
  • 网络digital currency;Digital Money;Digital cash
  1. 今年10月31日,多次闯荡创业之路的企业家杰里米•奥莱尔又宣布在波士顿成立Circle公司,致力于开发数字货币交易所需的工具,推出的工具可受理商家提供的数字货币。

    Serial entrepreneur Jeremy Allaire yesterday announced the launch of circle , a Boston-based developer of digital currency acceptance tools for merchants .

  2. 而在之前一天,红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)合伙人迈克尔•莫里茨曾对这种数字货币的未来表示质疑。

    And they came a day after Sequoia Capital partner Michael Moritz expressed skepticism toward the digital currency .

  3. 而最近随着主流电商Overstock.com和美职篮(NBA)的萨克拉门托国王队(SacramentoKings)公开宣布将接受数字货币作为支付方式,比特币热潮更是达到了顶点。

    COM and NBA team the Sacramento Kings would accept the digital currency as payment .

  4. 科技媒体很快指出,此事令数字货币比特币2015年开局不利,财经新闻网站QUARTZ曾称比特币为2014年最糟糕的投资。

    As the tech press were quick to point out , it was a worrisome start to the year for a digital currency that Quartz had already declared the worst investment of 2014 .

  5. o像比特币这样的数字货币将层出不穷,同时也会走入绝境。

    O Digital currencies like bitcoin will multiply and go nowhere .

  6. 一个基于部分盲签名的数字货币系统

    A Digital Money System Based on the Partially Blind Signatures

  7. 两个改进的基于数字货币的匿名指纹方案

    Two revised coin-based anonymous fingerprinting schemes

  8. 不过似乎没人认为这些替代币会取代比特币,成为一统天下的加密数字货币。

    No one seems to foresee any of the altcoins displacing bitcoin as the dominant cryptocurrency .

  9. 此外,本方案支持数字货币的可分性和可转移性。

    In addition , our scheme supports divisibility and transferability of digital coins in a simpler way .

  10. 文章还首次猜测了这一全球数字货币可能的发明动机。

    It also offers the first inkling of a possible motive for creating the global digital currency .

  11. 大家看数字货币,核心是看它的使用价值,比特币尤其如此。

    When you look at digital currency , and bitcoin specifically , at the core is utility value .

  12. 提供数字货币的时候,越来越多的企业将它包装成为一种可以选择的支付方式,因此消费者会更有兴趣选用。

    As more and more businesses offer it as a payment option , that will drive more consumer interest .

  13. 世界上确实有一个数字货币的愿望即刻整个星球贸易。

    There should be only one currency in the end if we truly desire a more efficient and stable world .

  14. 比特币是一种数字货币,不需第三方金融监管机构介入,便可在电脑或智能手机上进行商业交易。

    Bitcoin ( BTC ) is a digital currency . Bitcoins can be transferred through a computer or smartphone without an intermediate financial institution .

  15. 安德森在小组讨论中也谈到了比特币,这种颇具争议的数字货币可以实现全球任何地点的匿名即时支付交换。

    During the panel , Andreessen also weighed in on bitcoin , the controversial digital currency that allows anonymous , instant payment exchanges anywhere in the world .

  16. 目前,恒星是免费发放的,以吸引更多人进入数字货币(或所谓的加密货币)这一新兴领域。

    At first , Stellar will be given away for free as a way to introduce more people to the nascent world of digital money , or so-called crypto-currency .

  17. 尽管已成为一种数字货币,但很多评论家都批评比特币市场价格波动太大,供应不够灵活,交易涉及面太窄。

    Although bitcoin is promoted as a digital currency , many commentators have criticized Bitcoin 's volatile market value , relatively inflexible supply , and minimal use in trade .

  18. 那么资金会流向哪里呢?虽然新兴数字货币受到热炒,但不会有很多人把大笔资金投向比特币这样的新兴数字货币,至少在这类货币的过往表现大有起色之前不会。

    Despite all the hype , not many people are going to put a lot of money into new digital currencies like Bitcoin , at least not until they have a much better track record .

  19. 不过,这些货币仍然是比特币发展史的重要组成部分,其中有一些还可能在未来获得应用,其中就包括加密数字货币,这是一种主要使用加密技术制造的数字货币。

    Still , these coins are an important part of the story of bitcoin , and some are likely to be part of any future that includes cryptocurrency , a type of digital currency that depends on cryptography .

  20. 它是指客户(包括银行本身)运用电子货币(包括银行卡、数字货币、网络货币、电子支票等)向银行提供的计算机网络系统发出支付命令,所进行的资金划拨。

    It is defined as the Funds Transfer after the customer ( including the bank ) forwarding payment order to the computer network system supplied by the bank through electronic currency ( including bank cards , digital currency , internet currency and electronic check ) .

  21. 用户键入一个数字、货币或百分比时,您都需要获得该信息,而且需要它的格式是能用来创建Number对象的格式。

    Once a user types in a number , currency , or percentage , you need to get that information , and you need it in a form that you can create a Number object with it .

  22. 除了数字和货币格式化之外,intl还能处理更为复杂的任务,比如拼写出数字&同样地,不只是针对英语,很多其他受支持的locale也可以。

    Apart from number and currency formatting , intl handles more sophisticated tasks , like spelling out numbers & again , not only for English but for many supported locales .

  23. 更改数字、货币、日期和时间的显示方式。

    Changes how numbers , currencies , dates and times are displayed .

  24. 它定义适合区域性的、显示数字、货币和百分比的格式。

    That defines the culturally appropriate format of displaying numbers , currency , and percentage .

  25. 系统区域设置和用户区域设置控制数字、货币以及日期的显示方式。

    The system locale and user locales control how numbers , currencies , and dates appear .

  26. 区域设置选项将影响某些程序显示数字、货币、时间和日期的格式。

    The locale option affects how some programs format numbers , currency , time and dates .

  27. 区域设置决定诸如字符串排列、日期和时间格式、数字和货币格式等等惯例。

    The locale determines conventions such as string collation ; date and time formats ; number and currency formats ; and so on .

  28. 请选取语言和国家/地区以更改某些程序显示及排列数字、货币、时间和日期的方式。

    Select the language and country or region to change the way some programs display and sort numbers , currency , times , and dates .

  29. 语言环境表示某一特定区域或文化的语言习惯,包括日期、数字和货币金额的格式。

    A locale represents the linguistic conventions of a particular region or culture , including the formatting of dates , numbers , and currency amounts .

  30. C中数字到汉字货币格式转换类的设计与实现

    Funny Money Designing A C # Class of Numerical Value to Chinese Currency String