
jiāo tǔ zhènɡ cè
  • scorched-earth policy
  1. 他采取了焦土政策,摧毁了村庄,烧掉了庄稼。

    He employed a scorched-earth policy , destroying villages and burning crops .

  2. 实际上,在构建软件的时候,我喜欢执行所谓焦土政策(scorchedearth)的策略。

    In fact , I like to run what I call a scorched earth policy when building software .

  3. 反对派活动积极分子称,叙利亚军队对吉斯尔•舒古尔(Jisral-Shughour)实施了焦土政策。

    Opposition activists said Syrian troops had adopted a scorched earth policy in Jisr al-Shughour .

  4. 这位最高统帅公布了他那臭名昭著的实行焦土政策的指示。

    The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous " scorched earth " directive .

  5. 斯佩尔为纽伦堡法庭概括地说明了关于实行焦土政策的各种命令。

    Speer tried to summarize for the Nuremberg court the various " scorched earth " orders .

  6. ph.1.焦土政策馅饼和土豆都烧焦了。

    Scorched earth policy The pie and potatoes are burned to a cinder ( a crisp )

  7. 得以穿越附近的边境进入土耳其的难民讲述了军方类似的焦土政策。

    Refugees making their way across the nearby border to Turkey spoke similarly of a scorched earth policy .

  8. 我们会建议他们,他们的焦土政策是不会被我们容忍的,一旦发现,我们会立即采取措施。

    They should also be advised that a Scorched Earth policy carried out by their operatives will not be tolerated and we have measures in hand should this be contemplated .

  9. 关于100亿美元的项目,参议员Bunning有没有比较好的想法呢?还是他的党派不支持他竞选连任之后他采取的焦土政策?

    Does Senator Bunning have a good point about the $ 10 billion package , or is he just bitter carrying out a kind of after his own party didn 't back his re-election bid ?

  10. 此前AT&T曾鼓励其它的运营商学习自己,降低手机的网络服务费,以保证自己的客户不会转而选择其它的运营商,不过这种做法被业界普遍认为是一种弊大于利的“焦土政策”。

    Even an AT & T move would likely be seen as " scorched earth " policy as it would encourage other carriers to cut prices and give customers little reason to switch networks but still hurt revenues .

  11. 在焦土抗战政策的贯彻执行中,相继发生了震惊中外的花园口决堤事件和长沙大火事件。

    During the execution of the policy the Garden-entrance-jue-di affair and the Changsha configuration have happened which had surprised home and abroad .

  12. 苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林被打了个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国入侵者到来之前实行“焦土”政策。

    Caught off guard by the invasion , Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to " scorch the earth " in front of the German invaders .