
  • 网络Commercial Acceptance Bill;Trade acceptance;commercial acceptance draft
  1. 为控股股东及其他关联方开具没有真实交易背景的商业承兑汇票;

    Issuing a commercial acceptance bill with no truthful transaction background to the controlling shareholder or other associated party ;

  2. 商业承兑汇票诈骗犯罪及对策探析

    Swindling Crime of Commercial Acceptance Bill of Exchange and Countermeasures

  3. 商业承兑汇票转贴现申请人的抗辩是否成立?

    Can the Applicant for Re-discount of the Trade Acceptance Defense ?

  4. 限额设计势在必行商业承兑汇票亟待规范

    Norm design is imperative Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria

  5. 信用的组合与分离:商业承兑汇票发展的逻辑

    On the Development of Commercial Acceptance Bill

  6. 发展中小企业融资途径的探讨&浅析商业承兑汇票贴现业务

    On Financing Way of Medium - sized and Small - sized Enterprises - On Discount Business of Commercial Acceptance Draft

  7. 调动各方积极性,建立有效推广商业承兑汇票的良性机制。

    I.Mobilizing the initiative of all sectors , and building up a virtuous mechanism for effectively extending commercial acceptance bills .

  8. 商业承兑汇票亟待规范有必要对付款人承担的错误付款风险,给予必要的法律救济,加重受让伪造、变造票据人的风险责任。

    Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria Therefore , it is necessary to give legal aid for the payer who runs the risk of wrong payment and aggravate the risk liability of transferee of forged and altered bills .

  9. 从目前商业银行承兑汇票使用中存在的问题入手,对我国银行承兑汇票业务中应采取怎样的防范措施进行了探讨。

    Analysis is made on the problems about the bank acceptance of commercial bank during the economic activities , and the preventives are given .