
  1. 其中票据利益返还关系的内容是本文的核心,即票据利益返还请求权。

    Return of the content of the bill interest relationship is this article core , namely bill interests return claim .

  2. 持票人与付款人、被追索人之间这种请求返还应当返还的权利义务关系即为票据利益返还关系。

    The bearer of recourse with the drawee , between this request refund shall return the relationship between rights and duties for bills that interest return relationship .

  3. 文章从票据利益返还关系入手,主要围绕票据利益返还关系的主体、客体和内容进行了阐述。

    Taking notes interests as the research object , return relationship around bills interests return relationship mainly of the subject , object and content is discussed in this paper .

  4. 在此基础上,突出了本文的写作重点,即票据利益返还关系的内容&票据利益返还请求权。

    On this basis , the paper highlights the key , namely the writing of the content of the relationship between bill interests - bill return return claim benefits .