
  • 网络corporate espionage;Commercial Espionage;Commercial spy;economic espionage
  1. 无论是十二岁的顽童,还是作为商业间谍的专业黑客,Web站点都是非常脆弱的,比其他类型的应用程序更容易受到攻击。

    Whether it 's a twelve-year-old acting out , or a professional hacker performing corporate espionage , Web sites are more vulnerable to attackers than any other type of application .

  2. 齐藤先生,这不是普通的商业间谍活动。

    Mr. Saito , this isn 't your typical corporate espionage .

  3. 人为威胁&商业间谍、病毒感染和DOS攻击等。

    Human threats & industrial espionage , virus infection , denial-of-service attacks , etc.

  4. 为打开一个DES加密的报文,黑客或商业间谍需要试验255种可能的钥匙。

    To crack a DES encrypted message a hacker or commercial spy would need to try255 possible keys .

  5. 柯布:齐藤先生,这可不是一般的商业间谍活动。

    Cobb : Mr. Saito , this isn 't your typical corporate .

  6. 你没拿到关于商业间谍的备忘录?

    You didn 't get that memo on corporate espionage ?

  7. 没人知道他是个商业间谍。

    No one knew he was a business spy .

  8. 他的第一任外交大臣曾指责中国的商业间谍。

    His first foreign minister accused China of industrialespionage .

  9. 竞争情报与商业间谍的分水岭

    The Watershed between Competitive Intelligence and Business Spy

  10. 商业间谍活动或许是违法的,但企业仍然可以想办法密切关注竞争情况。

    Corporate espionage may be illegal , but companies can still keep tabs on the competition .

  11. 你喜欢做商业间谍吗

    You like doing industrial espionage ?

  12. 美国一直坚持这样的立场:国家与国家之间的间谍活动是不可避免的,而商业间谍和经济间谍活动则是越界行为。

    The US position has been that , while state-on-state spying is inevitable , business and economic espionage crosses a line .

  13. 零售业信息系统中的各种数据和敏感信息都成了黑客和商业间谍的重要目标。

    A variety of data and sensitive information in retail information systems have become an important goal of hackers and business spies .

  14. 特别是从现在开始,美国政府将更难把国家间谍活动和商业间谍活动区别开来。

    From now on , in particular , it will be harder for Washington to make the distinction between state and commercial espionage .

  15. 这四人的受贿行为将面临至少五年的刑期,而商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达七年。

    The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery , and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years .

  16. 那些业务接近中国各战略行业(如钢铁)的人担心,这次庭审未能澄清商业间谍行为的界限。

    Those whose business strays near Chinese strategic industries such as steel are worried that the trial fails to clarify the boundaries of commercial espionage .

  17. 然而,无论是欺诈、商业间谍、就业法庭、担保请求权还是监管违规,所有这些问题经常以令人痛苦的方式解决。

    But be it fraud , corporate espionage , employment tribunals , warranty claims or regulatory breaches so often the issues can only be resolved painfully .

  18. 有些人也怀疑,黑客行为可能是一个犯罪的商业间谍行为案例,目标是偷窃美国科技企业的知识产权。

    Some have also speculated that the hacking could be a giant example of criminal industrial espionage , aimed at stealing intellectual property from American technology firms .

  19. 这是一次最纯粹的成年人活动:喧闹的屋子里,政府大臣、高级公务员、商业间谍和工业统帅们进行着严肃的交谈。

    It was a supremely grown-up do : the room roared with the serious talk of government ministers , senior civil servants , spies and captains of industry .

  20. 网络安全专家们被迫去保护自己的数据和程序不被网络黑客和商业间谍所窃取。

    Security administrators are scrambling to protect their infrastructure and data from network abuse , publicity seeking hackers , corporate espionage , and theft of confidential or proprietary information .

  21. 在一个日益网络化的世界里,各国政府必须考虑更广泛的网络威胁,包括针对重要基础设施的恐怖袭击、商业间谍活动和传统的间谍行为。

    In an increasingly networked world , governments must consider an even wider range of cyber threats , including terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure , commercial espionage and old-fashioned spying .

  22. 虽然澳大利亚外交官要求旁观审判胡先生的整个诉讼过程,但是法院还是决定将闭门审理这些商业间谍的控诉。

    The part of the trial dealing with these allegations will be conducted behind closed doors , despite Australian diplomats'requests to be allowed to observe the entire proceedings against Mr Hu .

  23. 由于成千上万的用户试图阅读相关文章,中国国家保密局的网站昨日瘫痪。上述文章指控力拓从事大规模商业间谍活动,并要求对中国处理国家秘密的方式进行全面改革。

    The website of China 's state secrets watchdog crashed yesterday as thousands of users tried to access reports in which it accused Rio of large-scale commercial espionage and demanded a comprehensive overhaul of the way China deals with state secrets .

  24. 在抗击全球商业网络间谍活动的艰巨斗争中,一家大型太阳能企业希望能动用一件强大的新型武器:更高的进口关税。

    In the daunting battle against corporate online espionage worldwide , one major solar company wants to deploy a powerful and novel weapon : higher tariffs .

  25. 有些商业活动是为间谍活动提供掩护。

    Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage .

  26. 再次,通过《反不正当竞争法》及相关司法解释保障企业商业秘密不受商业间谍等不正当竞争行为的侵犯,设定多方法律责任限制非法侵害行为。

    Third , protect trade secrets from illicit competition such as infringement of business spy by Law for Countering Unfair Competition and correlative judicial explanation .