
  • 网络store image
  1. 零售商店形象属性维度的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Dimensions for Attributes of Retail Store Image

  2. 究其原因,这是因为它们被顾客所感知到的商店形象好。

    Why , because the store image perceived by customers is better .

  3. 消费价值影响下的网上商店形象对商店忠诚度的作用

    Impact on Online-store Loyalty from Store Image under Influences from Consumption Values

  4. 商店形象对顾客忠诚有着显著影响,其中,最大的影响因素是商店所提供的服务。

    Store image affects customer loyalty significantly , and service affects loyalty most .

  5. 不同个体特性的消费者在商店形象、顾客满意、顾客忠诚等变量的感知上有显著差异。

    Consumers with different characteristics perceive differently on store image , customer satisfaction and customer loyalty .

  6. 该研究具体内容为:对消费者个人因素、产品技术含量、商店形象、产品价格、产品促销及产品包装这几个方面和自有品牌商品的感知质量间的关系进行了实证分析。

    The study will find the relationship between the perceived quality of private brand merchandise and some factors .

  7. 最后根据研究结论提出提高北京市百货店商店形象的措施。

    At last , the author has proposed improve measures for store image of Beijing on the basis of the study conclusion .

  8. 尽管商店形象一直受到国内外零售学领域的密切关注,但是针对彩票业的实证研究还较少。

    Although store image has been closely studied and researched by the retail field , but empirical studies for the lottery industry are less .

  9. 本研究从商店形象的角度探讨形成顾客满意与顾客忠诚的因素,以及顾客获得消费满足对顾客忠诚度的影响。

    We want to research the process of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty from the store image view , and how customer satisfaction influence customer loyalty .

  10. 本文的研究重点是结合商店形象与顾客满意理论,研究它们对顾客抱怨行为的影响。

    The study of this paper focuses on that combine the theories of store image and customer satisfaction , research the affection of customer complaint behavior by them .

  11. 在本研究中,我们提出模型以测量在网上商店形象对网上商店忠诚度产生影响的过程中,顾客的网络购物经验起到的调节作用。

    In this research , we propose a model to test the moderation effects of online shopping experience on the relationship between online store image and online store loyalty .

  12. 调查表明,我国零售商店形象属性可以被划分为四个维度:商品形象,氛围形象、价格形象和便利形象。

    An investigation has shown that the attributes of retail store image can be divided into four dimensions : merchandise image , atmosphere image , price image and convenience image .

  13. 本文首先回顾有关商店形象、顾客满意和顾客忠诚的文献资料。

    Store image has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty . Firstly , this paper reviews the relevant literatures about store image , customer satisfaction and customer loyalty .

  14. 零售商店形象是消费者逛街购物的物质环境,它对消费者决策行为有重要影响。

    Retail store image refers to the physical environment for consumers to stroll around and do shopping , which can exert a significant influence on the consumer 's decision - making behavior .

  15. 商店形象对核心竞争力的影响最大,其次是商品形象、社会形象、消费者购后满意,服务形象,组织形象影响最小。

    Store the image of the core competitiveness of the greatest impact , followed by the commodity image , social image , consumer-purchase satisfaction , service image , the image of the organization with minimal impact .

  16. 但是这就要求我们的百货店必须重新确定自己的差别化竞争战略,通过提高百货店的商店形象,吸引顾客到商店购买商品,从而提高百货店的竞争优势,提高其市场份额。

    This requires our department stores need to re-establish their own competitive strategy of differentiation . Department stores by improving its image attract customers to buy goods , enhance the competitive advantage of department stores and Share .

  17. 网络零售业者要在竞争日益激烈的市场中赢得属于自己的市场份额,必须突出自己独特的网络商店形象,提高顾客的购买率。

    If the online retailers want to win the market share belonging to them under the gradually fierce competition , they must lay stress on building their unique online-store image , so as to advance customers ' purchase rate .

  18. 其中服务形象、安全形象、商品形象和价格形象对顾客满意有着显著的正向影响,而网站形象和便利形象对顾客满意无显著影响。(3)网络商店形象对顾客忠诚有着显著影响。

    Service image , safety image , commodity image and price image all have positive impact on customer satisfaction , but website image and convenience image has no significant effect on customer satisfaction . ( 3 ) Online-store image has a significant effect on customer loyalty .

  19. 大型超市的商店形象主要由商店氛围、地理位置、便利设施、商品/价格及提供服务五个维度构成。

    The main conclusion is showed as follows : ( 1 ) The store image of General Supermarket is consisted of store atmosphere , location , convenient facilities , merchandise and price , and service , and all of them affect customer satisfaction positively and significantly .

  20. 本研究采用实验设计和问卷调查的方法,使用整体商店价格形象评价与购买意愿的问卷,研究对象为220位大学在校生和MBA。

    Based on the experimental design and survey methods , we use the overall store image and purchase intention questionnaire designed for 196 college students .

  21. 主要结论如下:①C2C网上商店的形象主要由商店环境(氛围)、价格、产品/信誉和服务四个维度构成。

    The main conclusion is as follows : ① C2C On-line store image mainly by the store environment ( atmosphere ), the price , the product / prestige , serves five dimension constitutions .

  22. 零售商店品牌形象构成要素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Components of Retail Store Brand Image

  23. 网络商店组织形象、顾客满意与顾客忠诚的关系研究

    A Study on the Relations among the Corporate Identity of Web-shop , Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

  24. 如果商店时常致身于慈善活动如环境保护、关怀受虐儿等等,商店的社会形象会导向正面化。

    If the store often engage public charitable project ( like environment friendly , defend children from abuse * etc. ), the social image of the store will leading to positive side .

  25. 现在商店的货架设计除了应立足于功能性的要求外,形式上的现代感,是塑造商店形象的主要方面。

    Now in addition to store shelves design should be based on functional requirements , the modern form is the shape of the main aspects of store image .

  26. 究其原因,在网上商店的经营中缺少三件法宝,即增强网上商店的粘着力、注重网上消费心理研究、树立网上商店的诚信形象。

    The reason lies in is that such shops lack in three key factors , i.e. , to strengthen the attachment to the shops online , to emphasize psychological study in consumption and to set up credit image .