
  • 网络Focused Strategy
  1. 企业竞争的新焦点&战略供应链

    Strategic Supply Chain & A New Focus on Competition Among Enterprises

  2. 论企业技术创新管理的顾客关系焦点&战略基础与职能整合

    On the Customer-Relationship perspective of Technological Innovation Management & Strategic Foundation and Function Integrity

  3. 网络公共关系是新经济条件下公共关系的全新表现形式,并日益成为现代企业和跨国公司关注的焦点及战略基点。

    Public Relations on Net is the new trend of Modern Public Relations , And become the focal point of strategy for modern enterprise and multinational corporations .

  4. 软件产业作为信息产业的核心,已经成为世界各国在新一轮国际竞争中必争的焦点和战略制高点,但是我国软件产业的发展却不容乐观。

    As the kernel of the information industry , software-industry has become the focus and strategic height in the new round international competition , but it does not optimistic in our country .

  5. 信息产业已成为世界新一轮国际竞争的焦点和战略制高点,软件产业在信息产业中处于核心地位,企业管理软件是企业信息化的核心。

    Software industry is the core and soul of Information Industry . It has already become the focus and strategic commanding point in the new round of international competitions . Enterprise management software is the core in enterprise informationization .

  6. 由于坏境和能源问题的日趋严重,寻找到一种清洁可再生的新能源已成为人类关注的焦点和重大战略。

    Due to the gradually serious problems of energy source and environment , development of a new , clean , and renewable form of energy has drawn much attention and becomes an important priority stratagem .

  7. 企业管理所处的环境、企业竞争的焦点以及企业战略的选择都发生了重大变化,知识管理作为管理界的一颗新星正在冉冉升起,成为现代企业经营管理的创新点。

    The environment of enterprises management , the focus on which enterprises compete and strategy choices of enterprises have all changed greatly . Knowledge management , onr new star in the circle of management , is rising gradually and becoming the creative point of enterprise management and administration .

  8. GHHY公司的战略观念是以顾客为关注焦点的需求方战略。

    GHHY Company 's strategy concept is the Demanders Strategy focused on Customer 's Concern .

  9. 随着能源安全问题日益成为世界各国普遍关注的焦点,能源安全战略作为国家经济安全战略的核心,已成为世界各国国家安全战略的一个重要组成部分。

    With more and more countries focusing on it , the strategy of energy security , as the core of national economic security , is becoming an important component of national security strategy .

  10. 目前,旅游业的品牌竞争已不单纯是质量、价格和服务的竞争,而是把焦点集中在形象战略的策划上,所以旅游地之间的竞争在很大程度上就是形象之间的竞争。

    At present , the focus in tourism competition has been transformed from the simple competition of quality , price and service into strategic planning for the image . Therefore , competition between destinations is to a large extent that of image .