
jiāo lǜ
  • anxiety;worry;care;feel anxious;suspense;turmoil;tremble;cloud;extremely anxious;hang-up;inquietude;het up;have worries and misgivings;dither
焦虑 [jiāo lǜ]
  • [worry] (心情)焦愁忧虑(对于她的学习成绩大为焦虑)

焦虑[jiāo lǜ]
  1. 当意外事件干扰了你的生活时,你会感到焦虑吗?

    Do you feel anxious when unforeseen incidents intrude on your day ?

  2. 有些人将怠惰的状态归咎于多变的天气,有些人不堪毕业论文的重负,或因即将到来的大考而倍感压力,有些人则是为自己前半年的工作表现感到焦虑。

    Some people blamed the laziness to the unpredictable weather , some are burdened by the graduation papers , or the coming important test , some feel anxious about their work performance earlier this year .

  3. 那一刻她第一次感到一阵焦虑。

    At that moment she felt the first twitch of anxiety .

  4. 那场棒球赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。

    There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game .

  5. 她面试前格外地焦虑不安。

    She got herself into a real state before the interview .

  6. 自从接到那封信后她就一直焦虑不安。

    She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived .

  7. 我发现他在走廊里焦虑不安地走来走去。

    I found him in the corridor nervously pacing up and down .

  8. 他们设法让她放心,可她还是焦虑不安。

    They tried to reassure her , but she still felt anxious .

  9. 有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。

    Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety .

  10. 他焦虑地低声说话。

    He spoke in a low , strained voice .

  11. 睡眠不足可能导致焦虑。

    Anxiety can be caused by lack of sleep .

  12. 那件事不值得焦虑。

    It 's not worth losing sleep over .

  13. 居民焦虑地期待决定。

    Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision .

  14. 有一阵令人焦虑的沉默。

    There was a fraught silence .

  15. 他仍然焦虑不安,我们担心地等着安回来。

    He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann 's return anxiously

  16. 他发出的威胁更显言辞激烈、焦虑不安,也更为频繁。

    His threats become more intense , agitated , and frequent .

  17. 这种发了疯似的行为活动是一个人极度焦虑的表现。

    This frenetic activity is the sign of a worried man .

  18. 接着一段回忆涌上心头,你开始感到焦虑不安。

    Then a memory stirs in you and you start feeling anxious

  19. 所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服。

    Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them .

  20. 一些镇静剂适得其反,加重了患者的焦虑。

    Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious

  21. 我常做些心不在焉的事,尤其是在我焦虑不安时。

    I often do absent-minded things , particularly when I 'm worried .

  22. 他从今天一大早就焦虑不安。

    He 's been in a stew since early this morning

  23. 短短几分钟我们就忘记了焦虑与苦恼。

    For a few brief minutes we forgot the anxiety and anguish .

  24. 教授说深度睡眠可以使压抑的焦虑情绪得以释放。

    The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface .

  25. 丹尼回到神父的房子时显得极为焦虑不安。

    Danny returned to Father 's house in a state of intense agitation

  26. 我的一个朋友是个非常容易焦虑不安的人。

    A friend of mine is a very anxious person .

  27. 24小时里不断加重的焦虑在那一刻达到顶点。

    It was the climax to 24 hours of growing anxiety

  28. 音乐似乎能够减轻她的焦虑和孤独。

    Music seemed to quiet her anxiety and loneliness .

  29. 焦虑对精神和身体方面都有影响。

    Anxiety has a mental and a physical side .

  30. 镇静剂有助于缓解焦虑所带来的不安症状。

    Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety .