
  • 网络Profit Decision Making
  1. 广告与利润决策中的数学建模

    Mathematical Model in Strategy of the Advertisements and Profits

  2. 本文的研究内容分三个部分:成本估算、产品总利润率决策以及产品不平衡报价调整。

    This paper contains three parts : cost estimating , profit decision and unbalanced bidding strategy .

  3. 工程公司通常把预期利润作为投标决策的依据。

    Expecting profit is usually employed by engineering corporations to make bidding decision .

  4. 其中分成比例是电信运营商利润函数的决策变量,产品信息费是服务提供商利润函数的决策变量。

    The division proportion is the telecommunications operators ' decision-making variables . The product information fee is the decision variable .

  5. 针对利润作为投标决策指标的局限性,本文提出了项目价值的概念,定义了一系列实用的决策指标,并给出了其计算方法。

    This thesis presents the definitions of Project Value , a series of decision criterions and the calculation methods of these .

  6. 此外,还提供了业务员管理、利润分析、决策支持、财务报表等功能。

    Moreover , it also has the functions of salesman management , profit analysis , decision-making and financial report forms writing , etc.

  7. 利用可信性理论,发现集中决策下供应链利润大于分散决策下供应链利润。

    Using credibility theory , we found that the supply chain under centralized decision the profit is greater than the supply chain under decentralized decision .

  8. 在基本概念方面,本文提出了项目价值的概念,弥补了以利润作为投标决策标准的局限性。

    On the basic concept , the paper proposes the concept of Project Value , which remedies the limitation of the profit as bidding decision index .

  9. 但是现金流量表、资产负债表和利润表的决策有用性是否毒在差异,还缺乏经验证据。

    However , it remains , to be tested empirically whether there are decision usefulness differences among cash flow statement , balance sheet and income statement .

  10. 模型上层由一个中心决策者组成,以集团单位产出利润最大为决策目标;

    The top level of the model included one decision-maker who regarded the maximum profits of per unit output in the group domain as the global object ;

  11. 成功的生产经营主要取决于两个因素通过控制成本以提高利润和通过决策及控制资金周转时间以获取流动资金。

    Within operations there exists a substantial portion of two key elements of successful business_profits through the control of costs , and cash flow through planning decisions and lead time control .

  12. 也就是说,从实证上验证了利润表的决策有用性,也验证了现金流量表的信息会计有用性。

    In other words , from the empirical results , these are not only proved the usefulness of a profit report but also verify the usefulness of the cash flow statement to accounting information .

  13. 通过数据的采集、整理,建立企业定额,准确、及时地把握实际成本,做到事先的成本控制,准确预测利润,科学决策。

    Through collection , arrangement of data , set up enterprise quota , accurate and grasping the actual cost in time , make sure the cost in advance is controlled , predict profits , science decision accurately .

  14. 本文以新古典企业理论下的利润最大化决策基本模型为出发点,环境要素是作为与传统要素并列的新型投入要素进入到基本模型中来的。

    The research begins with the profit-maximizing decision model of the neoclassical firm theory . And the environment comes into the model as a new production factor that is just like the traditional labor and capital factors .

  15. 问卷调查显示,大部分财务报告使用者对综合收益认知程度较低,在实践中没有广泛地使用;净利润在经济决策中仍居主导地位。

    The questionnaire study shows that the majority of financial report users have very limited knowledge of comprehensive income and comprehensive income is not of widespread use . Net profit still plays a dominant role in economic decision making .

  16. 本文运用系统层次分析法,对东北制药总厂如何合理使用利润留成进行决策,从而促进了工厂的新发展,使工厂的整体效益最佳。

    This article applies systematic administrative analysis to make a decision for Northeast Medicine Making General Plant on how to use properly the profit , and it caused the new development of the plant , making the whole benefit of the plant best .

  17. 基于AHP的企业利润合理使用的决策分析

    Decision-making analysis on how to reasonably use profit of a enterprise based on Analytic Hierarchy process

  18. 提出了基于Q学习的发电公司决策新模型,应用于求解发电公司在具有不完全信息的电力市场环境下为获取最优长期利润而制定的决策问题。

    A novel decision model based on Q-learning algorithm for power suppliers who aim at long term profit maximization was proposed .

  19. 利用知识分布进行最优决策压榨利润与最优投资决策

    The Optimal Decision by Knowledge Distribution Crush spread and optimal investment decision

  20. 分析了利润标准在可行性决策中的局限性,提出了贡献毛益标准及企业盈利的充要条件。

    Limitaions of profit standard in feasibility decision are analyzed and ample and necessary conditions for contribution margin standard and enterprise profit are put forward .

  21. 股票融资无须归还,但企业必须让出部分利润,或一些决策权,甚至两者都要让出。

    Equity financing never has to be repaid , but the business must relinquish a share of the profits , or some decision-making rights ? Or both .

  22. 为了避免和减少投资决策的重大失误,为了股东获取最大利润,必须在决策前进行项目经济评价。

    In order to avoid or reduce the probable huge error in making decision and to maximize the profit of stockholders , economic evaluation must be conducted firstly .

  23. 在对短期利润的追求对决策形成具有绝对影响力的情形下,我们能够证明伦理权威性的一个论据就是利润率和生产率的提高有利于每一位利益相关者真正的商业利益。

    In an environment where the drive for immediate profits dominates decisions , one of the arguments that proves the authority of ethics is that the increase in profitability and productivity is in the genuine business interest of every stakeholder .

  24. 利用更新过程理论对一种产品销售策略进行定量分析,得出公司的期望平均利润,为其决策提供依据。

    The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively analyze a product sale strategy by making the use of the theory of renewal process . The firm 's expected average profit is deduced in order to supply help for its decision .

  25. 因此,如何建立一种合理的机制来协调供应链中的各个成员的行为,使之采取最大化供应链的总利润而不是最大化自身利润的决策,是供应链管理的一个主要问题。

    So the major problem of supply chain management is how to establish a reasonable mechanism to coordinating the behavior of each member in order to maximize the total profits instead of their own profits .

  26. 不仅使资产、负债、费用、利润的确认符合基本准则相关规定,而且提高了利润信息的决策价值,同时满足了信息的可靠性与相关性要求。

    Not only confirm Relevant provisions of the assets , liabilities , costs , profits , and increase the decision-making value of the profits information . While meeting the requirements of reliability and correlation .