
shānɡ yè huì piào
  • Commercial Bills;commercial draft;trade bill;merchant bill
  1. 我需要与公司联系,看是否可用商业汇票。

    I need to check with my company as to whether a commercial draft is Okay .

  2. 大量的商业汇票业务的市场需求与银行商业汇票的电子化步伐滞后之间的矛盾日益突出。

    The conflict between the market demands of the commercial draft business and the backward electronical step of the bank commercial draft is becoming more serious day by day .

  3. 汇票分为银行汇票和商业汇票。

    Bills of exchange include banker 's bills and commercial bills .

  4. 电子商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。

    The payer of an ECD shall be the acceptor .

  5. 无追索权商业汇票贴现的风险辨析与定价探讨

    A study on the pricing and risks of discounting commercial bills without recourse

  6. 如卖方开出的是远期汇票,以此向买方提供信用,此时就做了一笔商业汇票承兑业务。

    If a seller extends credit to a time draft , they have made a trade acceptance .

  7. 浅议商业汇票业务的核算

    On Accounting for Commercial Bill

  8. 对出票人签发的商业汇票进行承兑是银行基于对出票人资信的认可而给予的信用支持。

    The drawer signed commercial bank acceptance bank based on the drawer credit approval and give credit support .

  9. 商业汇票作为企业流动资金的重要组成部分,在企业的经济活动中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Commercial bills , an important part of corporate activities funds , play a very important role in the economic activities of enterprises .

  10. 票据市场是基础性的货币市场,主要包括商业汇票市场、商业本票市场及其他短期债券市场。

    Paper Market is a basic money market , main including commercial bill of exchange market , promissory note market and other short-term bond market .

  11. 信息技术的高速发展,以及银行业信息化程度的不断提高,为企业商业汇票管理系统的应用奠定了良好的应用基础。

    With the rapid development of IT and the information technology of banking industries , the applications of corporate commercial bills have a good foundation .

  12. 指出信用风险,操作风险及风险回报不对称是商业汇票承兑,贴现业务中的主要风险。

    It is pointed out that credit risk ? operational risk and non-symmetry between risk and return are the main risks in commercial accepted bills and discounting business .

  13. 商业汇票是我国银行机构提供的金融产品,商业汇票市场即票据市场是我国货币市场的重要组成部分。

    Commercial bills is one of financial products that banks in China provide to corporate customers , commercial bills market is an important part of the Chinese money market .

  14. 本文作者从理论和实务方面就目前我国金融风险中的商业汇票承兑,贴现业务风险进行了初步的探讨和分析。

    From the perspectives of theory and practice , this thesis gives a general discussion and analysis of the risks in commercial accepted bills and discounting business among the financial risks in our country at present .

  15. 此外,论文首次对银行票据市场的微观结构进行量化分析,实证得出商业汇票运转的微观行为特征,为科学规范票据市场主体行为提供决策支持。

    The thesis notes the first time on the quantitative analysis in the banking market microstructure , making empirical analysis of the functioning of commercial bills of exchange of micro-features , and making a good support of data for further standardizing the market instruments .

  16. 商业承兑汇票转贴现申请人的抗辩是否成立?

    Can the Applicant for Re-discount of the Trade Acceptance Defense ?

  17. 商业承兑汇票诈骗犯罪及对策探析

    Swindling Crime of Commercial Acceptance Bill of Exchange and Countermeasures

  18. 限额设计势在必行商业承兑汇票亟待规范

    Norm design is imperative Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria

  19. 信用的组合与分离:商业承兑汇票发展的逻辑

    On the Development of Commercial Acceptance Bill

  20. 为控股股东及其他关联方开具没有真实交易背景的商业承兑汇票;

    Issuing a commercial acceptance bill with no truthful transaction background to the controlling shareholder or other associated party ;

  21. 调动各方积极性,建立有效推广商业承兑汇票的良性机制。

    I.Mobilizing the initiative of all sectors , and building up a virtuous mechanism for effectively extending commercial acceptance bills .

  22. 发展中小企业融资途径的探讨&浅析商业承兑汇票贴现业务

    On Financing Way of Medium - sized and Small - sized Enterprises - On Discount Business of Commercial Acceptance Draft

  23. 商业承兑汇票亟待规范有必要对付款人承担的错误付款风险,给予必要的法律救济,加重受让伪造、变造票据人的风险责任。

    Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria Therefore , it is necessary to give legal aid for the payer who runs the risk of wrong payment and aggravate the risk liability of transferee of forged and altered bills .

  24. 从目前商业银行承兑汇票使用中存在的问题入手,对我国银行承兑汇票业务中应采取怎样的防范措施进行了探讨。

    Analysis is made on the problems about the bank acceptance of commercial bank during the economic activities , and the preventives are given .

  25. 票据的数据库管理系统采用Oracle10g的产品。各商业银行的商业汇票系统属于ECDS的系统参与者,各个商业汇票系统与ECDS是子系统与总体的组成关系。

    This bank electronic commercial draft system have used the database management product of Oracle 10g.The commercial draft systems in every city commercial banks belongs to the participant of the ECDS .

  26. 而国有商业银行也通过中小商业银行的汇票代理,拓展了客户服务领域和增加中间业务收入。

    Moreover , the state-owned commercial banks also expand the customer service realm and increase the intermediate business incomes owe to acting for the bank draft by the middle and small commercial banks .

  27. 并提出了加强信用管理,建立全国性的企业信用评级体系和票据查询系统,严格央行监管和进一步完善商业银行的内控管理来防范我国商业汇票的风险的建议。

    It is suggested that the risks in commercial bills should be prevented by strengthening credit management , establishing a system in the country for enterprises ' credit ratings and a system for bills inquiry , enhancing central banks ' supervision and further improving the internal control of commercial banks .