Bank Independent Bond or Standby Letter of Credit , Bank Independent Guarantee integrate all the functions as guarantee , financing and payment under an uniformed business system , which is based on the traditional undertaking nature and independent principals of documentary credits .

  11. 商业银行信用证业务风险评估

    Evaluation on the Risks of Letter of Credit in Commercial Bank

  12. 商业银行信用证贸易融资业务风险研究

    Risks Study on Trade Finance under Letter of Credit to Commercial Bank

  13. 商业银行在信用证纠纷中的法律问题

    Letter of Credit dispute and commercial bank guard against legal risks