
  • 网络Profit paid in;profit delivery
  1. 并在论述政府与企业集团的关系时,通过对政府与企业之间利润分配关系的博弈分析,得出合理调整企业集团上缴利润比例和控制政府支出两个基本结论及五点建议。

    Through game theory analysis about profit distribution between government and enterprise group , two important conclusions are drawn .

  2. 如果上缴利润控制权在企业手里,提高经理利润分配权同样会导致政府补贴减少,同时上缴增加。

    If profit handed over to the state was controlled by corporate increasing the rights of managers profit distribution will result in government subsidies reducing , and at the same time revenues increasing .

  3. 模型证明,如果上缴利润控制权在政府手里,公司化的结果是政府给企业的补贴减少,同时上缴增加。

    The model proved that , if profit handed over to the state was controlled by the government , the result of corporatization was that government to reduce subsidies to enterprises , and to increase revenues .

  4. 国有企业须上缴更多利润,想必是用于再分配。

    State-owned enterprises are required to pay more into public coffers , presumably for redistributive purposes .

  5. 由于事业单位的大部分工作人员收入和业务经费来自国家财政拨款,而国家财政拨出的这笔经费又是来自各企业单位上缴的利润和税金。

    Because most of the staff and public institutions revenue and operational expenses of the financial allocation from the State , and the state finance allocated funds are from various institutions profits and taxes paid .

  6. 同时,之前的管理缺乏精细化和科学化,简单而且不成系统,仅仅围绕个人的绩效工资来考核,或者围绕企业上缴的利润进行考核。

    Meanwhile , the previous lack of refinement and scientific management , simple and not a system , only around to assess the individual performance pay , or the profits of enterprises were turned over to the examination .

  7. 陕西省国有森工企业始建于上世纪五、六十年代,它们对国家经济建设、地区经济发展都发挥过极大的贡献和作用,表现在其上缴的利润和生产的大量木材上。

    The state-owned forestry industry corporations in Shaanxi Province were established in 1950s and 1960s , they had played a great contribution and role in the national economic construction and regional economic development , turned in lots of profits and timber .

  8. 其目标包括减少8000万贫困人口,将最低工资提升至平均工资的至少40%,以及迫使国有大型企业向政府上缴更多利润,用于再分配。

    Among its goals was to lift 80m people from poverty , to increase the minimum wage to at least 40 per cent of average salaries , and to force state-owned behemoths to give more of their profits back to the government for redistribution .

  9. 本周,辉瑞公司为了了结腐败指控同意支付罚款,并愿意向美国证券交易委员会上缴相关非法所得利润。

    This week Pfizer agreed to pay a fine to settle corruption charges and to disgorge related illegally earned profits to the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  10. 在经过了利改税后,国有企业13年没有向政府上缴过一分钱利润,这部分钱被留在了企业,这种收益分配机制被称为内部人分享和内部人控制。

    After the reform of profit delivery , the state-owned enterprises did not turn over a penny to the Government for 14 years , the money was left in the enterprise , the mechanism of state-owned enterprises as " internal sharing " and " internal control " .