
  • 网络The Digital Divide;Digital Gap
  1. 在性别方面,男女之间存在着数字鸿沟。

    With regard to sex , digital divide exists between men and women .

  2. 根据最近的研究,数字鸿沟是由三个主要因素造成的:阶级、性别和世代。

    According to recent studies , digital divide has been caused by three major elements : class , sex , and generation .

  3. 就阶级而言,不同类型的工人之间、中上层和下层之间存在着数字鸿沟。

    In terms of class , digital divide exists among different types of workers and between the upper and middle classes and the lower class .

  4. 更令人忧心的是,发达国家的人民迷恋互联网,使国际社会开始担心贫富国家之间的“数字鸿沟”。

    Even more worryingly , the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the " digital divide " between the rich countries and the poor countries .

  5. 数字鸿沟是伴随信息通信技术(ICT)发展所产生的新现象。

    Digital Divide is a new phenomenon emerging with the development of information and communication technology ( ICT ) .

  6. 这组作者说,缺乏行动有可能增加数字鸿沟并失去ICT提供的可持续发展的机遇。

    A lack of action , says the author , risks increasing the digital divide and losing out on sustainable development opportunities offered by ICTs .

  7. 阐述了我国加入WTO以及网络时代数字鸿沟问题向信息服务提出的新的挑战,提出了缩小数字鸿沟、强化信息服务的对策建议。

    This paper expounds the new challenges from WTO entry of China and digital gap problem in networking era to the information services , and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions about narrowing the digital gap and strengthening the information services .

  8. 数字鸿沟,简而言之,是由于性别、收入或种族而不同而形成的不同社会群体在拥有和使用现代信息技术(ICT)方面存在的差距。

    Digital divide , a term simply defined as the access to information communication technology ( ICT ) among different social clusters based on gender , income or race .

  9. 第四章描述国际数字鸿沟的发展现状,分别对ICT普及水平和扩散速度的影响因素进行实证研究。

    In chapter four , the thesis firstly describes the status quo of international digital divide , and empirically studies the determinants of ICT penetration level and diffusion rate .

  10. 从我国互联网络宏观状况看数字鸿沟问题&对CNNIC最近6次互联网信息资源调查报告的分析

    Digital Gap Seen from the Macroscopic Situation of the Internet Networks in China On the Information Integration of the WWW

  11. 基于Linux操作系统的网络服务器平台有很大的优越性,利用基于国产Linux架构的低成本、安全的公共信息平台实现电子政务及其它应用,可以切实解决数字鸿沟问题。

    The network server platform which based on the Linux operating system has the very famous superiority , using the domestic Linux construct low cost , the safe public information platform realization electron government affairs and other applications may practically solve the digital gap problem .

  12. 缩小数字鸿沟推动电信发展&ITU及ITU-D所做的努力

    Decrease Digital Gap , Propel Telecom Development & the Effort Made by ITU and ITU-D

  13. 数字鸿沟是当代信息社会中的一个畸形的、愈演愈烈的世界性问题。从我国互联网络宏观状况看数字鸿沟问题&对CNNIC最近6次互联网信息资源调查报告的分析

    Digital divide is an intensifying and abnormal phenomenon in modern information society . Digital Gap Seen from the Macroscopic Situation of the Internet Networks in China

  14. 来自8国集团(G-8)冲绳会议提出的新概念,所谓数字鸿沟,一年来引动一场全球大讨论。

    A new concept as so-called " digital divide " advanced from Okinawa Meeting by G-8 , some hot discussion around the world has been aroused this year .

  15. 美国发生的新经济转型对APEC地区显然产生影响,数字鸿沟不仅是技术差距,更是经济发展的差距,对APEC发展中经济体而言,这是严峻的挑战。

    New economy which has generated in the United States has an important effect on APEC . Digital gap is not only technology gap but also economy development gap , which is a stern test to APEC developing country .

  16. 随着以互联网为代表的新兴信息通信技术(ICT)快速的发展,全球出现了一种新的贫富差距,即日益扩大的数字鸿沟。

    As the Internet as a representative of information and communication technologies ( ICT ) rapid growth , the word appears a new kind of the gap between the rich and poor , that is growing " digital divide " .

  17. 钢铁行业历来重视生产过程的自动化控制,在过程自动化与管理信息化之间存在数字鸿沟,导致无法将管理同生产紧密结合,ERP等管理自动化系统的应用效果大打折扣。

    The steel industry has always attached importance to the production process of automation control ; there is a digital divide between the process of automation and management of information , to the management the same production , automated system for erp management of the application of big discounts .

  18. 在技术&经济的范式之上,借助已有的关于信息通信技术(ICT)经济特征和网络经济规律理论和模型,探讨数字鸿沟具有发散和收敛双重经济效应。

    It is to explore that the digital divide has the divergence and convergence of the dual economic effects based on technical - economic paradigm , using existing economic laws and models about economic characteristics of the network theory of information and communication technologies .

  19. 20世纪90年代中期发展起来的制造执行系统MES,打通了管理与设备层之间的瓶颈,解决了生产自动化与管理信息化之间存在的数字鸿沟,使得管理同生产紧密结合。

    The manufacturing execution system ( MES ), which rose in the mid 1990s , unblocked the bottleneck between the management layer and equipment layer , solved the digital gap between the automated production and IT application in management , and combined the management and the production closely .

  20. 本论文依托于国家高技术研究发展计划863项目重大专项课题‘缩小数字鸿沟西部行动’第一批课题(课题编号:2003AA1Z2530)基于国产Linux的公共信息平台关键技术与应用研究的研究内容。

    This dissertation is based on the " Narrowing the Digit-divide West Program Key Technique and Applied Research of the Public Information Platform based on the Domestic Linux " as the first batch of national 863 important special project ( serial number : 2003AA1Z2530 ) .

  21. 正如困境可能有地理、人口、和/或社会经济方面获得信息基础设施所产生的机会不平等,数字鸿沟也涉及经济上的不平等,如就业、信息和/或安全(Yuguchi,2008)。

    As the dilemma may have geographic , demographic , and / or socio economic dimensions , arising from unequal access to information infrastructures , digital divide also concerns economic inequality , such as in employment , information and / or security ( Yuguchi , 2008 ) .

  22. 数字鸿沟对发展中国家的影响及对策分析

    The Influence of Digital Divide on Developing Countries and Relevant Countermeasures

  23. 数字鸿沟及参与不公平和阶层分化;

    The Digital Divide and unfair participation and stratum divide d ;

  24. 加快发展信息产业缩小西部数字鸿沟

    Accelerate the Development of Information Industry and Narrow Western Digitization Gap

  25. 第三道数字鸿沟:互联网上的知识沟

    The Third Digital Divide : The Knowledge Gap on the Internet

  26. 论文介绍了数字鸿沟研究中的图书馆。

    This paper introduces the library in the digital divide research .

  27. 关于高校图书馆数字鸿沟与资源共享的思考

    The Thoughts on Digital Gap and Resources Sharing in Academic Library

  28. 数字鸿沟视角下的图书馆信息资源共享

    The Library 's Information Resource Sharing under the Information Divide Environment

  29. 数字鸿沟指信息获取的不平等。

    The Digital Divide means inequality on the acquisition of information .

  30. 数字鸿沟与国际关系知识霸权

    The Digital Divide Impacts on the Knowledge Hegemony of International relations