
jí qī huì piào
  • Demand draft;bill payable at sight;bill payable on demand;demand bill;bill payable on presentation
  1. E.即期汇票一式二份。

    E. Two ( 2 ) copies of sight draft .

  2. C.即期汇票一式二份。

    C. Two ( 2 ) copies of sight draft .

  3. W:那如果销售是以即期汇票为基础的呢?

    W : What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft ?

  4. B.即期汇票一式二份。

    B. Two ( 2 ) copies of sight draft .

  5. 我们将开即期汇票向你方索取费用。

    We will draw a sight draft on for the expenses .

  6. 买方将用即期汇票付款。

    The buyer will pay the price by sight draft .

  7. 相关单据包括即期汇票一式两份。

    The relevant documents shall include a D / D in duplicate .

  8. 你们接受即期汇票还是远期汇票?

    Do you accept at sight draft or time bill ?

  9. 本公司以付款交单,即期汇票来做生意。

    We do business on a draft at sight under D / P.

  10. 要是买卖是建立在即期汇票的基础上又怎么样呢?

    What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft ?

  11. 凭即期汇票及相应的运输单据。

    By sight draft against presentation of shipping documents .

  12. 为什么即期汇票还要扣贴息?

    Why is the sight draft subject to a deduction for discount interest ?

  13. 向开证行索款的即期汇票。

    Sight Draft drawn on the issuing bank .

  14. 见票即付、即期汇票。

    Draft at sight ; sight draft .

  15. 佣金通常在我公司收到全部货款后以即期汇票支付。

    Commission will be paid by demand draft usually after our receipt of fully payment .

  16. 支票是以银行为付款人的即期汇票。

    A cheque is a bill of exchang drawn on a bank payable on demand .

  17. 如果因发货人的要求采取货到付款的货物,所有即期汇票必须有各自的出口商的签名。

    Charges'demand draft must be issued in the name and favour of the respective exporter .

  18. 我方将开出即期汇票以补偿你方差价。

    We shall offset the price difference by a demand draft payable to your order .

  19. 我们已向你开出了金额为500美元的即期汇票。

    We have drawn a sight draft on you for the amount of $ 500 .

  20. 即期汇票一式二份。

    C.Two copies of the sight draft .

  21. 以买方为抬头(银行名称)的即期汇票。

    Sight draft to be drawn on the Purchaser to ( name of bank ) 3 .

  22. 如汇票上规定必须立即付款,则该汇票就被称作即期汇票。

    If the bill must be paid immediately , it is known as a Sight Bill .

  23. 他向卖方支付即期汇票的全部金额,不打折扣。

    He pays to the seller the full amount of the sight draft , without any deduction .

  24. 受票人对即期汇票付款后收到货运单据,这一行为称为付款交单;

    Receiving the documents when the Sight Bill is paid is called " Documents against Payment " .

  25. 买方应凭卖方开具地即期汇票于见票时立即付款。

    The Buyer should make immediate payment against the presentation of the draft issued by the Seller .

  26. 我们的支付方式是以保兑不可撤消的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

    Our terms of payment are by a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight .

  27. 应按照保兑的不可撤销信用证的100%即期汇票支付。

    Payment is to be effected by100 % confirmed irrevocable letters of credit payable by drafts at sight .

  28. 按照商定,对你方所购样货我们开出即期汇票向你方索款。

    As agreed , we are drawing on you at sight against your purchase of a sample lot .

  29. 如你方同意用即期汇票支付货款,我们可降低5%。

    We 'll give you a five percent price reduction if you agree to make payment by sight draft .

  30. 汇进和汇出通常是通过信汇来完成的,即期汇票或电汇。

    Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer , demand draft , or telegraphic transfer .