
  • 网络Profit Management;Margin management
  1. 某房产公司ABC项目目标利润管理研究

    The Research on Target Profit Management of ABC Project in a Real Estate Company

  2. 财务管理分为资金管理、成本管理和利润管理。

    Financial management includes funds management , cost management and profit management .

  3. 运用数量经济学模型强化矿山成本利润管理

    Application of Quantitative Economics Model to strengthen cost & profit management of mining

  4. 企业利润管理行为探新

    Innovation of Profit Management Behavior of Enterprises

  5. 具体目标主要有:筹资目标、投资目标、利润管理目标、经济效益目标和社会效益目标。

    The concrete targets mainly include raising money target , investment target , profit management target , economic benefit target and social benefit target .

  6. 价值管理克服了原有的利润管理的缺陷,创造了高于资本机会成本的经济效益,经济资本是商业银行价值管理的一个重要组成部分。

    The value management overcomes the original profit management flaw , creates the economic efficiency higher than the capital opportunity cost , The economical capital is an important component of the Commercial bank value management .

  7. 为加快推进城市业务经营转型,实现从利润管理向价值管理的转变,农业银行必须改善客户结构,提升优质客户占比。

    In order to speed up the city business , to realize the transformation from management to the management profit value , Agricultural Bank of China must improve customer structure , enhance the quality of customer accounts for more than .

  8. 通过对利润管理行为重新定义,将利润管理行为划分为适度的利润管理和利润操纵,运用经济学“自私的假设”和需求规律,对利润管理行为的动因做了深入的探讨。

    This paper divides profit management behaviors into two parts , namely profit management and profit manipulation through redefinition of profit management behavior , and then using the hypothesis of selfishness and demand and requirement discipline , deeply analyses the incentives of profit management .

  9. 其必要性为:它是集团企业从利润管理到价值管理的需要,是产权制度变革新形势下必然选择,是集团企业从日常财务发展到战略财务的需要。

    Its necessity is : it is the group management to the value of the profit from the needs of management , changes in property rights system is under the inevitable choice for the new situation is a group of financial development from the day-to-day needs of the financial strategy .

  10. 试论构建企业集团全新的利润预算管理模式

    On construction of new management pattern of profit budget in enterprises group

  11. 现代企业的服务利润链管理

    The Service Profit Chain Management in Modern Enterprises

  12. 较之于单纯的应计利润盈余管理,真实盈余管理行为更为隐蔽。

    Compared to the accounting earnings management , real earnings management behavior is more subtle .

  13. 珠三角农村信用社服务利润链管理研究

    Research on the Rural Credit Cooperatives of the Pearl River Delta Service Profit Chain Management

  14. 第五部分提出该模型对所有餐饮企业的服务利润链管理的指导意义。

    The fifth part puts forward that the model mentioned above is significant to guide the management .

  15. 它的成长和利润在于管理层抓住了由移动电话市场成长带来的机会。

    Its growth and profitability were due to management seizing the opportunities created by the explosion of growth of the mobile phone market .

  16. 利润战略管理的基本内容包括构筑利润导向型经营策略体系、培育企业利润心理和建立有效保护企业利润的战略控制体系。

    The content of profit strategic management mainly includes system of profit-oriented operating strategy , profit mentality in enterprises , and the system of strategic control that can efficiently ensure the profit .

  17. 黄光裕是中国最富有的人士之一。他表示,国美将运用多种方法来提高同店销售额和利润,管理层将设法改善产品组合。

    Mr Huang , one of China 's richest men , said Gome would use a number of approaches to boost same-store sales and profits , with management seeking to improve the mix of products available .

  18. 不过,其中一半的公司都在与香港交易所洽谈,以求获得免受严厉上市规定的权利。这些规定要求公司有3年的利润和管理记录。

    Half of them , however , are in talks with the Hong Kong stock exchange to receive a waiver from stringent listing rules that require companies to have a three-year earnings and management track record .

  19. 在总结铁路运输企业利润分配管理经验的基础上,结合铁路运输企业生产的特点,提出了走向市场经济过程中,完善铁路运输企业利润分配机制的建议。

    On the basis of summarizing the experience on profit sharing management of railway transportation enterprise , and concerning the features of these enterprise , some advices on how to improve the profit sharing management system are proposed .

  20. 结果发现,外资银行进入与国内银行的税前利润和管理费用负相关,而与净利息收益和非货款收益却正相关,且外资银行进入对股份制商业银行的冲击更大。

    It finds out that the entry of foreign banks is negatively related with the before tax profit and overhead of domestic banks , while positively with net interest margin and non-loan income , and has bigger impact on stock holding commercial banks .

  21. 财务管理(FinancialManagement)是在一定的整体目标下,关于资产的购置(投资),资本的融通(筹资)和经营中现金流量(营运资金),以及利润分配的管理。

    Financial Management ( Financial Management ) is the overall goal , on the purchase of assets ( investment ), capital facilities ( financing ) and operating cash flow ( working capital ), as well as the distribution of profits .

  22. 所有的合伙人分享利润,分担管理责任和债务。

    All partners share profits , management responsibilities , and liabilities .

  23. 而在运作和管理过程中,利润和风险管理是两个最重要的方面。

    Benefit and risk are most important of management and operation .

  24. 股东价值运动开始因为利润而奖赏管理者。

    The shareholder-value movement started to reward managers for profits .

  25. 我们会平衡我们在增长,和长期利润和资本管理上的重点。

    We 'll balance our focus on growth with emphasis on long term profitability and capital management .

  26. 本文主要探讨如何编制实时利润表为管理者解决这一难题。

    This paper mainly discusses how to make the real-time income statement in order to solve this difficulty for administrators .

  27. 较之基于利润的企业管理创新,基于责任的企业管理创新有利于企业利润的实现和持续成长。

    Compared with profit-based business management innovation , responsibility-based business management innovation helps business attain admired profit and continuous development .

  28. 应计利润允许公司管理者传达他们私有的内部信息,并且因此提高了反映公司潜在经济价值的收益能力。

    Accruals allow managers to communicate their private and inside information and thereby improve the ability of earnings to reflect underlying economic value .

  29. 要做好企业的财务管理,就必须抓好三项工作,即资金管理、收益管理、利润分配的管理。

    Perfect financial management should be achieved by improving the management of funds , and gains and the management of distribution of profits .

  30. 浅谈成本倒推利润预留定额管理事前控制的应用

    The Application of Cost is Pushes Backward the Profit is Stayed in Advance , the Quota is Managed and Before the Event Controls