
  • 网络Physical currency;commodity money;Physical Money;Material Currency
  1. 实物货币物流管理系统的测试。

    The test of commodity money logistics management system .

  2. 主要工作如下:分析了实物货币物流管理系统的设计需求。

    The main work in this paper is as follows : We analyzed the design requirements of commodity money logistics management system , including functional requirements and non-functional requirements .

  3. “FinancialTimesMoney”主编克莱尔·巴雷特称,西方世界正朝着无实物货币的方向发展。

    Claer Barrett , the editor of Financial Times Money , says the Western world is headed toward a world without physical currency .

  4. 实物货币随着商品经济的发展,在流通中地位日益下降。

    Goods currency declined in circulation with the development of commodity economic .

  5. 西方人在中世纪世界的日常交易中从未一直使用实物货币。

    The medieval worlds in its every-day transactions , had never insisted upon ready money .

  6. 摘要云南以食盐为实物货币的历史自唐代以来一直延续至近代。

    The history of yunnan 's history taking salt as material maney lasted to recent modem time since the Tang dynasty .

  7. 瑞典是第一个印刷和使用纸币的欧洲国家,但它可能很快就会摈弃实物货币。

    Sweden was the first European country to print and use paper money , but it may soon do away with physical currencies .

  8. 我觉得,废除实物货币的建议在未来很长时期内都仍将具有争议性,就像安乐死建议本身一样。

    Like euthanasia itself , I suspect that proposals to do away with physical currency will remain controversial for a long time to come .

  9. 随着货币的逐步演进,货币从具有价值的实物货币变成了信用货币。

    With the gradual evolution of the currency , it experienced a change from commodity money , which had a real value , to credit money .

  10. 电子货币在当今社会的应用大有取代实物货币之势,对未来社会的发展有着积极的影响。

    In general , electronic currency is very likely to replace the traditional currency in modern society and will have great impact on the society in the future .

  11. 首先,从文化上,描写中国货币历史上货币名称的发展和演变&从实物货币到金属货币,从纸币货币到信用货币。

    Firstly , on the respect of culture , it described the development and evolution of Chinese currency names in the history & from Physical currency to Metallic currency , from Banknotes currency to Credit Money .

  12. 文章的第二部分是货币的流通状况及流通中的问题,其中货币的流通状况中包括铸币、白银和实物货币三方面,货币流通中的问题包括盗铸、钱荒和大宗交易不便等问题。

    The second part of the thesis is about the status and problems of currency circulation , the currency circulation is composed of metal currency , silver and goods currency . The problems of circulation consists of underground minting , currency shortage and inconvenient business .

  13. 唐代处于实物货币和金属货币并行的时期,唐人称之为钱帛兼行,而随着商业的发展这种货币体制不断地受到冲击,主要表现在两个方面:一是绢帛日益受到排挤。

    Tang Dynasty in the period of physical currency and metal currency parallel , the Chinese called " popularity of money and silk ", with the commercial development of this monetary system is constantly under attack , mainly in two aspects : First Silk in the increasingly exclusion .

  14. 长期以来,人们一直认为薪酬就是工资,就是奖金,就是那种看得见摸得着的实物或货币,进而忽视了很多人文精神的内容。

    For a long time , people have always thought that the emolument was the wage , the bonus , or the kind of tangible physical , and then ignored lots of the content of the humanistic spirit .

  15. 实物储蓄、货币幻觉与我国农户消费的实证研究

    Savings in Kind , Money Illusion , and Rural Households ' Consumption in China

  16. 市场经济必然要经历实物经济、货币经济和信用经济三个阶段。

    Market economy has to grow through the three stages of material economy , currency economy and trust economy .

  17. 实物资产和货币资产(通常指M1,即流通中的现金和银行的活期存款)位于财产链的两极。

    The physical assets and the monetary assets ( generally refering to M_1 i. e , the cash in the circulation and current deposit ) are the rwo poles of the property .

  18. 在经营方式上,采取租佃形式,地租采用定额形式,具体包括实物地租与货币地租两种形态,其中实物地租占据着主导地位。

    On mode of business operation , they adopted to rent out land to tenants in the quota form , including money rent and goods rent , which the latter was the leading part .

  19. 在我国住房制度由实物分配向货币化分配转化进程中,高等院校面临着采用何种住房供给模式,以解决住房改革所带来的各种问题。

    As the distribution of housing system in physical distribution to monetary distribution in China , college facing to take what patterns of the housing supply in order to overcome the problems caused by the housing reform .

  20. 本文在评价实物单位、货币单位、能值与劳动小时等既有度量单位的功能和局限性的基础上,提出在可持续发展的度量中应综合使用上述单位,以反映可持续发展的全貌。

    On the basis of evaluating the functions and limitations of physical units , monetary units , emergy and labor hours , the paper indicates that integration of all these units is the right way to reflect the panorama of sustainable development .

  21. 论文的基本结论是:农户借贷行为的基本特征是短期化、小额化、高利率、以生活性(生存)借贷为目的、实物借贷与货币借贷并存以及高度依赖于私人借贷市场。

    The main conclusion would be that ( 1 ) the main character of rural households borrowing behavior is short period , little scale , high rate , low level debt , needing debt for life , and deeply rely on private debt market .

  22. 金融资产产权由实物形态产权和货币形态产权耦合而成。

    Financial assets property is by virtue of the intergra-tion of physical assets and monetary assets .

  23. 基于住房过滤模型对两种住房保障模式进行的分析表明,实物补贴模式相对于货币补贴模式来说具有很多缺点。

    Analyzing the effects of them based on housing filtering model shows that in-kind subsidies have more drawbacks than monetary subsidies .

  24. 98年房改后我国城镇职工住房分配开始由实物化分配向货币化分配转变,商品住宅在城镇住宅供给中所占的比重快速提高,房地产市场与民众的关系日益紧密。

    In the year 1998 , our system of residence distribution in cities and towns changed from real house distribution to money distribution , and real estate market appears in China again .

  25. 实物出资作为与货币出资、知识产权出资、土地使用权出资等并列的一种独立出资形式,日益受到社会各界的重视。

    Investment in kind , as an important form of corporate investment , has been enjoying more and more popularity . It is associated with the monetary capital , intellectual property and other forms of independent forms of shareholders .

  26. 凯恩斯理论最值得肯定的方面,在于它突破了西方主流经济学长期将市场经济视为实物交换经济的货币面纱观,探讨了微观经济得以正常运行的宏观环境。

    Keynes ' greatest theoretical achievement was that he broke through the view of Western mainstream economics who saw the market economy as a monetary veil over the economy of barter and that he studied the macro-environment necessary for the regular operation of the micro-economy .

  27. 那样的话就是一种实物框架理念-,那样不是更合理吗,因为在你拟定合约时,会更倾向于用实物而非货币来计算?

    That would be putting it in a real frame and & wouldn 't that be more sensible , because you would be specifying the contract in real terms rather than money terms ?