
  • 网络instant sale
  1. 可以即时销售和交付的货物和材料。

    Goods and materials that a company has available for immediate sale and delivery .

  2. 数据业务存在即时销售、即时交易、即时产品服务交付、即时支付的特点,这些特点特别适合一对一的电话营销。

    Real-time sales data , presence , instant trading , real-time delivery of products and services , instant payment feature , these features particularly suitable for one to one telemarketing .

  3. 我也一样。正如伯克如此为路易威登辩解道,“门店销售产品只有5-10%在T型台上展示过,而我们在T型台上首次展出的时装更趋前卫,并不着眼于即时销售。”

    Neither do I. As Burke explains , for Louis Vuitton , " only 5 to 10 per cent of store merchandise is presented on the runway , and our catwalk collections are by definition more fashion forward and not immediately commercial when they first appear . "

  4. 星巴克使用微软的云电子邮件来保证大批咖啡师能即时获悉销售及日常交易的情况。

    Starbucks uses Microsoft 's cloud email to keep its army of baristas up to date about sales and daily deals .

  5. 七盟电子创立于西元1986年,企业总部与前瞻研发中心设在台北,目前在全球重点国家设有即时之销售与运筹服务网路。

    Seventeam Electronics is founded in1986.Its headquarters and R & D center are based in Taipei and currently has instant sale and logistics network in major countries around the world .