
  • 网络Profit margin
  1. 而更近一些崭露头角的公司,如谷歌(Google)和Facebook,已经能获得20%至30%的利润空间。

    Newer companies like Google ( GOOG ) and Facebook ( FB ) have emerged capable of delivering profit margins of 20 % or 30 % .

  2. Pandora和Groupon的利润空间与谷歌的对比如下图所示。

    Compare the profit margins of Pandora and Groupon with that of Google in the chart below .

  3. 制造业采购经理人指数(ManufacturingPMI)调查继续录得创下多年新高的成本投入,如果这种成本增加不被转嫁出去,便有可能挤压企业利润空间。

    Manufacturing PMI surveys have been consistent in recording multi-year highs for input prices , threatening a corporate margin squeeze if not passed on .

  4. 因此,现在H公司面临行业竞争越来越激烈,人工成本越来越难压缩,利润空间越来越小等诸多问题。

    Now the industry is facing more and more intense competition such as artificial cost , more and more difficult to compression , profit space more and more small , and many other problems .

  5. 在这个繁荣的市场中,中国大豆种植商们处在不利境地。ShenzhenSecurities分析师孙夏(音译,SunXia)表示,与外国生产商相比,他们的成本更高,利润空间更小。

    Amid this booming market , Chinese soybean farmers are at a disadvantage - their costs are higher and their margins tighter than foreign producers , says Sun Xia , analyst at Shenzhen Securities .

  6. 是摩根士丹利对当前iPhone版本的详细分解,涵盖从无锁版价格到材料清单再到利润空间等内容。

    The second , copied below , is Morgan Stanley 's breakdown of the current iPhone lineup , from unlocked price , through bill of materials , to profit margins .

  7. 根据bcaresearch的统计,低利率降低了贷款成本,将美国企业的利润空间提升了一个百分点(但是最低利率对于现金持有来说也不是一件好事)。

    Low interest rates have reduced borrowing costs , adding roughly a percentage point to American profit margins , according to BCA research . ( yet rock-bottom interest rates also make it less attractive to hold cash . )

  8. 如果PTA价格未能与上涨的PX价格同步,我们将会考虑降低开工率来应对收缩的利润空间。一PTA大厂生产商告诉记者。

    " If PTA prices could not rise in line with rising PX prices , we will consider cutting the operating rates due to squeezed margin ," said a major PTA producer .

  9. 而BOT,TOT,PPP等多种融资模式,从企业的角度可以承接更多项目,有更大的利润空间,能够找到相对收益高风险小的项目。

    BOT , TOT , PPP financing models , from the perspective of the enterprise can undertake more projects , have greater profit margins , be able to find relatively high-yield low-risk projects .

  10. 近年来,各通信运营商之间的业务竞争日益激烈,话音ARPU值逐年下降、利润空间日益缩小。

    In recent years , the business competition between the telecom operators is becoming increasingly fierce . The ARPU value decreased year by year , and profit space is narrowing .

  11. 分析了中国银行零售业务只有成功应用CRM,从客户需求出发,不断维护和拓展客户群,提高银行的运作效率,才能为银行带来最大化的利润空间。

    We realize that we must apply successfully the retail CRM in Bank of China , proceed from the requirements of the client , constantly develop clients , improve the efficiency of the bank . Only like this , it will bring the biggest profits space for the bank .

  12. 埃里斯曼称,马云希望,如果客户在淘宝上交易比eBay更划算,那么他的竞争对手就不得不跟进,以此来压缩eBay的利润空间,否则,eBay将失去这块业务或完全退出中国市场。

    Ma hoped that by offering customers a better deal on Taobao than on eBay , his competitor would have to match it , cutting into eBay 's margins , or lose business - and back out of China altogether , according to Erisman .

  13. 你在Airbnb上出租一个单间时担心消防通道指示是一回事,而保护当地正规酒店经营者的利润空间是另外一回事。

    It 's one thing to worry about signposting fire exits when you let out a spare room on Airbnb . Protecting the profit margins of fine upstanding local hoteliers is another matter .

  14. 即使这样,Burbage指出公司与五角大楼签订的第四批投产的32架飞机定价合同(给LockheedMartin留出了13%的利润空间)中的飞机报价仅为第一批投产飞机价格的一半。

    Even so , Mr Burbage points out that the fixed-price contract agreed with the Pentagon for 32 aircraft in the fourth production lot ( including a 13 % margin for Lockheed Martin ) is half the price of the first lot of aircraft .

  15. 随着全球制造业竞争日益加剧导致企业利润空间日益萎缩,越来越多的企业关注缩减原材料库存成本以提高公司竞争力。由此,供应商管理库存(VMI)这一原材料库存管理理论应运而生。

    As the competition becoming more seriously , the profit of manufacturing companies keep on shrinking , more companies focus on how to reduce the cost of raw materials to improve the competitiveness of companies , while Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) came into being .

  16. 分别介绍了SDB技术的两个典型应用例:模块化下载和多CAS的实现,有力说明SDB技术能增加数字电视产业链相关环节的利润空间,并保证用户的利益,是一种共赢的方案。

    After introducing two applications that are modularization download and multi-CAS supporting , we conclude that the SDB technique will strongly increase profit spaces for the related links of DTV industry chain and ensure the benefits of customers , So it is an all-win solution .

  17. 分析了国内SO3磺化装置和产品的现状,认为传统磺化产品(磺酸、AS、AES和AOS)的利润空间将逐渐降低,生产的集约化程度将进一步提高。

    This article reviewed the situation of SO 3 sulphonated equipments and products , pointed that the net profit of traditional sulphonated products ( LAS 、 AS 、 AES 、 AOS ) would decline gradually and the collective contents of manufacture would improve further .

  18. 您有六成的利润空间,寻找一个合作者。

    Your six in profit margins , looking for a partner .

  19. 竞争是剧烈的,利润空间也不大。

    The competition is fierce and the profit margins are slim .

  20. 这些因素都可能进一步挤压个人电脑行业的利润空间。

    All that could further squeeze margins in the PC industry .

  21. 然而,在全球价值链体系中,我国处于最低端,产品附加值低、利润空间小。

    However , Products have low added value and little profit .

  22. 但随着价格的走低,他的利润空间消失了。

    But his profit margins have dissolved as prices have fallen .

  23. 软件公司明显比硬件公司获得了更高的利润空间。

    Software firms typically make fatter profit margins than hardware firms .

  24. 现代流通中的利润空间分析

    An Analysis on the Profit Scope of Modern Distribution Industry

  25. 我国商业银行的利润空间分析

    An Analysis on the Profit Margin for Our Commercial Banks

  26. 加工型服装企业的利润空间越来越小。

    The processing garment enterprises profit space is being more and more small .

  27. 这个报价已经最大限度的压缩了我们的利润空间。

    This quote has minimized our room for profits .

  28. 因此我们承诺控制成本,给你最大的利润空间。

    Therefore we pledge the control cost , for you biggest profit space .

  29. 这将抑制开发商的利润空间及其降低负债比例的努力。

    This will cool profits and limit developers ' efforts to reduce leverage .

  30. 但是如果到其他国家发展生意,利润空间就会变得很少。

    But only few gain if the businesses are taken to other countries .