
  • 网络benefit positioning
  1. 正确处理服务链各环节的利益定位、建立服务链连动机制、提高员工满意度是构建企业服务链的关键。L上的关系(?)

    It is the most important to deal with the profit relation properly , build the service chain connected system and to increase the satisfaction degree of the staff for developing the service chain management .

  2. 根据品牌向消费者提供的利益定位。而这一利益点是其它品牌无法提供或者没有诉求过的,因此是独一无二的。

    The USP orientation means how much profit do customers get from products , and this is the only thing cannot be provided from other brand or be replaced .

  3. 全球化时代国家利益的定位与维护

    National Interests in Times of Globalization : Position and Maintenance

  4. 论人格信息财产权&附着于人格要素的经济利益的定位与保护

    On Property Right of Personality Information & the Positioning and Protection of Economic Benefits Affiliate to the Personality Elements

  5. 包括北京爱慕,曼妮芬和欧迪芬等在内的中国公司也在力争利益,定位高端顾客,提升自身质量。

    Chinese firms such as Beijing Aimer , Maniform and Ordifen are also chasing that money , targeting higher-end customers and raising their quality .

  6. 在损害赔偿法领域,对机会利益的定位和对机会损失的损害赔偿一直鲜有人论及。

    In domain of damage law , there are few researches on the characteristics of the interests of chance or on the compensation of loss of chance .

  7. 根据国际形势的变化和本国战略利益的定位,这一时期苏联对外政策逐渐转向欧洲集体安全路线。

    Because of the change of international situations and the orientation of her own strategic interests , the Soviet Union accordingly adopted the policy of collective security in Europe as foreign policy .

  8. 在公共利益的定位上,应反对把各级政府的财政利益等同于公共利益,采用列举式立法例界定公共利益,防止政府对其恣意扩大;

    For the commonweal positioning , it is objected to have the fiscal benefit of the government organs at all levels equal to the commonweal , so the enumeration style of legislation can prevent the government 's unbridled expansion ;

  9. 公司报告了在市场的利益的中心定位。

    The company is relating their advantageous central position in the market .

  10. 劳动合同法利益平衡功能的定位与实现

    The Function of the Labor Contract Law and Its Implementation

  11. 在此基础上,笔者探讨了乡村旅游相关利益主体角色与定位、合作模式及和谐共生等问题。

    On this basis , the write discusses the roles , cooperation mode and harmonious coexistence .

  12. 我并不是说你要在拉斯维加斯度过一个疯狂之夜,但是,为了长远的利益,你必需定位好你自己。

    I 'm not saying you shouldn 't take that crazy weekend in Las Vegas , but you need to be thinking about ways you can position yourself for long term wealth .