
  1. 政策性补贴商品的目标利润预测分析

    Projected Target Profit Analysis of the Policy-related Subsidiary Goods

  2. 它有利于企业目标利润的预测和实际利润的完成,变被动为主动,实现企业利润最大化。

    It helps enterprises to realize their target profit forcast and actual profits , helps to change these two realizing processes from passiveness into positiveness and maximizes enterprises profits .

  3. 实践证明,运用量本分析进行经营决策是科学可靠的,是实现目标利润、预测产量控制成本的行之有效的方法。

    The evidence shows that the application of CVP analysis to formulate the policy-making of management is scientific and reliable , which is an effective method for attaining objective profit and forecasting output control cost .