
  • 网络niche strategy;nich strategy;Niche Stratagem
  1. 中国企业国际化战略选择是:以需求为导向选择目标市场、与海外华商合作共赢、采取渐进式推进战略进入海外市场、直接海外上市融资、采用利基战略参与国际竞争。

    Chinese enterprises ' internationalization strategy choices are : selecting target market in demand-oriented ; cooperating with overseas businessman ; using progressively propel strategy to enter overseas market ;

  2. 市场利基营销战略的研究与思考

    On Market - niche Strategy

  3. 然后详细阐述了中小航空公司可以选择的发展战略&成本领先战略、利基市场战略、密集型成长战略、资本发展战略和横向联合战略。

    Demonstrates the strategies the small and medium size airlines should take such as : advanced cost control , niche , compressing development , capital development and transverse combination .

  4. 基本结论是:中国中小航空公司的发展战略应当是一个战略体系,即以利基市场战略和密集型成长战略作为主导战略,以资本发展战略、横向联合战略作为辅助战略。

    Basic conclusion : The developing strategy of the small and medium size airlines should be a complete system . They should mainly use the niche and compressing developing strategies , with the capital development and transverse combination strategies as back up .