
  • 网络Actual Profit
  1. 在侵犯经营信息的案件中,应当以侵权人因侵犯商业秘密所获得的实际利润来计算。

    In the case of infringing operational information , the tort compensation should be identified by actual profit from infringer infringing commercial secret .

  2. 第一家公司每月的收入是第二家的三倍,但实际利润差不多只有后者的一半。

    The monthly revenue for the first site is three times more than the second business , but the actual profit is almost half .

  3. 我的生意中到底有多少实际利润?

    How much real profit is in my business , anyway ?

  4. 苏措施-偏差的实际利润预期的利润;

    SUE measure-deviation of actual profits from expected profits ;

  5. 他们把股票价格哄抬到远远超过企业的实际利润趋势所能保证的股票价值。

    They bid stock prices up far beyond what the trend in real business profits warranted .

  6. 于是部分企业越来越意识到如何把握住现在的市场机会,并能够将这种机会转化为实际利润是企业生存与发展的关键。

    Some enterprises think it is the key point for the enterprises surviving and development that to seize the opportunities and transform the opportunities to real benefits .

  7. 而在这种由潜在机会向实际利润转化过程中,值得信任的品牌形象便显得由为重要,并且往往能够发展成为企业竞争的独特优势。

    During the process of potential opportunities to the real benefits , the trusting brand is so important that can be the unique advantage for the enterprises competition .

  8. 从这个观点出发,只有产生实际利润才符合商业原则,才有存在的价值和发展的基础。

    From this viewpoint , only gaining the actual profit can conform to the commercial principle , and can it has the existence value and the development foundation .

  9. 它有利于企业目标利润的预测和实际利润的完成,变被动为主动,实现企业利润最大化。

    It helps enterprises to realize their target profit forcast and actual profits , helps to change these two realizing processes from passiveness into positiveness and maximizes enterprises profits .

  10. 各行业的实际利润率受多种作用方向不同的因素影响,有些因素引起利润率平均化,有些因素则引起利润率非平均化。

    The actual profit rates in all industries are influenced by multi-factors with different acting directions . Some of them may cause profit rates to be average and others lead to non-average profit rates .

  11. 文章应用解释结构模型,分析了影响房地产开发成本的五种主要因素,从成本角度剖析了房地产行业的实际利润水平。

    The paper uses the explanation structure model to analyse five main factors influencing the developing cost of real estate , and discusses the actual level of the profit in real estate industry from cost direction .

  12. 美国监管机构已加大力度收集有关银行交易头寸的信息。此举可能预示,美国政府机构将努力确保交易员的奖金基于实际利润,而非可能永远不会实现的未实现利润。

    US regulators have intensified efforts to gather intelligence on banks ' trading positions in a move that could herald a drive to ensure traders ' bonuses are based on real profits rather than unrealised gains that might never materialise .

  13. 有效的服务补救不仅能够弥补服务失败造成的损失,重建顾客的再次满意,还能增强顾客对银行的形象感知和品牌传播,减少顾客的转换行为,为银行带来实际利润。

    Effective remedy can not only make up the loss caused by service failure , but also strengthen the image left in the customer , make the brand known , reduce the conversion of customers and bring more profits for banks .

  14. 网络的圣杯是导致实际良好利润的专利内容。

    The Holy Grail on the Internet is proprietary content that leads to really good margins .

  15. 实际应用利润可观,可用于推广。

    The practical application of the feed additive was very substantial and can be used for generalization .

  16. 我们在基本服务上花的钱太多了,没有考虑到实际的利润率。

    We were paying out far too much on basic services . It just wasn 't allowing for realistic profit margins .

  17. 但大多数研究显示,首席执行官的薪酬应当根据投资者眼中的公司价值或市值,而不是实际净利润。

    But most studies show that CEOs are paid based on what investors think their company is worth , or market capitalization , not actual earnings .

  18. 这将给那些做了研究的投资者一个获得真正利润的机会,如果他们能够将承诺的增长与实际的利润增长区别开来。

    That will give investors who do their homework a chance to make real profits if they can separate actual profitable growth from the promise of growth .

  19. 底特律一个汽车制造商的高级经理说,并不是实际的利润,而是中国提供的能够持久营业(从而获得盈利)的心理安慰让这些公司愿意在中国呆下去。

    One senior manager of a Detroit carmaker says that rather than actual profits , China offers more in the way of psychological solace for companies eager to show they can still do business .

  20. 据sharespost介绍,上述数字是基于目前私人二级市场上45美元的指示性股价作出的估算,facebook员工实际获得的利润规模以及所需支付的税款,将取决于该公司上市后的情况。

    The figures are based on the current $ 45 price that shares are currently indicated to be changing hands for in the private secondary markets , according to sharespost , though the actual scale of employee profits and tax payments will depend on what happens after Facebook goes public .

  21. 营业外利润对销售总额的比率实际生息[利润]率

    Ratio of non-operating profit to net sales actual yield

  22. 这奸像减税一样,提高了实际收入和利润。

    This has acted like a tax cut , boosting real incomes and profits .

  23. 实际生息[利润]率利率风险:由于利率的差别而产生的风险。

    Actual yield interest rate risk : Risk due to difference in interest rates .

  24. 考虑价格函数关系的成本效率、收益效率和利润效率实际生息[利润]率

    Cost Efficiency , Revenue Efficiency and Profit Efficiency Considering the Price Function ; actual yield

  25. 实际生息[利润]率累计利润[会计]

    Actual yield accumulated profit [ accounting ]

  26. 那些聘用了更多工人短时间工作的公司同样获得了实际的的利润,她声称。

    Companies that employ more workers for less time also gain from the resulting redundancy , she asserts .

  27. 当然,迫使公司有意申报比实际更低的利润,会计法的存在也是原因之一。

    Undoubtedly , accounting laws are also forcing the company to report lower profits than it would like as well .

  28. 在《公约》框架内损害赔偿的责任范围包括受害一方违反合同遭受的实际损失和利润损失。

    Within the frame of CISG , responsibility of damages includes actual damages and lost profits the injured party suffered from the breach of contract .

  29. 尽管公布的盈利增长为75%,但营业利润(来自企业实际运营的利润)的增幅是33%。

    While declared earnings growth is 75 per cent , growth in operating earnings , profit from actually running a business , is 33 per cent .

  30. 这是由于实际比计划增加利润4元和降低投资额3元造成的。

    This was obtained by increasing profit by $ 4 and decreasing investment by $ 3 .